Sunday, January 16, 2005

argh.. i'm sitting here at home, bored out of my wits, unable to concentrate on my feanor analysis, with my dad sleeping on the couch with an old Russian movie playing, and Camron yelling at me to "Go do something!!!!!"

Anyway, on a happier note, I saw "Phantom of the Opera" last night!!! Camron, I wanted you to go, but you weren't home, and yes, I know why. Anyway, Kathleen and I were dropped off at McDonalds, and after Kathleen FINALLY finished eating (and I ate my food and her fries. She told me too) we went over to the theater. It was sooooooo good!!! I didn't know Emmy Rossum could sing! It was so great to hear all the familiar music. Other than the comic relief in Carlotta, which was a bit overdone, good movie all around. Very different from the book, but this time, it was actually a good thing. I felt sooooo bad for Erik (the Phantom). I started crying at the very end because he was so pitiful... yes, kathleen thought i was pathetic, once again. She kept feeling bad for Raoul.. WHY ARE YOU FEELING BAD FOR HIM?!?!! HE ENDS UP WITH THE GIRL AND EVERYTHING!!!! The Phantom wanted only to be loved, and he gave everything to Christine, but what did she do?? run off with another guy why don't you! ARGH!!! ::breathes:: JUST BECAUSE HE'S UGLY!!!! actually.. I quite agree with Ashley, the Phantom is actually rather good-looking, or at least, the right side of his face is. I love his voice in "Music of the Night". My favorite scene is the one where Raoul and Christine are on the roof of the Opera House, singing "All I Ask of You". I cried because I felt so bad for the Phantom. Their all kissing and singing, and happy together, and he's watching them from the shadows, his heart breaking... ::sobs:: poor guy.. She just drops the rose he gives her in the snow, and after they leave, he goes to pick it up... so sad... they did a good job with that part. The ending was lovely too, with the little music box and the rose...

Anyway, shutting up about the movie that I strongly advise people to go watch and i want to watch again. I'm definitely acquiring the soundtrack somehow. I really need to stop thinking about "doing something" as Camron puts it, and resign to my fate on a perfectly good Sunday gone to waste and work on this Feanaro thing!
My life is sooo pathetic... once again I ask, I shut myself up every day, doing homework, Kumon, playing piano, writing, doing math with my dad, for what?? I'm allowed a bit of "fun" with my friends about once every two weeks, supposedly. why the hell do i do this????
i don't want to go to the game tomorrow. i'm not gonna play, because no one except for the starting five get to play, and lindsey if they get into foul trouble. what's the bloody point of wasting another fine day!?!?? ah screw it all.


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