Friday, October 29, 2004

VERY interesting and taxing on the mind that conversation i just had was.
okay that was just the most horrible sentence structure i've come up with in a LONG time, but who cares? it's friday night, i'm too tired.
andy and i were discussing this:
En Hwei: yeah- anyways
DSluvr4evr7: then don't
DSluvr4evr7: as patrick just told me
DSluvr4evr7: i told him life isn't that simple
DSluvr4evr7: he's like, "that's bcuz u make it complicated"
DSluvr4evr7: see, YOU chose to go to SAT
DSluvr4evr7: therefore, YOU chose to make your life more complex
DSluvr4evr7: i don't care what the consequences or rewards are
DSluvr4evr7: you CHOSE to do it
DSluvr4evr7: you felt it was worth it
DSluvr4evr7: should i shut up now?
En Hwei: true
En Hwei: but still...
En Hwei: you can choose and then regret, non?
En Hwei: we've all made choices we've regret
DSluvr4evr7: true
En Hwei: and I guess without regret, life would be a lot more simple
DSluvr4evr7: u can also chose and be rewarded
En Hwei: but regret is simply a part of lfie
DSluvr4evr7: yes, alas iti s
En Hwei: choice is a double-edged sword
DSluvr4evr7: as is pride
En Hwei: so therefore, if you need life to be simple, you can't have any decisions
DSluvr4evr7: which is impossible
DSluvr4evr7: i mean, u chose whether to have the orange juice or the milk in the morning
DSluvr4evr7: or what shirt to wear
En Hwei: well, unless you live in a Communist country
En Hwei: hee
DSluvr4evr7: hey don't get me started on communisnm
DSluvr4evr7: *communism
DSluvr4evr7: bolsheviks
En Hwei: oops- you dont need to capitalize communism
DSluvr4evr7: mao ze dong
DSluvr4evr7: u can though
DSluvr4evr7: most people do it
En Hwei: but I guess even if you do live in a communist region, the people within it still have individual minds, no matter how conformed the society might be
DSluvr4evr7: exactly
En Hwei: even though those minds have been oppressed, there still exists, perhaps simly a nuance, of retained individualism
DSluvr4evr7: they can chose whether to kiss their children every night
DSluvr4evr7: they can chose if they'll sleep early or late tonight
En Hwei: so therefore, one cannot escape decision, for it is an intrinsic part of mankind
DSluvr4evr7: it is impossible to conform every single aspect of every single perons's life
En Hwei: which goes back to my original arguement, life is complex
En Hwei: because of decisions
DSluvr4evr7: yes, the structure of our life makes it complex
En Hwei: but then, one can ask the question- is it one's choice to VIEW life as complex
DSluvr4evr7: and whether something is complex or simple is all relative to your perspective
En Hwei: if one, such as patrick, decides to see the simplicity in life, does that further life's complexion, or actually simplify it?
DSluvr4evr7: that is an interesting question
DSluvr4evr7: which can lead to a paradoxical answer
En Hwei: ah, but see, it's YOUR decision to decide that it is relative
En Hwei: hmm... deciding to decide
En Hwei: very complex indeed
DSluvr4evr7: actually i disagree
DSluvr4evr7: it is NOt your decision to decide if it is relative
En Hwei: so then that decisino was made for you?
DSluvr4evr7: bcuz your perception of happiness is compared to your bad experiences
DSluvr4evr7: your experiences of sorrow
DSluvr4evr7: life created those sorrows
DSluvr4evr7: but then again, the decisions you made of life created those sorrows
DSluvr4evr7: so technically, you do instigate that
En Hwei: sorry- you kind ran off with another topic
DSluvr4evr7: it's all interelated
En Hwei: with happiness and sorrow...
En Hwei: anywho- i g2g, my grandma needs to use the phone
DSluvr4evr7: FINE
DSluvr4evr7: leave me to ponder this deeply philosophical discussion
En Hwei: we shall continue this philisophical decision another time
En Hwei: if i feel like it
En Hwei: bye
DSluvr4evr7: hahaha
DSluvr4evr7: i shall save the convo
DSluvr4evr7: so i can tell my dad, "HA. KIDS AREN'T ALL THAT SHALLOW!"
DSluvr4evr7: and i can ponder it and reflect upon it if i ever get enough brain power
DSluvr4evr7: which is highly unlikely
En Hwei: as will I
DSluvr4evr7: but hey, i can CHOOSE
En Hwei: well, i need to sleep
En Hwei: bye
En Hwei signed off at 10:31 PM

and then patrick helped remind me to save it, and now i shall frequently visit and ponder, whenever my brain is functioning properly, and Troy-itis hasn't completely shut it down. if anyone has any further thoughts, please post.


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