another survey. i did this last week, and finished it today because i'm bored. yes i am studying!!!
firework)) GANDALF'S!!!!! ooo WHAT WAS IT?!?! O COME ON!!! i haven't seen FotR EE in soo long, but i can still do this:
::clears throat::
"The finest rockets ever seen
They burst in stars of blue and green
Or after thunder, silver showers
Came falling like a... rain of flowers.
No that doesn't do them justice by a long road..."
AWWWWWW!!!!!!! I LOVE THAT MOVIE!!!!!!!!! yes elsa, who says that??
fastfood)) McDonalds... Meal #9; fish fillet. no one can compare to McDonald's fries... ::yum::
french fries)) like i said, McDonalds
chips)) erm... i like lots of chips, except salt and vinegar or whatever...
Doritos Cooler Ranch & Nacho Cheese are good.... O I KNOW!!! Ruffles, the really cheesy kind!! Lays are great too, especially sour cream & onion
theme park)) erm... probably Knotts (i have very good memories of that place... hehe ashley!) but Six Flags is the BEST place ever, if you go w/ ppl who are ACTUALLY WILLING TO GO ON THOSE RIDES!!! AKA: JAY, RAY, and KATHLEEN!
state)) erm... i shall construe this definition of state as a nation as well, so England
school subject)) history and english, preferably put together... hehee, as in the Silmarillion!!! Bless Tolkien!!
person to ride with)) erm... probably Kathleen. Olivia when she's not high on something is awesome too... all those coach rides libby!!!!
upcoming movie)) well.. how do you define "upcoming"?? the movie i'm most anticipating is Star Wars III. i know, so uncharacteristic of me... ANAKIN!!!! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE DON'T TURN EVIL!!!!!!! i'm gonna sob soo much... bringing so many tissues!
best movie in theaters right now is "the Phantom of the Opera", speaking of which, i'm listening to the soundtrack right now!! hehe!! so happy
thing to do)) argh.. this one's really hard. i enjoy many activities.. probably writing, if i'm having a good day.
person to hang out with)) O FINE!!! DON't MISS ME HANNA!!!!! ::cries::
well, depends on my mood... right now i miss elsa, sydney, olivia, taylor, sam, etc.. also missing connie too... i love vorinwë... ::starts feeling nostalgic just thinking of all those times:: i miss you con..
i suppose at times camron, when he's not pissing me off and i want to think about stuff. in that mood, probably andy or camron
and no matter what mood i'm in: KATHLEEN!!! OMG YOU'RE SIXTEEN!!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!!!?!??!?!?! i remember when you were SIX!!!!! it's been ELEVEN years... what is WRONG with you? how can you stand me for that long? when it's 20 years, we need to throw a party!
cereal)) i have cereal every morning.. i'm sick of it
snowball flavor)) we don't GET snow.. wait... are we talking about snowcones?? i don't know...
little debby pie)) what the heck is that?
dessert)) i LOVE dessert!!!! anything chocolate!
person to talk to online)) O SO ISILME IS "JUST DUMB" NOW HANNA?!?!?!? SO HURT!!! *bite* (don't ask ppl)
electronic game: i don't play electronic games thank you
board game)) erm.. i don't really play those either, but i suppose Monopoly, since it's the only one i remember playing. Scrabble in England was BEYOND AWESOME!!!
friends/party game)) hahaha hey Con! remember Twister at Sana's?? I LOVED TORTURING YOU AND ALEX!!! MURDER MURDER YOUR THE MURDERER CON!!!!
erm. i don't know. it's more the company than the game
ur current best friend)) kathleen, as it's been for the past 11 years. am we EVER gonna tire of each other, mellon nin?
connie is still awesomely awesome, my vorinwë!! in a SKIRT!!! hehehe!!
ur current best friend's best friend)) well i'm hoping that my best friend's best friend is ME!!!!! but maybe i'm asking for too much... if not me, then Morgan. damn fish ppl.
ur old, if any, best friends) it's always been Kathleen. my earliest memories have her, and my latest ones from this morning have her too. again, what is wrong with us?? hehe you know i love you ka!! i have a feeling, when i'm on my deathbed, i'll still be having memories of her.. hopefully she'll be there when i'm on my deathbed! don't die before me kathleen! i couldn't deal with it as well as you could, though it would inspire great poetry...
reminds you of urself)) i don't think anyone could be as weird or as michael says, "bipolar" as me. i am NOT BLOODY BIPOLAR!!! erm... some people remind me of different sides of me, like Elsa when she's being obsessive and role-playing like she always is, and obstinate and unreasonable!! ehhee
Karisha sometimes does as well, with her craziness! i miss her so much too!!!!
wish u were more like)) hahaahahaa!! DIAMOND!!!! you know you're jealous Hanna!! well, while you ask Pippin, i shall ask Faramir: WHAT'S SO GOOD ABOUT EOWYN?!?!! SHE ONLY MARRIED YOU BCUZ ARAGORN WAS TAKEN!!!!!!!!! ARGH!!!!!
anyway... well i don't necessarily want to "be like" anyone, though almost everyone around me has something that i wouldn't mind adding to my repertoire. for example, i sometimes wish i could be as cool-headed as Kathleen (and i should learn some domestic skills from her too!! hehee) I wish I could dribble as well as Connie, as well as being as kind as her to people; able to control her tongue. i'm getting better at that though.
popeyes, churches, or kfc)) wtf is churches? well seeing as i've only been to KFC (and that was in england), i'll say KFC. it was sooo good in England!
lead pen, pencil, or pen)) pen
black or white)) depends on the occasion.
aeropostale, abercrombie, hollister, or american eagle)) never been to any of them, and never heard of aeropostale. yes i'm pathetic, i'm proud of it.
hot topic or abercrombie)) never been to either, though i hear Hot Topic has LotR stuff
lol, haha, lolol, or hehe)) erm, i vary between hehe and haha. i use haha when i'm just laughing my butt off, and hehe when it's a short laugh. i don't know!!! i can't stand using "lol" though
aim, msn, yahoo, or icq)) aim
type or talk)) depends on the occasion. Talking is more personal, but typing is faster for me, though i talk too fast anyway. typing is sometimes better bcuz it's easier to multitask
walmart, kmart, or target)) target, i suppose. I HATE WALMART!!!!!!! WALMART SHOULD DIE!!!!!! TAKE OVER THE WORLD WHY DON'T YOU?!
mall or movies)) movies. i hate the mall, but that really depends on the company. when i'm stuck w/ my mother, i hate it. when i go w/ kathleen, it's not too bad!
wendys or checkers)) never been to either
what are u wearing)) 8th grade Canyon Hills basketball shirt and Troy basketball shorts
who are you talking to)) no one.. supposed to be studying!!!! i really wanna talk to hanna and con though, cuz their both on, but restraining myself!
who else is in your room)) um... no one that you need to know
last person you talked to / about what)) my dad about lunch (more like brunch) we're having my favorite!!!! and i'm not gonna bother typing it out phonetically in english when it's chinese
name all of the people who pop into your head right now)) Aleksei Nemov, Connie, Elsa, Aleksei Bondarenko, Faramir, Aragorn, Camron, Kathleen, Matthew, Michael Owen
what is set as ur desktop background)) right now?? a pretty picture that depicts:
Across the Sea
A pale moon rises
The ships have come to carry you home
i love you connie!!! thanks so much!! it's sooo awesome
screensaver)) nope... it used to be this LotR one with "the Council of Elrond" as music, but my dad got pissed off at it.
what color is ur instant messaging text)) this color...
what instant messanger to you use)) well i have AOL, so yea.. AIM
what browser do you use? AOL
1) Do you believe in God? If so, why? If not, why not? Name one or more events that have led you to this.
erm... i'm not particularly religious because I wasn't raised that way. Come on, my parents were both raised in communist China, where religion is forbidden, so it's not really a big thing in my life.
2) Do you believe that all things happen for a reason? Why or why not? Not everything, but all thing that occur, or don't occur are connected, and they lead to other things happening afterwards. There IS a reason for everything that occurs, but not all occurrences are FOR a reason.
3) Who is your best friend (ONE)? Why? NO!!! NOT ONE!!! alright, Kathleen bcuz she's the most awesomely awesome friend I could ever have!
Then there's Connie, who is also one of my bestest friends!!!
Hanna is also awesome, especially since I don't get to see her EVER!! I heart you!
4) Do you drink (alcohol)? Do you smoke? Do you do drugs? Why or why not? NO!!!!!! NEVER
5) Name and describe one life changing event. Do you wish this had happened? Explain
Going to England over the summer. It's broadened my perspective on life, and I've realized that there's more to the world than Chino Hills and the surrounding areas. I don't know why, but I've been to China like 9 times, but it's never done that for me, probably bcuz of all the relatives.
England's also shown me how complete strangers can become really close to you; you just have to open up to them.
It's also given me new goals in life, and the motivation to obtain them.
6) Do you have any secrets? If so, can you tell one? If so, tell one
I have many secrets, as all human beings do, because it's societally impossible for someone to be completely open with everyone, because that person would not exist in the society, unfortunately. No, I am not telling my secret, because as the old excuse goes, "It wouldn't be a secret anymore."
7) Name a few people that you are glad you have met this year, and why. this year?? you mean 2005??? what if i haven't met anyone! o, well i met Belle and Gary at the party last night. You know what, I'm gonna go 2004-5.
Elsa, Olivia, Sydney, Sam, Joe, Tim, Roe, Matthew, Patrick, Bila, Mrs. Wilson, Esther, Ariana, Sabby, and I know there's more, but I'm gonna leave it at that. Sry if I forgot anyone!
8) If you could go back in time, would you change anything? If so, what? If not, what would you change if you had to change something?
Many things... Many regrets, but if I put them here, I'm gonna be depressed for the rest of the day, so I'd rather not
9) If you were granted one wish and had to take it, what would you wish for? ELSA!!!!! MONEY?!??! OY YOU BLOODY CAPITALIST
i would want to be able to speak eloquently, write fluently, read, and understand every and any language.
10) Tell something that no one knows. Something that you have never told anyone before.
Again, why would I say something like this?
11) If you could go forward in time and see one thing, what would it be and why?
erm... how the world will end? i don't know.. I don't want to know what happens in the future, because that would take all the mystery and appeal out of it. I'd rather go back in time and experience the lives of those that shape us. as in Dune, "To know the future is to be trapped by it."
12) What's your biggest fear that something will happen? (not insects, bad weather, etc.)
failure.. i'm a pathetic perfectionist who can't face her own flaws, i'm sorry. Wow, I sound like Feanor right there.. scary..
then i also hate SNAKES!!!!! AHHH!!!!
13) Who aggravates you / you hate the most? Why? HEY!!! WHY DO YOU HATE PARIS FOR THAT?!?!?!?!? I MEAN... THE ONLY GOOD THING HE DID WAS SHOOTING THAT STUPID BLOODY ACHILLES WHO IS SOOO CONCEITED AND THINKS HE'S BETTER THAN EVERYONE ELSE!!!!! i hate him bcuz he made Troy fall... but whatever
erm.. ignorant people who think they know everything, or don't bother to try and understand
and in class, stupid questions that people ask right after someone says the answer!!! argh...
14) If you were to die at this second: Would you go to heaven, hell, neither, etc? What would you regret, if anything? Who do you think would miss you and why? Who do you think wouldn't miss you, if anyone, and why?
Whoa... that's a lot of questions right there. I don't know where I would go, because to go somewhere, one has to believe in it.. oo i know where I'd go, since I'm fated to be a mortal man, I journey beyond the circles of the world, where none save Eru the One knows; never to return until the breaking of the world... (::sigh:: i love it Miriel.. I know you'd rather be in Valinor with a certain prince, eh?)
I have many regrets, and I try not to think about them. I'd regret never having been to Russia, hehe, New Zealand, and all the other European nations (i know NZ isn't in Europe). regret never knowing the "bliss of love" or whatever
I hope my friends would miss me... I'd miss all of them, especially Kathleen (she had better miss me) Connie, Elsa, Camron, etc, and people like Miriel, Susan, who understand me when I start obsessing and ranting, and my parents of course
15) What do you want written on your tombstone? AHHHHHH!!! ARAGORN!!!!!!!!!!!1 sry.... elsa that would be awesome: "All that is gold does not glitter, not all those who wander are lost..." aww... ::tear:: that would be a nice epitaph.. erm... lemme think, i have many quotes. I want an elvish inscription around the stone, and... one of these quotes:
"Faithless is he who says farewell when the road grows dim."-JRR Tolkien!
"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf...
"I still believe, in spite of everything, that people are really good at heart."
-Anne Frank
"The pain passes, but the beauty remains." -Pierre Auguste Renoir
"What we do in life echoes in eternity." -Gladiator
"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the number of moments that take our breath away."
"Through darkness one may come to light." -JRR Tolkien
and this one wouldn't make a good epitaph, but it's still my favorite quote:
"How do you pick up the threads of an old life? How do you go on, when in your heart, you begin to understand, there is no going back. There are some things time cannot mend; some hurts that go too deep, that have taken hold." -Frodo.... aww... i wanna watch that movie!!!!
omg!!! I LOVE JRR TOLKIEN'S TOMBSTONE!!!! i know that sounds weird. He and his wife Edith (i think her name is) are buried next to each other, and on their tombstones, they have their names, and on the very top:
Beren & Luthien
it's sooooooooooooooo sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
though Beren and Luthien aren't really my favorite pairing (miriel knows.. Nerdanel and Feanor) it's sooo sweet!!!! i think it's just me. i don't like the true romantic, romeo & Juliet type love; i have to like the problematic, troubled couple who become estranged in the end, right?
whoa.. i wrote a lot for this one.