Since I have nothing better to do with life, whooops, I mean, because I'm not allowed to do anything with my life, I went out and looked for Faramir/Eowyn collages.. Found some pretty good ones, if Eowyn weren't in them. But o well... The scene "the Captain and the White Lady" which i FINALLY got to watch is sooo sweet... OMG I almost cried watching Faramir... he's sooo sweet and the look of uttermost bliss upon his face ::sigh:: alright... if he's happy, even if it has to be stupid eowyn... Right Elsa? Just like DIAMOND.
This one is pretty nice: A Lonely Miracle... some of us need those:
so pretty... Then there's this one.. ARGH. the two of them.. too close. ah well. i still like the one of Faramir himself that Connie sent me. I'm gonna make these into layouts one day, when I learn how:

aww... those made me feel a lot better, though aggravated at it being EOWYN. The song Arwen sings is sooo pretty! I love the lyrics, and I must learn it. Fran Walsh and Philippa Boyens are such good writers; i love them. I didn't think Liv Tyler could sing, but then again, her dad's the guy in Aerosmith. Her voice has this almost ethereal quality to it, perfect for an Elven lady.
my chatter's screwed up. someone screwed it up.
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