Monday, October 18, 2004

i know i haven't said this in a while, but...
Camron REALLY confuses me. (this goes back to my whole Feanor/Nerdanel revelation)
i was lying in bed last night thinking about it, and one word just kept popping into my mind--enigma. i've never seen that word more properly used than to describe him (and Feanor.. hehe. can't forget the mad Noldor Prince) i mean, i think i have enough right to say that i know him pretty well, or at least better than most people, and better than he allows most ppl to. (he'll disagree of course, insisting that "i don't know him".) fine camron, i know you as well as you'll let me.
sometimes it just drives me crazy. i mean, other than those arguments we have, which are certainly quite fun (unless i'm really pissed) we (especially he) talks in riddles. he tells me not to "assume" (i hate that word) but this is what i really want to ask him: How can I not assume anything if you always talk to me in riddles?
i mean, he seems to want me to solve these riddles he puts in front of me, but solving a riddle (or at least attempting to) involves assuming certain things, and deducing. i don't know... it just kills me sometimes that i can't figure him out.
grr.. this entire post is gonna be about him.. most slip some stuff about Noldorin Princes in soon.
for instance, today at lunch, i was just making conversation, "So Cam, how's life?"
He looks up at me with those annoyingly piercing eyes of his, "I dunno. It depends."
"Depends on what?" I question, puzzled.
"I dunno. It's all relative," comes the enigmatic reply.
"How so?"
"Well, everything is relative. The good only seems that way because it's compared to the bad. If everything was good, then you would never know the difference." Must you be so philosophical? I thought I was the philosophical idealist here.
So in the end, after all the questioning, I have no idea whether it's good or bad, because of course, it's all relative. GAH!!!!!! ::tears out hair:: Sometimes it feels like he's trying to tell me something and I have no idea what in bloody hell it is.

Today in Bio, I was just sketching (or at least attempting. It got so bad I went back to my usual practice--calligraphy. Creating all different types of fonts and shapes... Their so pretty. Hehe) And I suddenly got this idea! In those brochures that come with the DVD, we've all seen the Elven script of the Ring on this metal circle thingy. It sells for too much... I've also seen in stores these things that have supposed "Elvish" written all over them. THey don't even make sense, but to the amateur eye, they look "cool" so they are bought. Well today, I was designing (basically started off writing "Noldor" "Teleri" "Vanyar") and I got this idea. I drew a circle, and then I wrote (in my beautiful Elven/Italic font) names of various famed Noldor (basically Feanor and his family. He, Nerdanel, Miriel, Finwe, and the seven sons) along the edges of the circle (if a circle can have edges, but u know what i mean) In the middle of the circle, I wrote "Noldor" (in beautiful writing of course... I am so modest) Then i drew another circle around it, and then wrote the names of all the people in Angarthas. Or was it Tengwar?? O well. An Elven script, that's all you need to know. Kathleen thinks I should paint it onto a plate or something... Maybe I shall... maybe I shall. If I get enough time!


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