Sunday, October 31, 2004

yay!!!! going trick-or-treating tonight with Connie and Kathleen!!! awesome-ness. i mean, getting FREE candy from STRANGERS with my two best friends! yes connie, you should feel special.

Elsa--trying to kill my phone bill. we talked for almost an hour on the phone tonight. it was awesomely awesome. i cannot believe i'm using the same word twice. bad elaine!
just finished history hw, now doing the tiny bit of math i have left. almost done with all my immediate hw, and then gonna start working on my English project.

i wonder what i'm going to be tonight. See, Connie and I are gonna match or something or another. She's going to be the Destroyer of the English language, while i am the savior of it!! now we gotta figure out how to represent that. she's going to carry her "lightsaber" YOU SITH!!! and i'm going to... i should be Yoda. i don't know. if i get desperate, i'll just wear my Owen jersey (which i'm wearing right now) paint my face and be a fanatical football fan.
i'm gonna be so hyper tomorrow from the candy! i love this holiday!!!

can't wait till Dec 14!!!!!

Friday, October 29, 2004

VERY interesting and taxing on the mind that conversation i just had was.
okay that was just the most horrible sentence structure i've come up with in a LONG time, but who cares? it's friday night, i'm too tired.
andy and i were discussing this:
En Hwei: yeah- anyways
DSluvr4evr7: then don't
DSluvr4evr7: as patrick just told me
DSluvr4evr7: i told him life isn't that simple
DSluvr4evr7: he's like, "that's bcuz u make it complicated"
DSluvr4evr7: see, YOU chose to go to SAT
DSluvr4evr7: therefore, YOU chose to make your life more complex
DSluvr4evr7: i don't care what the consequences or rewards are
DSluvr4evr7: you CHOSE to do it
DSluvr4evr7: you felt it was worth it
DSluvr4evr7: should i shut up now?
En Hwei: true
En Hwei: but still...
En Hwei: you can choose and then regret, non?
En Hwei: we've all made choices we've regret
DSluvr4evr7: true
En Hwei: and I guess without regret, life would be a lot more simple
DSluvr4evr7: u can also chose and be rewarded
En Hwei: but regret is simply a part of lfie
DSluvr4evr7: yes, alas iti s
En Hwei: choice is a double-edged sword
DSluvr4evr7: as is pride
En Hwei: so therefore, if you need life to be simple, you can't have any decisions
DSluvr4evr7: which is impossible
DSluvr4evr7: i mean, u chose whether to have the orange juice or the milk in the morning
DSluvr4evr7: or what shirt to wear
En Hwei: well, unless you live in a Communist country
En Hwei: hee
DSluvr4evr7: hey don't get me started on communisnm
DSluvr4evr7: *communism
DSluvr4evr7: bolsheviks
En Hwei: oops- you dont need to capitalize communism
DSluvr4evr7: mao ze dong
DSluvr4evr7: u can though
DSluvr4evr7: most people do it
En Hwei: but I guess even if you do live in a communist region, the people within it still have individual minds, no matter how conformed the society might be
DSluvr4evr7: exactly
En Hwei: even though those minds have been oppressed, there still exists, perhaps simly a nuance, of retained individualism
DSluvr4evr7: they can chose whether to kiss their children every night
DSluvr4evr7: they can chose if they'll sleep early or late tonight
En Hwei: so therefore, one cannot escape decision, for it is an intrinsic part of mankind
DSluvr4evr7: it is impossible to conform every single aspect of every single perons's life
En Hwei: which goes back to my original arguement, life is complex
En Hwei: because of decisions
DSluvr4evr7: yes, the structure of our life makes it complex
En Hwei: but then, one can ask the question- is it one's choice to VIEW life as complex
DSluvr4evr7: and whether something is complex or simple is all relative to your perspective
En Hwei: if one, such as patrick, decides to see the simplicity in life, does that further life's complexion, or actually simplify it?
DSluvr4evr7: that is an interesting question
DSluvr4evr7: which can lead to a paradoxical answer
En Hwei: ah, but see, it's YOUR decision to decide that it is relative
En Hwei: hmm... deciding to decide
En Hwei: very complex indeed
DSluvr4evr7: actually i disagree
DSluvr4evr7: it is NOt your decision to decide if it is relative
En Hwei: so then that decisino was made for you?
DSluvr4evr7: bcuz your perception of happiness is compared to your bad experiences
DSluvr4evr7: your experiences of sorrow
DSluvr4evr7: life created those sorrows
DSluvr4evr7: but then again, the decisions you made of life created those sorrows
DSluvr4evr7: so technically, you do instigate that
En Hwei: sorry- you kind ran off with another topic
DSluvr4evr7: it's all interelated
En Hwei: with happiness and sorrow...
En Hwei: anywho- i g2g, my grandma needs to use the phone
DSluvr4evr7: FINE
DSluvr4evr7: leave me to ponder this deeply philosophical discussion
En Hwei: we shall continue this philisophical decision another time
En Hwei: if i feel like it
En Hwei: bye
DSluvr4evr7: hahaha
DSluvr4evr7: i shall save the convo
DSluvr4evr7: so i can tell my dad, "HA. KIDS AREN'T ALL THAT SHALLOW!"
DSluvr4evr7: and i can ponder it and reflect upon it if i ever get enough brain power
DSluvr4evr7: which is highly unlikely
En Hwei: as will I
DSluvr4evr7: but hey, i can CHOOSE
En Hwei: well, i need to sleep
En Hwei: bye
En Hwei signed off at 10:31 PM

and then patrick helped remind me to save it, and now i shall frequently visit and ponder, whenever my brain is functioning properly, and Troy-itis hasn't completely shut it down. if anyone has any further thoughts, please post.

IT'S FRIDAY!!!!! REJOICE!!!! THE BLESSED DAY HAS COME!!!! wait, i thought that was Sunday. O WELL!!! guess what? ELSA SENT ME ANOTHER BLOODY SURVEY!!!

1. What do you wish you had been named?

erm... i used to have serious qualms about my name, but now i'm pretty comfortable with it. my friends call me Isilme and i love it, and i like the names Iris and Leah.

2. What is the nickname most people call you?

Isilme or El. Connie also likes to throw in Webster, gah what other ones were there??? I get called many things "Elven freak" just plain "freak" "Gondorian with Elvish blood thingy" (phst hanna) My spanish teacher calls me Elena, and i like that name, though the Russian rendition is more preferable. Isaac of course, calls me "Tengyilan" and no one says it better! Con-i know we came up with more nicknames for me the other day, what were they? OO there's also dictionary (goes back to Webster) thesaurus, or English teacher. Owen was another one, as well as "Red freak" (Matthew... at least i don't like the BLUES) Communist. Damn liberal. those are all politically related. I have too many nicknames. and of course, there's Faramir lover, or as Elsa likes to say (and i hate it) "FAIRY LOVER!!!"

3. Do you plan to change your name when you're 18? If so, to what?

nope... though i have to change Elessa to Elaine, though its not really a dramatic change. i mean, i think changing my name is like changing a part of me. i'm at peace with my name.

4. If you could become any age you wanted, right now, what age would it be and why?
i wouldn't. time goes by too quickly anyway, and your only 14 once, though being 20 would be an interesting situation, though i know i can wait 6 years for that!

5. Why is (insert your favorite color here) your favorite color?

green for the shire... so hanna-ish. um, i love blue and white (yes very typical) but let me explain myself! The white foam laces the azure waters of Ulmo, guiding the ships of departing Quendi to the Straight Path, into blessed Aman, t'where evergreen. White shores and beyond, a far green country and a swift sunrise.
OKAY basically, they are the colors of the ocean, and as I am one of the Teleri (let's pretend we're talking First Age instead of Third, bcuz in the Third I would be Gondorian with Elven blood from Dol Amroth) I love the waves. Hey ppl of Amroth live by and for the Sea as well!

6. If your first choice of careers doesn't work out, what would you choose as a "backup?"
though I would love to be a writer, i know that its very hard and most of them starve, so i would like to be a lawyer, and maybe venture into the corrupted world of politics.

7. What holiday could you easily do without?

hey i LIKE Hannukah. um... St Patrick's day? I don't own anything green, and getting pinched a million times gets REALLY annoying after a while.

8. Assuming you have a crush on somebody, what is it exactly that you like about him/her? If you don't have a crush, what is the one quality that the person absolutely has to have?

OMG. YOU? ROMANTIC??!! SAVE ME! PIPPIN!! trust me, i'm probably more "soft" and "romantic" than you are. He has to respect me for who i am, not what i can do for him, and at least RESPECT LotR, not like, just respect.
Bottom line: I have to be able to hold an intelligent conversation with the guy. I don't care what the topic is, but if i can't talk to him, it's a definite no.

9. What singer or band can you imitate the best?

there's quite a few. I discovered today that I can do Selena, but that's only 2 songs. In my normal musical rotation, hmm.. Annie Lennox is too low for me, Edward Ross a bit TOO high, and Enya a bit too mystical. like Elsa said, Josh Groban a couple octaves higher. I used to do Mandy Moore pretty well. Alicia Keys when she's not going too low. I DUNNO!!!!

10. If your life were a book, what genre would it be? What about it's rating (G, PG, etc)?

It would be PG in drama and angst.

11. Do you worry about finding your soul mate and getting married?

i try not to think about it. If it is ordained by Iluvatar, it shall happen.

12. If you could choose how to die, how would you?

it's HEROICALLY, just to tell you the spelling Elsa. Um... painlessly? At normal room temperature? I'm sorry. Since I read the Silmarillion, I always have this fear of dying in the Ice, like Helcaraxe or like Maedhros did, throwing himself into the volcano.

13. If you were the opposite sex for a day, would you have sex with somebody of the same sex that you used to be (ex: if you're a girl and turned into a guy for a day, would you have sex with a girl, and vice versa for guys), and why/why not?

i just wouldn't have sex. period.


Type of chocolate: o god don't get me started on british chocolate. SO GOOD. but in america, Hershey's Milk Chocolate.. yum! Halloween on sunday!

Eye color: favorite eye color? emerald green that I see as I gaze deeply into Faramir's eyes...
OKAY FINE. um... hazel, leaning towards green? or a soft brown.

Dog breed: labs and beagles.

Period in history: like elsa, that is REALLY hard. history is my life. Um... of course, the First Age of Middle Earth. Feanaro!!! the Third Age is awesome as well. Faramir!!! Aragorn!!!! Frodo!!! haha my 3 fav characters. don't shoot me hanna. erm... O, in THIS earth your asking? GAH that's hard. English history, of course, but what period?? either Tudor England or the time of Eleanor of Aquitaine and her sons. I'm also getting into Russian history. Lenin Russia is fabulous. Bolsheviks! i hate American history. 300 years, what is there to learn about?! Chinese history is also fascinating, but my dad talks about it too much, so yea..

Word to use when you want to sound smart: i like: Elsa, if you're going to "try" to sound smart, at least spell it right. it's "unfathOmable", not "unfathAmable". i have no idea. I don't use the same word over and over again. just ask Connie, she'll know what word I use alot. and then there's Elvish. i never stop using that.

Candle scent: erm... i'm not a great candle fan, just bcuz my mom sells them and i see them too much, though they're always great in a romantic dinner... *hint* strawberries? i dunno!

Method of communication (in person, telephone, etc): in person... like i wanna see Connie, Isaac, Elsa, Whitney, Karisha, etc in PERSON. phone and IM are great too.

Language: For the LAST bloody time, there is no such thing as "HOBBITISH". THEY SPEAK WESTRON!!!! Of course, my favorite language is Elvish, whether in Sindarin or Quenya. I also love the sound of British English, and Chinese is always welcome to the years, and of course Russian, if i could understand it.

Famous painting: Alan Lee's conceptuals of Lothlorien, Imladris, and Ithilien. breath-taking...
O FINE. NONE LotR (GASP) Erm... Monet is a great artistt (with the double "T"s since he's French) and in sculpture, i've always wanted to see the "La Pieta" by Michelangelo.

Weather: right after rain (the little we get here in South Cali) where its still cool, and the wind is blowing through like it does in Dol Amroth, but the sun is intermingled in the clouds, though still shining through. Like yesterday!

Summer activity: listening to the white gulls call beside me, willing Tol Eressea to appear out of the mist, across the Sundering Seas, with the blue waves laced with white crashing at my feet gently, upon the white shores...
or traveling with P2P to England... that was awesome.

Winter activity: well if we HAD a winter around here, i don't know waht i would do.

Computer game: i don't play those, nor do i play video games! thank you very much. like the discussion i had with camron today, NO thank you.

Boredom-buster: writing, reading Tolkien, watching Tolkien, just plain TOLKIEN. writing. watching Aleksei Nemov & Aleksei Bondarenko kick @$$ is awesome as well

Newspaper comic: erm... Peanuts??? ooo what's that one called!!!! erm.. GAH!!! WHAT WAS IT CALLED??!?! was it Agnes???

Section in a bookstore: historical fiction

Sex/romantic scene in a movie: i love romance, not the sex scenes, thank you. that's lust, not love! erm... too many. um... Moulin Rouge during the "Come What May" song?? O I KNOW!!! Aragorn and Arwen, in the Two Towers (this is a sad scene, but i love it) where Aragorn goes, "I am mortal. You are Elfkind. It was a dream, Arwen, nothing more" ::sniff:: and returns the Evenstar ::starts sobbing:: and of course, the scene that hopefully DOES NOT EXIST when Faramir and Eowyn.. IT'S TOO PAINFUL EVEN TO THINK ABOUT!


The one you can stand for the longest amount of time: kathleen and connie

Wears the funkiest socks: um... Jenna (from Troy bball)

The activist: hehe i'm glad you put me elsa! can i say myself as well?

The most boy (or girl) obsessed: viraj

The horniest: roshi, definitely roshi

The one who you wouldn't care if they disappeared from the face of this earth: um... nicole from p2p

The best musician: "Elaine and her lovely rendition of shire music! remember the welsh restaraunt? OMG you got 75 bucks for playin! it was brilliant!"
hannon le hanna. erm... andy has a pretty voice

The overachiever: can i say me??

The DIYer: (do it yourself-er) i had to ask.. elsa

The worst taste in music: i can't begin with that one.

Needs a life: michael royston

You absolutely couldn't live without: kathleen, connie, miriel, andy, elsa, olivia, and if i must admit--camron

The best singer: well, a bunch of us sing. i mean, andy's great (with his high-pitched boy band voice.. hehe) no andy has a great range, elsa's good too, and then i sing (and please don't add "horribly" to the end of that)

The most expansive vocabulary: elaine and i. we love words dont we girl? *high five*
*returns the high five to elsa*

Has the niftiest house: isaac? he has like a basement!

Has the prettiest handwriting: JRR Tolkien

Talks way too much: too many ppl. but this time, i must say myself, once more. no wait, COLLEEN NEVER SHUTS UP.

The one you truly worry about: camron

Never gets sick: erm... connie, i've never seen her sick, i don't think


Elvis or Madonna? neither

Green or red? green, the jadey, misty kind u see in Imladris

Sci-fi thriller or trashy romance? trashy romance. i hate sci-fi

Martial arts or yoga? hahaha "no yelling in Japanese". how sad yet funny!!! can i say neither? i can't do either! GYMNASTICS, there we go.

Lollipop or Hershey's Kiss? BOTH!! CANDY IS GOOD!

When you sleep, bedroom door open or closed? closed, i get scared ppl are gonna come in and scare me if its open.

Jacket or sweatshirt? depends on the weather

Radio or CDs? depends on the occasion. if there's a good song on, and my mood

Recliner chair or cushion on the floor? again, depends on my mood. if the floor is warm, then yes, the floor.

Bunk bed: top or bottom? top! except the fact that i hit my head when i get up. but u can make lots of noise so the person on the bottom can't sleep!

Handwriting or typing? depends on the occasion. handwriting is prettier, but typing is more efficient

Chicken Soup: book or food?: book, though i've never really read them

Ballet or jazz? ballet, it's closer to gymnastics


1. If babies could talk at birth, what do you think would be the first thing they say?

damn you mother! why did u have to bring me to this cruel world? make me suffer why don't you! as shakespeare said, "When we born we cry that we have come to this cruel world."

2. If you could read minds, would you enjoy knowing what people were thinking, or would breaching their privacy bother you? Would you consider it a burden to know everyone's innermost thoughts?

if i could control the power, which i probably could not, then it might be interesting, for ppl so seldomly say what they actually think, but it would be a burden if i knew everything.

3. Do you think you could survive in the Middle Ages? not as a woman. this is what you do, born, marry, then GIVE BIRTH. all u ever do is be pregnant! in middle EARTH i definitely can. i'm doing it right now!

4. If you knew as a little kid what you know now, what one situation would you choose to do differently?

many things... too many things

5. If you were given the choice to know exactly when, how, and where you would die, would you choose to know? And if you did choose to know, would you try and cheat death?

Theoden would've left even if he knew! but no i would not like to know. it's too much of a burden, and i would spend my entire life avoiding it, but then end up still getting it, like Oedipus.

6. If you got pregnant (guys, just play along) before you were ready, what would you do? Would you ask your parents for help, or keep it from them?

i don't want to think about that. ABSTINENCE PPL

7. Do you think you would enjoy being the opposite sex for the rest of your life? What would be so enjoyable/hellish about it?
guys are so simple, so uncomplicated, so stupid. like i saw on that calendar at borders, "Men are like bubble wrap. Simple, but still fun to play with." No, I'm at peace with my sexuality, thank you.

8. If someone came up with an elixir that made you immortal, would you take it? If you would, what would you do with all the extra time? If you wouldn't, well, why not?

No, for I have seen what has happened to the Elves, and how much life becomes a burden upon you, and you fade as time and memories lay heavy upon you. i could write a doctoral thesis upon that subject, and maybe one day i will, but for now, i don't think anyone (except maybe miriel) would want to read that.

9. Does the thought of being a vampire appeal to or disgust you?

they scare me... many things scare me. (like royston's face popping out of no where)

10. If you were given magickal powers to do just one thing, what would you do (besides giving yourself unlimited magickal powers)?

elsa-did the part about just ONE thing escape you?
languages. i would want to be able to speak all languages, especially sindarin and quenya. russian would be a nice addition, and french, and it would make my spanish class easier. it allows me to communicate with all types of people, without any language barriers, and besides, Quenya and Sindarin, do i need a reason?

11. If you could go back into history and change one thing only, what would you change? What do you think the repercussions of the change will be?

a country WAS set up for the former slaves or descendents of slaves Elsa. it's called LIBERIA, with a constitution nearly identical to ours. Britain also set up one, Sierra Leone, now on the brink of civil war. The African Americans who wanted to leave, left. those who didn't, stayed.

NOW for MY altering of history, i don't really think I would... erm... the world is screwed up enough. i'd hate to think of the guilt i would suffer if i knew some of it was becuz of me. probably limited European influence in the Middle East, as that has only furthered the conflict there these days. Without European imperialism, the countries would not have been split up as they are today, and the entire Palestinian-Israeli conflict might be solved more effectively, if there is a solution. If Britain had not promised the Jews "Zion" or Israel, without them actually owning the land, and then another one of them promising the Palestinians a homeland, then they would not be in the most dire conflict. The alliance of Arab countries that attacked Israel a few days after its formation should not have stopped until Israel completely accepted not to take over land allotted to the Palestinians by the UN Resolution. please no one shoot me for this!


1. Did you think this survey was truly original? i'm happy about this survey! it asked questions i loved, and never answered before, such as the altering of history one, and the immortality, and the fav period of history ones.

2. Did you enjoy its originality, or did it annoy you to have to think instead of mechanically filling out answers?

I LOVED IT!!!!! i mean, these surveys do give me something to do (i'm so pathetic) but when they get repetitive, or actually perverted, it's a bit annoying.

3. Is there anything you would add or take out of this survey?

i dunno... i'm not thinking. i'm tired, it's friday night

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

DSluvr4evr7: are u done convulsing w/ laughter yet?
LaU LAu3219: elaine, r u trying to kill me by makin me laugh too hard?
DSluvr4evr7: hahahahhah
DSluvr4evr7: of course
LaU LAu3219: sigh
LaU LAu3219: ur close to it
DSluvr4evr7: YAY!!!!

that was Connie's immediate reaction when she read my last post about falling over.. Connie, if i were trying to kill you, u'd be dead by now by all the stupid clumsy things i've ever done.

stressing out a bit lately. so much to do!!!! can't make up my mind whether or not to go to the JR high debate this wkend and sleepover @ Olivia's. have an english project due next week, FREAKING OUT.

today was a classic day of elaine-isms. i was seriously high during Kumon (i scared the crap out of Jay, who at one point was like, 'Elaine. Go outside, get some air, and then come back.' His face was red with struggling not to laugh)
well, I get off the bus right, and i'm overloaded with stuff, my heavy backpack, my basketball bag, and my bio book. Being the klutz I am, I'm having trouble balancing right? well the bus pulls away, and I drop my bio book. With my QUICK reactions, i don't want it to fall on the floor of course, and then get corner damages and stuff from the library, so I dive for it, and actually CATCH IT (YES con, i CAUGHT it) except the problem is, when i dove, my weight shifted, and my backpack came over my head, pushing the upper part of my body down, and i practically did a flip. Kathleen was struggling between rolling on the ground laughing @ me and concern for my poor neck. Andy and Royston were a ways off, but then were like, "What happened?" and when they found out, they both couldn't stop laughing either. thank god Camron wasn't there. HEY! it was funny afterwards, but at the moment, it HURT!!! Con--u sooo wish u'd been there!!! u would've gotten run over by a car cuz u were laughing so hard.
one last thing b4 my dad makes me get off. i know i promised i wouldn't call u this, but i can't resist--BEAKY

Monday, October 25, 2004

gah. i hurt my finger @ bball today. owwie!!

biology test today.. i was freaking out, and Royston's 'encouragement' wasn't helping. it wasn't THAT bad though. i hope i did well.

mucho tarea today!!!! i'm almost done. i'm doing math right now, and have a tiny bit of bio after that. then i shall study for espanol examen manana! (with all the accent marks in the appropriate places of course)
read a beautifully done Faramir story a few minutes ago. so sad!! i want more!!!

still pitying Feanor (and Nerdanel of course, along with their sons, and everyone associated w/ them) i'm thinking about writing a short poem or paragraph on Miriel Serinde, on her foresight and grief at having to leave Finwe. many ppl kind of assume that she didn't love him that much, for she had the heart to leave him. she loved him dearly, but the bearing of Feanaro consumed her, and she couldn't bear to live on any longer. then there's the whole Indis controversy.. i sometimes do wonder what would've happened to Feanor if Finwe had never married Indis. would he have stayed on a path of light?? i think that it would have discouraged a portion of the controversy he aroused, but his spirit was always one of fire, and he may not have carried out his Oath to that extent, and might not have even left Valinor, but as long as he made the Silmarils, and Morgoth lusted for them, it would've happened. Feanor wasn't one to sit around and wait for the Valar to do something about Morgoth and his beloved jewels. He would go after them himself, no matter what it took, and we see the consequences of that now.

AFTER that bit of rambling... Connie--why aren't you on???

Sunday, October 24, 2004

someone save me from this horror known as biology!!! take the book away! this is the one time i will support Fahrenheit 451's concept of book burning! take the evil biology test away tomorrow!!! i'm falling asleep on a perfectly good sunday afternoon bcuz i'm reading this vile book. die!!!

Saturday, October 23, 2004

::yawns:: i LOVE sleeping in! especially when there's THREE days to do it!
yesterday was a good day. slept in till 12, while most all my friends were at SCHOOL, and then went out to eat.. good chinese restaurant! then rushed back from DBar to pick up Connie and Jo, and we visited Canyon Hills! I saw Ms. Simon, Mr. Booth, Mr. Kalmar, Mr. Hunkins, Ms. Hammer, Ms. Bromley, etc.
spent most of my time in Kalmar's room, and ashley was there too! we were discussing the election, and yay! he's voting for Kerry! he was telling me why he was, and though it wasn't the reasons I would've picked, it sounded reasonable. told them all about Troy, and he asked if i was still fighting w/ camron, and of course, the answer is "hell yea!" a little bit too much, but yea. he recommended some russian books to me, which i am trying to check out, after i read 'Morgoth's Ring' and 'Fifth of March'. can't wait! Kalmar's awesome! i miss that class!!! both him and mr. booth don't seem very happy w/ their new classes this year. Kalmar says that they can't meet his standards, and that he can 'sincerely say that he misses his 6th period last year!" YAY! i feel missed! i was like, "Why? Not noisy enough for you?" and he's like, "No. Their loud. But the thing about you guys was, you whined, you complained, you put up fights, but at the end of the day, you guys produced, got the work done, and accomplished amazing stuff. I can't even ask my GATE class for the normal stuff." that sucks!

then, after that, went home, played piano and did a bit of work. then, went to Kathleen's house! isn't it AWESOME? escorted Justine to her "family fun night" at Rolling Ridge, where me and Kathleen discussed various issues. Then went back to her house, and we were off to hometown buffet! i pigged out, and poured out more of my soul to Kathleen, while trying to get Justine NOT to eavesdrop. hehe. what would i do w/o u kathleen? ooo yea!! SHE WON A CAKE!!! at the family fun night. cakewalk! she WON! i've never seen Kathleen look that triumphant!
it was awesome. i wanted to sleepover, but my daddy (figures) wouldn't let me. he said maybe tonight though!
i miss my LotR books... though I have Silmarillion and RotK with me right now. can't wait for Morgoth's Ring! I heard there's a LOT of stuff about Nerdanel in there as well! awesomeness!

Friday, October 22, 2004


yea... i just got up.. hehe! i LOVE sleeping in. KATHLEEN-WHY WON'T YOU CALL ME?!

Gonna pick up Con later @ Albertsons (Ayala, but waiting in line takes forever, so she's walking to Albertsons) and we're gonna go visit Canyon! yay!

::so tired:: i had to stay @ Troy till 5:30 yesterday, waiting for my dad to pick me up after basketball, which ended at FOUR. yea thanks Patrick for ditching me! :( i'm hurt!!! ::tear::

i need to start writing poetry again. haven't done as of late.

i had the weirdest yet most truthful dream last night. let's just say camron was in it. it was odd... yet scarily true

Monday, October 18, 2004

i know i haven't said this in a while, but...
Camron REALLY confuses me. (this goes back to my whole Feanor/Nerdanel revelation)
i was lying in bed last night thinking about it, and one word just kept popping into my mind--enigma. i've never seen that word more properly used than to describe him (and Feanor.. hehe. can't forget the mad Noldor Prince) i mean, i think i have enough right to say that i know him pretty well, or at least better than most people, and better than he allows most ppl to. (he'll disagree of course, insisting that "i don't know him".) fine camron, i know you as well as you'll let me.
sometimes it just drives me crazy. i mean, other than those arguments we have, which are certainly quite fun (unless i'm really pissed) we (especially he) talks in riddles. he tells me not to "assume" (i hate that word) but this is what i really want to ask him: How can I not assume anything if you always talk to me in riddles?
i mean, he seems to want me to solve these riddles he puts in front of me, but solving a riddle (or at least attempting to) involves assuming certain things, and deducing. i don't know... it just kills me sometimes that i can't figure him out.
grr.. this entire post is gonna be about him.. most slip some stuff about Noldorin Princes in soon.
for instance, today at lunch, i was just making conversation, "So Cam, how's life?"
He looks up at me with those annoyingly piercing eyes of his, "I dunno. It depends."
"Depends on what?" I question, puzzled.
"I dunno. It's all relative," comes the enigmatic reply.
"How so?"
"Well, everything is relative. The good only seems that way because it's compared to the bad. If everything was good, then you would never know the difference." Must you be so philosophical? I thought I was the philosophical idealist here.
So in the end, after all the questioning, I have no idea whether it's good or bad, because of course, it's all relative. GAH!!!!!! ::tears out hair:: Sometimes it feels like he's trying to tell me something and I have no idea what in bloody hell it is.

Today in Bio, I was just sketching (or at least attempting. It got so bad I went back to my usual practice--calligraphy. Creating all different types of fonts and shapes... Their so pretty. Hehe) And I suddenly got this idea! In those brochures that come with the DVD, we've all seen the Elven script of the Ring on this metal circle thingy. It sells for too much... I've also seen in stores these things that have supposed "Elvish" written all over them. THey don't even make sense, but to the amateur eye, they look "cool" so they are bought. Well today, I was designing (basically started off writing "Noldor" "Teleri" "Vanyar") and I got this idea. I drew a circle, and then I wrote (in my beautiful Elven/Italic font) names of various famed Noldor (basically Feanor and his family. He, Nerdanel, Miriel, Finwe, and the seven sons) along the edges of the circle (if a circle can have edges, but u know what i mean) In the middle of the circle, I wrote "Noldor" (in beautiful writing of course... I am so modest) Then i drew another circle around it, and then wrote the names of all the people in Angarthas. Or was it Tengwar?? O well. An Elven script, that's all you need to know. Kathleen thinks I should paint it onto a plate or something... Maybe I shall... maybe I shall. If I get enough time!

Sunday, October 17, 2004

homecoming!!! it was awesomely fun!!! even though we got rained out towards the end, it was heavenly to be with isaac and andres again! ashley and anna looked so pretty and isaac and andres were so handsome! yes, both of you! me and ashley "fought" over Isaac. HE'S MY DATE!!!! andres is yours!!

got to ashley's house around 4:30. her mom did my hair and makeup. light blush and stuff, slightly curly hair. Anna got there soon after, and the three of us decided what to eat--Black Angus, after much discussion. the choices were as following:
Red Robin
Black Angus
Pizzioli (however u spell that place)
On the Border
Johnny Carinos

Pizzioli, On the Border, and Chilis were eliminated at first, and then Islands. it was then between Johnny Carinos, Black Angus, and Red Robin. so it was either burgers, steak, or noodles. since i had noodles for lunch, i didn't feel up for it, and i had "monetary concerns" Ashley didn't feel like burgers, so Black Angus was the perfect place!
met Bunny who USED TO BE WHITE. he's also older than all of us! he's turning 15!! go ashley! just like Dotty, my teddy bear, but he's still white! you're never too old to sleep with a stuffed animal okay?? i intend to be buried with Dotty, or cremated, along with one Tolkien book. i take Middle-Earth with me everywhere...

Black Angus was fun. we laughed over stupid stuff, like Reyes Rodriguez Reyes! or just plain Reyes Rodriguez, in my opinion. hehe. while waiting, i got great inspiration for a story; no ashley and anna, it's not about a cowboy or anything that has to do with Black Angus. it's about Nerdanel, and her relationship with Feanor. i'm not sure if i want to make just a short vignette type of thing, or a great, elaborate canon story-line; depends on how i'm feeling, but one thing is certain, my newest Silm obsession is Feanor and Nerdanel. part of it comes from Nerdanel (the fic writer)'s AWESOME story "Waves of Fire". i spent the entire night reading it, and got hooked of course, and now i'm begging her for more. it's one of the best fics I've ever read, and certainly the best characterization of Feanor i've ever read. it makes me love that bastard... not a good thing, but most of all, the story scared me bcuz their relationship reminded me so much of a certain relationship I hold. right now, the story is only at the beginning stages, all the 'happy' places, but as Tolkien wrote it, i know what happens to Nerdanel/Feanor, and it scares me, bcuz the 'happy' part of this story is reminding me of Camron and me, not in the romantic sense, just the way they act, especially in Feanor, and i know what happens to Nerdanel, and i don't want that to happen to me. I tried telling Kathleen and all, but it was hard to explain to her, bcuz she doesn't have any background on Feanor and she didn't read the story, and it wasn't something I was able to really explain to her without her knowing about Feanor's character, so yea.. i dunno. maybe i'm just hallucinating or something...

ANYWAY, on a happier note. went back to ashley's house and changed into our dresses... yea... ashley and anna brushing their teeth.. damn them! i settled for breath mints. EXCUSE ME if i don't bring my toothbrush along with me all day.

got in car and drove to Troy. ahah Andres forgot his ID card, so the boys had to go back, but in the end, we didn't even need it.
Isaac gets to Troy and says, "I could've gone here... but I'm glad I didn't." grr..
it was soooooooo awesome!! it was great to see isaac and andres again, both looking so 'proper' 'handsome' 'dashing' 'suave' 'debonair', okay let's not overdo it. Isaac 'escorted' me in of course. the decorations were nice and all. danced for a while, but all three of them had XC races in the morning, and were "sore". slow-danced with Andres and John (XC kid)
we were standing by the candy place (yes i was pigging out) and Nabila comes over and starts hanging out with us. I'm like, "Where's Andy?" and she's like, "Flirting." then she told me some UNNEEDED information about him.. ::shudder:: i'll never see him in the same way again. it was sad, bcuz we're just there talking and stuff and she's like, "I'm @ my senior homecoming, and I'm standing here with a bunch of freshmen. How sad is this?" i was like, "FINE BILA! we don't like u either! we're too cool for you." jk! love ya bila!
DEAR LORD!! YOU DO NOT WANT TO SEE ANDY DANCING!!! he was making fun of all the ppl who were freak dancing, and Bila was like, "Shut up Andy and dance." So we were all dancing, and Andy was like, "NO!! i don't need you freak-dancing ppl! I can get along just fine with mine!" And then he starts "dancing". KATHLEEN, he's WORSE THAN YOU. he's all doing the happy, ghetto, i don't know how to describe it dancing. all i have to say is, IT WAS DISTURBING!!! then we attempted to swing dance or something. i don't know what kind of dancing that was. he just told me, "Spin. just try to spin." I was dizzy b4 we were done. slow-danced with him later too. he looked nice as well.

then it started raining... and it's still raining right now. Ashley and anna went to go get their stuff from the storage place, and it was like a mob. it was funny bcuz there were these 3 guys squeezing through, and they were like, "Come on! Lunch line is worse than this! Just squeeze!" so true.
Took a bunch of pictures with the boys and with Ashley and Anna. got a picture of Isaac trying to look sexy (disturbing) as well. he INSISTS he's not "rejecting me" he's "keeping his options open". PHST. EUPHEMISM if i've EVER heard one. but yea... i still love the guy. i can't wait to get my pictures back. my dad'll have a heart attack if he sees some of them though. he gave me a huge lecture b4 i got to ashley's house about "hugging. kissing. and all that other stuff" when he heard i wasn't gonna be back till 12.
dropped the boys off @ Isaac's house. i was like, "Isaac! I'm gonna cry when you get off." and he's like, "Yes Elaine. I'm gonna cry when you get off as well!" and i'm like, "But your getting off first." and he's like, "Yea i know. That's why I'm going to estimate the time when you get off, and then I'll start crying." I checked with him later, he said he "tried" to cry, but it didn't work. haha isaac, your typo. "tired" instead of "tried" but he was also "Tired" so it worked both ways.
it was awesome!!!! i wish isaac were @ troy!!! sometimes, i sit there at the table, and i'm like, "Isaac's gonna appear right about now..." I told him and he started laughing.
GAH!!! I MISS CONNIE, ISAAC, KARISHA, ANDRES, ROSHI, WHITNEY, and all the other ppl!!! this isn't cool!!!
i think i'm gonna rant about the Nerdanel/Feanor thing and how it ties with Camron later...

Friday, October 15, 2004

homecoming tomorrow!!!! i'm kinda excited, kinda apprehensive, kinda reluctant. excited to see andres and isaac, apprehensive at what it'll be like and i'll admit, my appearance (GASP. i'll never say that again) and i don't know where the reluctance factors in.

anyway, am i REALLY that predictable? a lot of people, especially camron, always go on about how predictable i am, like, "I KNEW SHE WAS GONNA SAY/DO THAT." i don't think i'm THAT bad. once in a while, i like doing something crazy. actually, a lot of the stuff i do is crazy (by kathleen's standards, not yours olivia) well not crazy, just hyper, that ppl think that's predictable.
i don't know. Eric always says that people's first impression of me, or their impression of me before meeting me is that i'm "serious" (???) but once they get to know me and my "It's a small world" screaming self in bio, they realize that they were wrong. i mean, i can be serious, too serious in SOME people's opinion (granny w/ underwear) but then i have chocolate (or sometimes i think i just get high off the air, bcuz i get hyper from nothing)

lalalala.. doing ICT hw!!! got GREAT ideas with helps from susan on the next chapter of my story. hopefully i'll get some of that done tonight as well.

CONNIE!!!!!!!! GET ON!!!!!!!

Thursday, October 14, 2004

just got back from Fashion Joy, a store that i finally realized about 20 minutes ago existed. bought a dress for homecoming. ::shudder:: it's red and long, with spaghietti straps. hope it's not too formal--bleh.

TOMORROW IS FRIDAY!!!!!!!!! MANANA ES VIERNES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HALLELUJAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thank iluvatar!!!!

yea i should get offline and concentrate on hw so i can get it done early.

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

i was just reading more into the background of some of Tolkien's works. more specifically, reading about the Teleri, and what many people consider to be canon. this is an excerpt from Professor Tolkien's Letter #144, and i think it holds so true:
"I am doubtful myself about the undertaking. Part of the attraction of the Lord of the Rings is, I think, due to the glimpses of a large history in the background: an attraction like that of viewing far off an unvisited island, or seeing the towers of a distant city gleaming in a sunlit mist. To go there is to destroy the magic, unless new unattainable vistas are again revealed. Also many of the older legends are purely 'mythological', and nearly all are grim and tragic: a long account of the disasters that destroyed the beauty of the Ancient World, from the darkening of Valinor to the Downfall of NĂºmenor and the flight of Elendil."

i love that line "seeing the towers of a distant city gleaming in a sunlit mist." i have a feeling that is going to appear in one of my poems someday, but it puts Minas Tirith so vividly in my mind... o the White City; the flag waving in the distance, swaying with the breeze.. Tower of Ecthelion. o great, i feel like Boromir in 'Lorien. hopefully i won't die the next day.
sometimes, our dreams are best unachieved, bcuz once we do attain it, what next? some of the best places are places we've never been to. it takes some of the magic, the mystery out of it if we've gone. the human imagination is always going to be more beautiful than the actual thing, for we build places and dreams up. sometimes they can live up to it, sometimes not.
it's true that much of the HoMe (History of Middle-Earth) and i include the Silmarillion, the Unfinished Tales, Lays of Beleriand, etc, in there; most of the tales ARE grim and sorrowful, for sorrow and sacrifice is one of Tolkien's primary themes, and it mirrors our life as it is. Tolkien always believed that the Ancient World, before the Industrial Revolution and all this technology was the best world, when all was "green and good", and he often complained that he was born in an England "a century too late", after the Industrial Revolution had taken place, and the beauty had been destroyed. (England is still beautiful, in my opinion. i'd be afraid to see it in the 17th century, if it's been 'destroyed'. it'd be wwwwwaaayyyy too pretty then)
i need to start reading the Letters of Professor Tolkien, bcuz they give alot of background and detail to his tales and his opinions on various themes and stories. i'd like to know what he's getting at with Aldarion and Erendis. His love for the Sea overcoming his love for her, and her idea that the Sea is just another mistress, a crueler and more powerful one than most, for it took away her husband, yet she cannot get him back. Erendis' side is easier to comprehend, but i'd like to know more on the side of Aldarion...
i'll stop now.

if anybody has been wondering (i doubt it. i think u all have better things to do) who Aleksei Bondarenko is, out of the few pictures i could find on the internet, this is an okay one. he's ACTUALLY SMILING!!!!!!!!!! that doesnt' happen very often!!! gah. they should just take a picture of him at Sydney All-Around. he ACTUALLY SMILED BEFORE EVERY EVENT. it was AMAZING!!!!! but yea... this isn't the greatest pic, and doesn't look like him exactly, but hey, it's the best i could do:

and this is him on parallel bars, his 3rd best apparatus, in my opinion, when he doesn't screw up. ah, why can't u be just a bit more like Aleksei Nemov... u could be great.

and no roshi, they are NOT men in tights, as you so eloquently put it.

the stomach flu REALLY sucks. DON'T eat corn, clam chowder, and tofu in the same meal. just DON'T

LLLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGg day today. or what felt like a llllllooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggg day. i was DYING in bio. i was about to tear my hair out. "LET ME OUT OF HERE!!!!!" Eric was driving me INSANE!

history and english were/are always fun, and their back to back. first 2 classes, so they wake me up, only for me to fall back asleep in bio.

i need a dress for homecoming. yes, me in a dress

i'm EXTREMELY ANGRY AT PATRICK!!!!!! he dissed LotR badly, but he won't tell me the exact diss. yes patrick, this time, i really WILL stay mad at you. NO ONE, i repeat NO ONE, i don't care if your Aleksei Nemov (well maybe i do) disses LotR in front of me and gets away w/ it. okay FINE. if your Aleksei Nemov, that's alright, bcuz ALeksei Nemov will never say ANYTHING in front of me, so yea-not gonna happen. ::tear::

CONNIE--WHERE ART THOU?!?!?! are you doing the dishes again? no wait, today's Jo's day. fine. then you're probably doing hw, taking a shower, being forced to play piano, or eating.... hmm...

i'm soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo tired!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, October 10, 2004

gah i feel like crap... i HATE the bloody stomach flu. threw up 3 times last night between 2-5 AM, and my temperature started going up around noon. yea, elaine actually didn't EAT!!! ::gasp::

car wash went pretty well, except the fact that no one really works xcept a select few... gah i was gonna hurt those JV girls. don't even get started on varsity. bunch of lazy *******

spent most of the day in bed. my dad was reading my ancient chinese stories--quite interesting. spent the last two hours studying for bio. i don't know if i should go to school tomorrow, but i have a bio and a spanish test tom. i don't mind making up teh spanish test, but the bio test is like 70 questions long. i don't know. maybe i'll just go for 2nd period, take hte test, and then leave. we'll see what happens. kathleen says she doesn't want me to die at troy, but she's hoping to see me on the bus tomorrow. i mean, "it'll be too quiet without you elaine! no one to say weird things like windex and argue w/ camron, which is actually a good thing". i added, "yea. and no one to argue about aleksei bondarenko's sexuality with." gah. she won't stop accusing him, paul hamm, and ian thorpe of being gay. i think she's just jealous taht they've been to the olympics and she hasn't. no wait kathleen, you're going to go for GOLF right. (u don't even play golf!) Aleksei Bondarenko is NOT gay. JUST bcuz he cries when he messes up on apparatuses. let's see how u would feel if u just brought the entire Russian team down bcuz of your mistake.

bleh... my stomach hurts, and my attention span isn't that great. ::gasp:: MY attention span faltering?? BAD ELAINE! my temperature's at a 101.1 right now... went down .5 from earlier.

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

see this is what annoys me. last night, falling asleep, i thought of some REALLY good blog stuff, and now that i'm actually blogging, i can't remember!!! connie's helping me remember right now, and it's kinda working... i suppose

ooooooo I REMEMBER ONE!! andy, these are gonna sound really cliche and corny, so just work with me here, okay?

out of your friends, there are a group of ppl who there's always something to talk to about, and there's never much "awkward silence". like for instance, i always have something to tell Kathleen and Connie, something to babble and rant about, and we can have fun just going:
cormanin lindua ele le!!!!
lol (there always HAS to be a 'lol' when your talking to connie)

with kathleen, in between breathes, we (more often I) think of something else to say. and if there's nothing to say, sometimes we just burst out giggling, and don't stop. i do that more with olivia, but yea...
then there are some ppl, such as patrick and andres, where you just sit there, and there isn't as much to say. periods of awkward silence often ensue... hey i can only talk for so long for so many things.
and then there are some, more like ONE, who you just have to argue with constantly. there's no such thing as peace. it's actually quite fun (why do u think we do it so often) unless i'm really pissed off, bcuz then i just blow...
but in the end, it doesn't really matter, bcuz their all good friends

hahaha i'm convincing connie that she's destroying the english language right now. it's so fun. OMG!!! I JUST REALIZED THAT "YOU CON"=YUKON!!!! awesome!! i'm gonna call her YUKON from now on!

basketball practice is fun, but really really hot. we have a car wash on saturday.. anybody want to contribute and buy a $5 coupon from me?!!? ANYONE?!

and picture this, i've been wondering this for a couple of days now. what if you were born into a different family/life? like, let's say instead of being whoever you are, teenager in California, whether u go to Ayala, Troy, or DBar, you're, hmm.. RUSSIAN, and at age 5, u were sent to Round Lake training center in Moscow, away from your parents, to be a gymnast. (sry. first scenario that popped into my head) it's amazing how different our lives would be, but who determines that? who determines that i, elaine, am a 14 yr old teenager who goes to Troy HS in Southern California in the 21st century, and i'm not some English guy fighting in WWII, or a Romanian girl living on the top of a secluded hill with my 4 coaches and 8 other girls doing practically nothing but gymnastics all day? (Sorry, can't seem to get off the gymnastics topic) who determines that? religious ppl will say their god or deity, while others say it's fate. Whoever determines that basically determines our lives, what we turn out to be, what we do in life, where we're going, and how our lifestyle is. if i were some english guy in WWII, i'd probably be shot already, for one, and be like 80 years old, and be haunted by ppl dying around me all day. if i were a romanian gymnast, i'd practically never see my parents, live w/ 8-9 other girls all day, and all i can ever think of is uneven bars, beam, floor, and vault... well i doubt that's all they think of, but STILL.

yea... i'm DONE rambling for now. yes connie, i'm DONE

Sunday, October 03, 2004

lots going on in the past few days. just didn't feel like blogging. went to harvest festival last night.. it was awesome!!! i saw a bunch of old Canyon Hills ppl, including Isaac, Andres, Cooper, Wes, Jarred, Ryan, who am i forgetting... but yea, Camron, Ashley, and Kathleen went too.

Izzy looked so different!!!!!!!! he was TALL!!! it was AMAZING. and his voice was so freakin deep!! andres got taller too, though he's still tiny, and he kept telling me, "You're not so tall anymore."
went on the Zipper ride twice, once w/ Coop and once w/ Isaac. god it hurt the 1st time, bcuz we were in one of the cages that flipped over sooo many times. Cooper wouldn't stop cussing through the whole thing, and was like, "Screw censorship!" when i screamed it was a church function. i started freaking out when they were loading!! I HATE THAT. they LEAVE u there, and your like staring down. i started saying stuff in chinese, and then @ one point, praying in Elvish. i think i injured my nose severely, as it kept getting rammed into the cushion in front of me. i lost a considerable amount of brain cells as well, i know that.

the 2nd time with Isaac was not as injuring, unfortunately, but we had fun, bcuz we were talking the whole time. omg i missed these ppl sooo much!!!!!!! pity roshi wasn't there...

cooper won a margarita glass... don't ask

OMG. the MCDONALDS PLAY PLACE IS THE BEST!!!!!!! me and eva went in there, and yes, they did allow us. the rules said that kids 12 and under ONLY in the BALL CRAWL, but for the rest of it, everyone can play QUOTE "Parents too!" it was sooooo fun!!! we were trying to drag Patrick in w/ us, but he's too "dignified" and "self-conscious" and "claustrophobic" (yea right) to go with us. u know what, we have 4 years.. we're gonna get him up there sometime.

bball practice yesterday was fun, though i almsot threw up in the 1st part of it. i got my schedule changed FINALLY, but now i have Koci for Alg 2, and Johnson for Spanish. Koci seems pretty cool, but Johnson.. i dunno. i'm stuck w/ a REALLY gay group 4 a project... dumb@$$es... all they ever say is "HOLA"

lalalalalaalalalaa!!!!!!!! kathleen slept over last night, and we watched my lovely gymnastics tapes, and then American Wedding. god that film is disgustingly hilarious...