During my long philosophical rant, I forgot to make resolutions!! Not that I ever stick to them or anything, but it's fun to at least make them and then compare them afterwards...
-Go to the gym. Yes, yes. I know... everyone and their mother has this resolution. But really.
-Take Florian up on his offer to go to France and have the time of my life. (This is more of a year goal.)
-Decide on a major.
-Stick with French no matter what the parental unit says.
-Stay in touch with friends better.
-Do Chinese with Dad more.
-Drink less Starbucks.
-Dress better. I mean, you're only young once. Take advantage of it.
-Don't be interested in someone just because they might be interested in you.
-Memorize some Shakespearean passages, Romantic poetry, etc.
-Steer the newspaper through without further disaster.
-Don't be afraid of confrontation, whether its newspaper decisions or break-ups.
Well, those are just preliminary. We'll see how it goes!
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