Wednesday, March 24, 2004

bored... again. i'm spending most of my time on now, which is probably very unhealthy, but o well.
well there's this new girl @ my school, stands next 2m e in PE. she's from Ukraine. name's Breena, well Maria, but she has me call her Breena, her nickname. i've been hanging out w/ her 4 a few days now. she seems really cool, and amazingly, we have sooooooo MUCH in common, itz almost freakin me out. we like the same books, we both LOVE writing, and we like the same music, and plus, she likes Orlando Bloom! alrite, gonna copy sana again and go through the day like itz on my schedule
Geometry: nothing, alex tried 2 make me feel really bad tho, and almost succeeded.
Science: got freaked out AGAIN by the Rube Goldberg project. I DON'T WANNA DO IT!!!!!1 urgh!!!1
English: worked on essay.
PE: ran the relays. we were morse's only all girl team, which reminds me, i have a test tom. shit! i talked 2 Breena the whole time, and Diana
ASB: MC tryouts 4 the rally. the theme is American Idol, shh don't tell ne1. i tried out for Simon, but lost 2 Camron, tho it is common knowledge that i was a hell lot better than him. he only got the part, and he didn't even want it, bcuz he's a guy.
Kalmar: hhahaha! i wasn't in class, don't wry, i would never play hokey, okay c, i can't even spell it right, hookey. we were passing out our cookie dough fundraiser sales 2day and they needed ASB ppl so i volunteered.

news: Ashley broke up w/ Camron. Roshi and amanda are sooooooo gonna get 2gether soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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