Tuesday, October 26, 2004

today was a classic day of elaine-isms. i was seriously high during Kumon (i scared the crap out of Jay, who at one point was like, 'Elaine. Go outside, get some air, and then come back.' His face was red with struggling not to laugh)
well, I get off the bus right, and i'm overloaded with stuff, my heavy backpack, my basketball bag, and my bio book. Being the klutz I am, I'm having trouble balancing right? well the bus pulls away, and I drop my bio book. With my QUICK reactions, i don't want it to fall on the floor of course, and then get corner damages and stuff from the library, so I dive for it, and actually CATCH IT (YES con, i CAUGHT it) except the problem is, when i dove, my weight shifted, and my backpack came over my head, pushing the upper part of my body down, and i practically did a flip. Kathleen was struggling between rolling on the ground laughing @ me and concern for my poor neck. Andy and Royston were a ways off, but then were like, "What happened?" and when they found out, they both couldn't stop laughing either. thank god Camron wasn't there. HEY! it was funny afterwards, but at the moment, it HURT!!! Con--u sooo wish u'd been there!!! u would've gotten run over by a car cuz u were laughing so hard.
one last thing b4 my dad makes me get off. i know i promised i wouldn't call u this, but i can't resist--BEAKY


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