Monday, March 08, 2004

okay, i'm gonna do what sana does
Home room: relatively fun, as HR can b. read isaac's essay. it was actually kinda good. not as good as frankenstein (i don't think he'll ever get there again) but better than usual
Geometry: Got grades! Royston was being annoyin as usual. Roshi got in big trouble w/ Lackpour, got a detention!
Science: Booth was back!!!! finally! got a HORRIBLE grade on test, but used Test Pass! Got grades. he said some stuff about his trip that really made me think tho. i'll talk about it later.
English: turned in essay. was really bored.
PE: GOT GRADES!!!!!!!!!
ASB: worked on LOTR proposal
History: me and camron had big fight... AGAIN. kalmar was talkin, and we were reading this article about how, "throughout AMerican history, it has alwayz been a battle between pragmatists (ppl who believe in common sense, i have 2 get from A to B, just tell me how 2 get there) and idealists (the philosophy behind everything is....) and me and camron are perfect examples. he's a pragmatist and i'm an idealist! kalmar was like, "they have been fighting constantly throughout history. for example, look @ them"

booth, coming back from his trip back home 2 indiana was talkin about how kids back there don't have malls and movie theaters, yet they have alot of stuff we don't 4 fun. we think itz strange bcuz we're not used 2 it and he said, "you are what you're used to" which is y some women don't leave their abusive husbands. it made me think about how i am w/ some of my "friends". they keep using me and taking advantage of me, and i don't like it, but i'm so used 2 it that i just leave it like that.
newayz, on a happier note, FINAL GRADES 4 2nd tri!!!
Geometry: A (98%)
Science: A (i think 97%)
English: A+ (99.4%)
PE: A (YEA!!!!!!! he didn't give % tho)
LEadership: A
History: A+ (102.54%)

yea! only 1 more trimester 2 go! my birthday is in 13 days!
namarie, LOTR 4evr!


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