Tuesday, December 29, 2009

I just got back from Kathleen's house, where we exchanged Christmas presents, caught up, and talked about that eternal subject: boys. I got her a really cute bag by some ethnic minority or another from China (she likes 'cultural' things.. tehhee), "500 Days of Summer" and "Never Been Kissed" and she got me a pretty necklace, earrings, and a Claire's gift card to pay for me getting my ears pierced. Sigh. She's very bent on this. I don't think so though. Sorry! Even if Javi keeps telling me to as well...

But yes. Then we went and Facebook stalked lots of guys. Kathleen has HORRIBLE taste in men. Absolutely terrible. She only likes Asians, Koreans in particular. And they either look really gay or like they're really huge douchebag gangster/punks. Sigh. And she doesn't like any white guys at all. I feel like we're never going to agree. How can she not see the beauty? Then we talked about all our guy problems. Kathleen makes me laugh a lot, not in a bad way, but just because she's so idealistic, which I feel, a bunch of my friends are. I mean, I'm probably more romantic than all of them put together with my silly ideas derived from novels, but I feel like I have the right to say certain things because I've actually been in relationships. I feel like some people, Kathleen included, have all these ideals and ideas about what they think relationships are like, but they've never actually experienced one and aren't aware of some of the other aspects of it. Like for example, Kathleen, prude she is, is horrified by any talk of physical contact with a guy. I wasn't even talking about anything dirty! I was just saying how it's nice when a guy is "bigger" than you are so when you hug him, it's like he envelops you and you feel very safe. She was like, "Umm.. okay Elaine.. Moving on." And then more real, important things, like how you have to work things out all the time and sometimes, no matter how hard you try, it's just not going to work. And it's not all about "fate" and how it's "meant to be" like it's portrayed in the movies. Wow. I sound like such a cynic, which is funny, because I'm really not. But I guess I'm just worried about some of my friends because it seems like they've held love and relationships up at such a high pedestal that they're not willing to experience anything but what they see as that paragon, so that, even if they find it, they're not going to be ready for it. Kathleen complains about how all the guys she knows are too "feminine," and by feminine, she means nice, and she wants a guy to challenge her and be more dominant (like scary Korean punk guy..), and then accuses me of liking feminine guys.. I don't know about that, dearie. I think you should try it with dominant, challenging guy first. I hope he's not a douche.


Blogger Vorinwe said...

ahahhaha.... kat's definition of feminine is funny... and i don't think i ever saw u write douche before..:P

1/03/2010 5:58 AM  

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