Wednesday, March 31, 2004

school is boring. well boring enough. i spend my days making isaac feel HORRIBLE about leaving me alone @ Troy. bastard!! 4 example:
"can i have one isaac?" (i was practicing my daily mooching routine)
he kinda looked @ me like, "AGain?? okay fine"
and as i was taking it i said, "well seeing as i won't b able 2 mooch off u 4 another 4 yrs..."
and he's like, "Elaine!!!! stop making me feel bad!!!" and he started mock-crying.

i'm gonna miss all these ppl, especially isaac...

quote of the day, that i'm trying 2 follow rite now:
"When one door closes, another opens, but if you spend so much time dwelling on the closed one, you'll never see the open."

Tuesday, March 30, 2004

well i just got back from troy (the school not the movie, i no i've been blabbin about the movie lately) we chose our courses 2 take and stuff. every1 in the room was azn, excpet 1 guy, and he looked like a suicidal goth. well i chose 2 take
Spanish 1
PE 9 (in which I will probably go out 4 basketball/volleyball)

and if i don't make those teams, i'll go out 4 concert choir, xcept itz not stupid PE credit.

Monday, March 29, 2004

yes i am keeping up w/ my quote of the day:
"The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return."
-Christian (Moulin Rouge)

ROSHI ASKED AMANDA OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! well, this time in a more romantic, NON INTERNET fashion and.........
SHE SAID YES!!!!!!!!!!

i'm soooo happy!!! okay y the hell am I happy? it wasn't me! o well! go mandy!!!!!!!!!! WHOO!!!! yea!

Sunday, March 28, 2004

well i've decided 2 have a daily quote of the day or something, bcuz i have 2 many and they won't fit on my "info" part of the blog. today's quote, and believe me, a numerous amount of them will b from Lord of the Rings:
"How do you pick up the threads of an old life? When in your heart you begin to understand, there is no going back. There are some things time cannot mend. Some hurts that go too deep, that have begun to take hold."
-Frodo Baggins (the Lord of the Rings: Return of the King)

omg, yesterday was the debate competition. i can honestly say it was 1 of the most exhilarating moments of my life. we broke the Canyon Hills curse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my team went 5-0!!!!!!!!!!!!! UNDEFEATED BABY!!!!! and.... since this was the final debate, there was a final 6th round, public debate, 4 the 2 top teams, and.... WE MADE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Canyon Hills SLT (we're alwayz a food item, SALT this time) which is Ryan, me, and Tyler, in order of speaker. against Townsend CPW: Jennifer, DANIEL!!!, and Amy.

OMG!!!!!!!!! THAT WAS THE BEST SPEECH OF MY LIFE!! I loved it!!!!!! it was like my dream, 2 go 5-0, go 2 the finals, AGAINST DANIEL!!! it was sooooo much fun!!!!!!!!! i would give nething 2 do that again. i mean, it was better than ne other regular debate. it was in front of everyone, against daniel. everytime u said something good, the crowd would bang on the tables (in debate, thatz like applause) and i "shamed" Daniel soooooo many times. i even took 3 POIs, which is alot 4 me, bcuz i usually have a lot 2 talk about and countered tehm all really well. omg, i hope some1 filmed it, bcuz i wanna ci t again.

Thursday, March 25, 2004

omg i just watched the trailer 4 the movie "Troy" no kathleen, not ur school. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ORLANDO BLOOM IS SOOOOOOOO FFFFFIIINNNEEEE in there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!1 he's sooooo hot that it can't even b expressed in words!!!! MAY 14!!!!!!!! thatz only 49 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 wait, ONLY?!?! i can't wait that long. o well, i suppose itz better than my 362 4 LOTR ROTK. omg! i just realized, Ned Kelly (also starring Orlando Bloom) came out 2day in the US!! OMG! GOTTA GO C IT!! o kathleen!!!!!1

Wednesday, March 24, 2004

well i'm carrying out andy's "plan" (omg andy, i'm actually listening 2 u) well, andy said 2 say something nice about some1. well i'm gonna start out w/ andy! hehe.

well, i think he's a bit 2 hard on himself. he doesn't realize that the ppl around him like him 4 just the way he is, and trust me andy, if there's something about u that i didn't like, i would tell u, u no me. he cares about other ppl and is great 2 talk 2, if u wanna talk seriously, he'll listen, and if u just wanna mess around, he's there 2. and he's a great poet.

bored... again. i'm spending most of my time on now, which is probably very unhealthy, but o well.
well there's this new girl @ my school, stands next 2m e in PE. she's from Ukraine. name's Breena, well Maria, but she has me call her Breena, her nickname. i've been hanging out w/ her 4 a few days now. she seems really cool, and amazingly, we have sooooooo MUCH in common, itz almost freakin me out. we like the same books, we both LOVE writing, and we like the same music, and plus, she likes Orlando Bloom! alrite, gonna copy sana again and go through the day like itz on my schedule
Geometry: nothing, alex tried 2 make me feel really bad tho, and almost succeeded.
Science: got freaked out AGAIN by the Rube Goldberg project. I DON'T WANNA DO IT!!!!!1 urgh!!!1
English: worked on essay.
PE: ran the relays. we were morse's only all girl team, which reminds me, i have a test tom. shit! i talked 2 Breena the whole time, and Diana
ASB: MC tryouts 4 the rally. the theme is American Idol, shh don't tell ne1. i tried out for Simon, but lost 2 Camron, tho it is common knowledge that i was a hell lot better than him. he only got the part, and he didn't even want it, bcuz he's a guy.
Kalmar: hhahaha! i wasn't in class, don't wry, i would never play hokey, okay c, i can't even spell it right, hookey. we were passing out our cookie dough fundraiser sales 2day and they needed ASB ppl so i volunteered.

news: Ashley broke up w/ Camron. Roshi and amanda are sooooooo gonna get 2gether soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 23, 2004

well i told connie about the story, and while i was crying, she was all sad bcuz of the story, and bcuz of stuff i said, so here's the IM discussing it, only bits and pieces, don't wry. i've italicized the good parts, so yea, u don't have 2 read the whole thing, even if u wanted 2 in the 1st place

DSluvr4evr7: omg, aragorn just died
DSluvr4evr7: now i'm gonna cry
DSluvr4evr7: shit, i have tears in my eyes
DSluvr4evr7: i'm not joking, i do
Melodyvlau: tat suxs
Melodyvlau: i knoe wat happen to arwen tho
DSluvr4evr7: :'(
DSluvr4evr7: omg
DSluvr4evr7: the sorrow of the elves, though they have faded and gone through the ages
DSluvr4evr7: and are never known on this side of the sea
DSluvr4evr7: until the breaking of the world
DSluvr4evr7: is felt right now
DSluvr4evr7: by me

Melodyvlau: u knoe watz next
Melodyvlau: sigh
DSluvr4evr7: omg
DSluvr4evr7: read the last paragraph
DSluvr4evr7: No one saw the ship as it sailed by although some claimed to have felt a slight breeze as it passed. Others thought they saw a faint ethereal light moving towards the sea. All anyone knew for certain was that the light of the Elves had left Ithilien forever.
Melodyvlau: sniff
Melodyvlau: tatz sooo sad
Melodyvlau: was legolas da last?
Melodyvlau: :'(
DSluvr4evr7: yes
DSluvr4evr7: w/ the last elves of ithilien
Melodyvlau: just ithilen
DSluvr4evr7: yes
Melodyvlau: or all da elves?
DSluvr4evr7: the other elves had already left
DSluvr4evr7: only the 1s who stayed in ithilien w/ legolas
DSluvr4evr7: hadn't gone yet
DSluvr4evr7: 4 they bore a love of legolas beyond the calling of the sea
DSluvr4evr7: and legolas would stay as long as the King Elessar ruled fair Gondor

Melodyvlau: tatz soo sad
Melodyvlau: sniff
Melodyvlau: tatz soo sad
Melodyvlau: sigh
Melodyvlau: :'(
Melodyvlau: :'(:'(
DSluvr4evr7: ur sad?! i'm the 1 who's emotions towards LOTR r like as deep as those of the elves
Melodyvlau: tatz soo sad tho
Melodyvlau: da way u said it
Melodyvlau: sooo, they loved legolas?
DSluvr4evr7: thank u
DSluvr4evr7: of course they did
DSluvr4evr7: c, i'm not the only one

Melodyvlau: i wonder y?
Melodyvlau: lol
Melodyvlau: jk jk
Melodyvlau: should he b a king tho?
Melodyvlau: i mean, hez a prince
Melodyvlau: i guess all his ppl had gone
DSluvr4evr7: he's a prince
DSluvr4evr7: but since Thranduil is immortal, he'll always be a prince
Melodyvlau: yea, his father died
DSluvr4evr7: bcuz Thranduil is always king
Melodyvlau: oooo
Melodyvlau: oooo
DSluvr4evr7: his father didn't die!
Melodyvlau: ic ic
DSluvr4evr7: he passed over the SEa
DSluvr4evr7: actually
Melodyvlau: tat was wat i was going to say
DSluvr4evr7: 4 Elven princes 2 actually become king is a sorrowful event 4 them
DSluvr4evr7: they hate it
DSluvr4evr7: because they are eternally reminded of the loss of their beloved Father, who once held that position, and they are bound to their sorrow, for all eternity

Melodyvlau: oic
Melodyvlau: tatz suxs
Melodyvlau: stop sounding so sad
Melodyvlau: and those phrases
Melodyvlau: sigh
Melodyvlau: itz soo sad
Melodyvlau: can i borrow ur book?
DSluvr4evr7: heehhe, me and my phrases
DSluvr4evr7: sure
Melodyvlau: thanks
DSluvr4evr7: don't cry like me tho
Melodyvlau: tatz soo sad
DSluvr4evr7: it would b a scary sight
Melodyvlau: lol

omg, i just read the best fan fiction i have read- EVER, and that says alot, i've read 2 many 2 count. itz called "My Brother, My Friend" and itz about Legolas and Aragorn. it talks about their relationship ever since their 1st meeting in Mirkwood, 2 after Aragorn's death. every chapter is humorous, yet touching, and really deep. it touches really deep on the emotions of the Elves. the ending is sooo sad, as i knew it would be, as the fate of Men, even the Dunedain, descendent of Numenor, King Elessar, is set. this is the last paragraph of the story. itz soooo sad, even if u don't understand LOTR (shame)

No one saw the ship as it sailed by although some claimed to have felt a slight breeze as it passed. Others thought they saw a faint ethereal light moving towards the sea. All anyone knew for certain was that the light of the Elves had left Ithilien forever.

Monday, March 22, 2004

well i am officially a 14-yr-old!!!!! i feel ancient
newayz, 2day was a nice day, i'll talk about it more later, g2g bed!

Sunday, March 21, 2004

alotta work 2 do 2day. my birthday's tomorrow!!!!!
i seriously need something 2 distract myself, like a good story that won't end. crap! this is y i need all my tolkien books, but even they end :(

i need 2 start writing again, that alwayz makes me feel better. i mean, i can't explain this feeling. i'm not depressed, i'm not pissed off. everything's going normal. i guess it can almost be described as feeling restless
like i'm just sitting around, meaning nothing. like tumbleweed, just floating around w/ no purpose @ all.

Friday, March 19, 2004

this troy acceptance thing, tho i'm happy, is kinda depressing me. we were sitting in Leadership 2day in a business meeting, and we were talking about 8th grade promotion, and it suddenly dawned on us, that there's only like 10-11 wks left in school, that soon, we're gonna b out of Canyon Hills, into Ayala, D Bar, Troy, St. Lucy's or wherever else we may go!!! i mean all these ppl who r friends of mine r not going 2 the same school as me, or potentially the same school as me!!! Camron better go!!! i wish ISaac would, but i've given up on him...

i mean ppl say the "wherever u go, u'll still have ur memories of each other" that sounds good, but really itz not true. memories fade and become lost and when u lose touch or connection w/ some1, itz hard 2 regain it bcuz u become accustomed 2 not having that person around, u don't think there's anything missing. ppl may say, "there's still the wkends" but when u go separate ways, itz hard 2 do that bcuz u'll have ur own lives, filled w/ different events, different friends, different teachers, different clubs and teams, that it will be hard 2 find nething 2 talk about nemore.

on the bright side, if there is 1, i think this is the biggest test 4 friendships, if u can withstand division and distance. like kathleen and me, we haven't gone 2 the same school since kindergarden, but we're still bestest of friends. and andy, i can talk 2 him w/o being @ the same school as him.

negatives again, as they outweigh the positives
2. won't b on the same debate team as Ryan Lee!
3. can't play basketball w/ Connie and freak out over LOTR
4. can't go 2 hte band room every morning and expect 2 c Andres, Kenny, Anthony, AShley, Jessica, Isaac
5. No ISAAC!
6. no mandy, but i think we can hang out over the wkends and stuff
7. have a studnet body population that has less than 50% azns!
8. NO ISAAC!!!!

Wednesday, March 17, 2004

well, i got bored, so naturally, i wnet looking 4 LOTR pics, so here u go!!

alrite, since i have nothing special 2 write about, i'm gonna do what sana does, again.
Geometry: took long notes. listened 2 Alex babble
Science: played Jeopardy. me and joseph were messing around. it was kinda fun.
English: did more of career report. guess what career i chose? no, itz not lawyer, but i did think of that. i'm doing: SCREENWRITER (like fran walsh)
PE: ran 50 m. i FELL OFF THE STARTING BLOCKS!!!!!!!! GENIUS. but i came from behind and took 3rd
ASB: lunchtime activity
History: read, was bored.

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

i got into Troy!!!!! so did Isaac and Camron. well of what i no of so far. mandy and roshi didn't get nething yet, but hopefully, they get in!

me and camron are having so weird times lately. he wrote me a really personal note 2day and it really changed my perspective. i never new he felt that way and really gave me some insight. i really don't no. i mean, there's stuff i wanna tell him, but then i'm afraid 2.

Monday, March 15, 2004

we're doing Renaissance proposals tomorrow!!! connie is soooooo excited i think she can barely wait! i'm working on stuff rite now. i don't think we're going 2 win, but we're still going 2 make it. i dunno, i think it just means something 2 me deep down. okay connie's gonna kill me, but i can relate 2 a quote from Two Towers, that Theoden said.
"If this will be our end, then I would have them make such an end as to be worth remembering"
i think i just want 2 hold on 2 LOTR as long as possible 4 me. i still can't grasp the fact that itz over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! okay i sound like a freak.

saw movie "Dead Poets Society" over the wkend. rented it. GREAT MOVIE. touching, moving, inspirational, whatevr u wanna call it. recommend it 2 every1 who is sensitive enough not 2 laugh @ something like that. ANDY, U MUST WATCH!!!!!! and 4 ne girls wanting 2 check out guys, itz about an ALL BOYS HIGH SCHOOL, u'll love it. i love Neil, not just bcuz he's hot tho.

Sunday, March 14, 2004

i had my bday party yesterday. it was alotta fun. Isaac, Amanda, Andres, Karisha, AShley, and Ryan came. we went iceskating. me and isaac kept racing the whole time. Amanda, Ashley, and Karisha didn't skate very much, but i think overall, it was fun. i'll give a more detailed description later

Thursday, March 11, 2004

allergies, allergies, allergies. whoever said if u don't think about them they'll go away was WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!
my birthday's in 9 days!

i'm worried about andy. i hope he's okay. he sounds severely depressed and deprived. andy, hope ur okay! u can alwayz bug me if u need 2 rant/ramble/go on and on and on, etc. kk?

newayz, ALLERGIES ARE KILLING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DAMN THESE THINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 10, 2004

does restlessness trigger depression or something? bcuz i am really restless and i think i'm coming down w/ depression. i don't know whatz wrong w/ me. i mean, nothing seems 2 b wrong in my life, on the outside everything seems fine, well @ least typical, alwayz the same. thatz the problem, itz "typical" and itz on the "outside" on the inside, i feel like a swirl of turmoil, just brewing and waiting 4 the right time to explode, or even implode.
i think this is 1 of the reasons i throw myself in2 Lord of the Rings and/or writing. itz another world i can go 2. i don't have 2 b in this 1. Rivendell. Lothlorien. Minas Tirith. the Shire. Edoras. Ithilien. Osgiliath. even Valinor, i can b @ any of these places.
i don't no what the hell is wrong w/ me. i just feel trapped, i guess.

i HATE allergy season!!!!! I HATE IT!!!!!!!!1 ugh!!!!!!!1 keep sneezing, left eye itching, legs all itchy!!!! UGH!!!!!1
okay i'm just gonna post this pic 2 make myself feel better. itz 1 of my fav pics of legolas, and no ryan, this is not a LOTR stalker site

Tuesday, March 09, 2004

well the basketball ceremony was 2day! it was rather fun, until my dad made me leave RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE Of the EIGHTH, EIGHTH!!! Grade boys thing!!!!!!!!1 tho Kenny was the 1st 1, it was okay. but i didn't c if he got a special award, like coach's award or MVP or wahtevr. since the coaches talked about each of us, i shall say some of them
connie: she alwayz wants the assist. i have 2 yell @ her about shooting. she always wants 2 b the one w/ the spectacular pass or assist.
ME!!!!!!!!! "Elaine, well she's the person that really reminded me of me at that age." (i moaned, "O GREAT!!! JKJK!!" and she like glared/laughed) whenever she would take a backboard shot and miss it, she would alwayz look @ the bench & go, "yea i no! Backboard!" and that kinda became her phrase of the year. great attitude. fun. another 4.0 student!" hehehe i'm like hartley!!!!! (wait letz hope that a good thing)

the jenna's were the funniest... we have jenna riLey and jenna riRie. very confusing on the court. and when ms. hartley started talkin about them she was like, "alright. next we have the jennas. tho i don't mean 2 talk about them as a unit. one of them is jenna riLey and the other is jenna riRie, tho their not related in ne way"
then jenna RILEY was like, "not yet @ least!"
and we're all like, "Waht?! jenna! didn't no u were like that!"
and the other jenna is like cracking up. it was kinda wrong, but funny.

coach allen was talkin about the 8th grade guys, and he did Kenny T 1st, and he said, "Kenneth is like the coach's ideal. he reminds me of, when centuries ago, i was a young point guard. u can c he's rather small, but it didn't matter how big the other guy was, or how fast. if i put him on some1 or told him 2 do something, i no he would do it."

school is really boring and my dad's being a b*tch again

Monday, March 08, 2004

picture of the day. i think itz huge so yea. i'd like 2 no 1 thing, "WHAT THE HECK IS BILLY BOYD DOING 2 ELIJAH?!" he looks like he's kissing him or something! OSCARS!!!

okay, i'm gonna do what sana does
Home room: relatively fun, as HR can b. read isaac's essay. it was actually kinda good. not as good as frankenstein (i don't think he'll ever get there again) but better than usual
Geometry: Got grades! Royston was being annoyin as usual. Roshi got in big trouble w/ Lackpour, got a detention!
Science: Booth was back!!!! finally! got a HORRIBLE grade on test, but used Test Pass! Got grades. he said some stuff about his trip that really made me think tho. i'll talk about it later.
English: turned in essay. was really bored.
PE: GOT GRADES!!!!!!!!!
ASB: worked on LOTR proposal
History: me and camron had big fight... AGAIN. kalmar was talkin, and we were reading this article about how, "throughout AMerican history, it has alwayz been a battle between pragmatists (ppl who believe in common sense, i have 2 get from A to B, just tell me how 2 get there) and idealists (the philosophy behind everything is....) and me and camron are perfect examples. he's a pragmatist and i'm an idealist! kalmar was like, "they have been fighting constantly throughout history. for example, look @ them"

booth, coming back from his trip back home 2 indiana was talkin about how kids back there don't have malls and movie theaters, yet they have alot of stuff we don't 4 fun. we think itz strange bcuz we're not used 2 it and he said, "you are what you're used to" which is y some women don't leave their abusive husbands. it made me think about how i am w/ some of my "friends". they keep using me and taking advantage of me, and i don't like it, but i'm so used 2 it that i just leave it like that.
newayz, on a happier note, FINAL GRADES 4 2nd tri!!!
Geometry: A (98%)
Science: A (i think 97%)
English: A+ (99.4%)
PE: A (YEA!!!!!!! he didn't give % tho)
LEadership: A
History: A+ (102.54%)

yea! only 1 more trimester 2 go! my birthday is in 13 days!
namarie, LOTR 4evr!

Sunday, March 07, 2004

i think sana did a very bad thing by giving me this picture html thing, i'm gonna b stocking this thing up w/ pictures, mostly LOTR from now on. this is not a good pic of faramir, but hey, live w/ it

okay i'm gonna try 2 put this pic on. since i owe sana 4 showing me all this stuff i'm gonna put 1 of pippin. "pimpin pippin"

well sana left like 2 hrs ago. it was actually kinda fun having her over. we found this REALLY AWESOME LOTR thing, it was like a behind the scenes of ROTK and it had orlando, viggo, elijah, sean astin, pete jackson, ian. it was really cool, made me wanna cry tho bcuz it had all these scenes from RotK.

monday again tom! means boring stupor. i mean i don't resent school, i think itz okay, but right now, itz just plain BORING

i got a chatterbox or tagbaord or whatevr u wanna call it. sana's @ my house killing me! but she helped me w/ my site. newayz, i'm gonna try 2 upload a pic w/ this code she just gave me

Saturday, March 06, 2004

okay this site is bugging me bcuz everytime i update, it takes like 5 hrs 4 it 2 actually show up when u visit it. i changed the font colors and added a bunch of links

well i think this new layout is actually showing up. i'm trying 2 change some stuff like the font color, bcuz the black font is really not showing up against the blue background. love the legolas pic tho. itz from "Fellowship" Extended, "Farewell to Lorien" if ne1 cares. i also wanna add some pics but i'm not very good @ html. btw, if ne1 knows the color codes, could u please tell me?

Thursday, March 04, 2004

well i changed my layout. i had some problems w/ the html, as sana would no. but i like the layout. i'm gonna b making alotta changes over the days so yea. heopfully, it shows, bcuz the last few times i checked, my blog is not updating!!!!! itz bugging me

okay u no how boring my life is rite now? itz soooooo boring that when kathleen told me 2 start blabbing, i had NOTHINg 2 blab about. well like 2-3 trivial matters, but htatz about it! elaine ALWAYZ Has something 2 blab about!!! what is my world coming to?!?? i just had 2 return Moulin Rouge, now life is EVEN more BORING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! another song from the movie. itz Satine's theme.

One Day I’ll Fly Away

I follow the night
Can't stand the light
When will I begin
To live again?
One day I'll fly away
Leave all this to yesterday
What more could your love do for me?
When will love be through with me?
Why live life from dream to dream?
And dread the day when dreaming ends
[How wonderful life is now you're in the world]
One day I'll fly away
Leave all this to yesterday
Why live life from dream to dream?
And dread the day when dreaming ends
One day I'll fly away
Fly, fly

Wednesday, March 03, 2004

TOO MUCH SCIENCE HW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and test tom that i'm gonna fail! who gives a crap about pressure, density, buoyancy, work, etc???

we had 4 subs 2day, out of 6 classes. what the hell is up w/ this?? coup de'tat 4 teachers or something? seriously, science, english, ASB, and history

life is boring, moulin rouge and LOTR-great movies

Tuesday, March 02, 2004

newayz, i've been getting mixed opinions about the LOTR oscars sweep thing. a certain TWO ppl (ahem, susan and kenny) r saying they don't deserve it. susan thinks that they deserved the oscars, but not all of them.
kenny says, "okay how the hell does a movie 3 and a half hrs long win for best film EDITING??? what'd they edit? 10 minutes???"
i'm like, "dude the original film was like 6 hrs long! they had 2 cut out 2.5 hrs! u no how hard that was? personally, i would've liked the full 6 hrs! pete jackson was like crying bcuz he wanted sooo many parts that he had 2 cut out"
he's like, "dude! there were like 8 differnet endings! what'd they cut out?"
and now kenny has this phrase, whenever some1 asks him about LOTR, he'll say, "they won an oscar for every ending in that movie"

life is boring, in its usual stupor. a bit worried about andy, seems a bit depressed. i think all the stress is getting 2 him. alrite, andy if ur ever gonna read this, hope u feel better kk? don't get 2 depressed on me. it kinda freaks me out and then gets me all depressed kk?

song from Moulin Rouge that i love. well i love all the songs that Ewan McGregor sings. i love that voice. this is "Come what May" itz like the love theme of the movie

Never knew I could feel like this
Like I've never seen the sky before
I want to vanish inside your kiss
Every day I love more and more
Listen to my heart, can you hear it sings
Telling me to give you everything
Seasons may change, winter to spring
But I love you until the end of time
Come what may
Come what may
I will love you until my dying day

Suddenly the world seems such a perfect place
Suddenly it moves with such a perfect grace
Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste
It all revolves around you

And there's no mountain too high
No river too wide
Sing out this song and I'll be there by your side
Storm clouds may gather
And stars may collide
But I love you (I love you) until the end of time

Oh, come what may, come what may
I will love you, I will love you
Suddenly the world seems such a perfect place

Monday, March 01, 2004

WE WON!!!!!! i'm still gloating 24 hrs later. what hte heck? newayz, i'm here 2 talk about LotR as alwayz. good quote from RotK by Frodo
"How do you pick up the threads of an old life? When in your heart you begin to understand, there is no going back. There are some things time cannot mend. Some hurts that go too deep, that have begun to take hold."