Thursday, May 31, 2007

Right. I'm way too tired to be this perky at this time of night. I've just gone on a massive bio spree. I did 13 online quizzes just now, and unlike all of my fellow victims, I actually tried to do them, rather foolishly. I failed, most sadly.

One blaze of glory!

I'm quite obsessed with that song tonight.. don't know why.

I really should be off to bed. I'm in a weird writing mood, if you haven't observed by the syntax of this post. It's rather formal. Hmm... it's not quite Shayne-like (no parentheses.. haha how ironic. I'm using a parentheses to describe the lack of parentheses... alright not funny to anyone but me...)

Shutting up!

Good night!
Time flies!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The seniors on Oracle have to make legacy pages which is basically a page about them. And of course, to find out about Kathleen, you have to interview Elaine and Robin. So Kathleen interviewed us (well she made us type out our answers because she's too lazy to transcribe)

The questions are bolded. My answers are normal. Robin's are italics. Basically, Robin didn't write anything. :D And I wrote epics that are a mix between sarcasm that is very reminiscent of Shayne, bad Elaine style humor, and sentimentality.

This is basically so that 20 years from now, if the world still exists, we'll remember it. I don't think anyone except the very bored (or those that are very interested in Kathleen) would read this. I would suggest only reading the italics because Robin's are all one-lined answer that are usually quite amusing, unlike my sagas.

1) Can you talk about kathleen's philosophy? What stands out most? Describe.
Kathleen is currently obsessed with “fate”. Everything is a part of this grand master scheme orchestrated by the unseen fingers of the twin sisters, Destiny and Fate. Actually, I wouldn’t be surprised if she turns out naming her children those names. Today when we were driving home, she saw a car with a duck on the dashboard, something she used to have, and she was so excited we almost crashed the car because, obviously, it was FATE that they had the same duck that is probably on sale to the general public at some Asian store in Rowland Heights.
Her superstition extends to other areas of life as well, as she is obsessed with “knocking on wood”, a difficult feat considering that there is no wood in her “manly car” truck in the first place but obviously, we make do (with the leather seats). We frantically search for a piece of wood to knock on any time we say something potentially jinxing. It’s really quite sad.

Kathleen is very unreligious. Like Calvin. Ohmg they're so perfect for each other.

2. What is her take on life in general and how does she show that? Any specific anecdotes?
Kathleen is one of those people who never should have been allowed to take philosophy. Very, very bad influence. She consistently plagues me with the overwhelming question, “Elaine. What is the meaning of life?” On a more serious note, Kathleen loves the inspirational and the soulful, which she demonstrates in her choice of music, loving gospel and blues and anything she defines as “soulful” or has inspirational lyrics.

Kathleen is embodies the oxymoron of a restrained free floating spirit. She's very orderly and straight-fashioned but goes wherever life takes her. (i.e. Elaine's house)

3. Any specific other phrases Kathleen tends to use a lot?
She’s obsessed with the word “super”. Everything is “super this” or “super that”. And also, “WHOA ELAINE. WHOA,” with her mouth hanging open like an idiot. Someday I shall stick something in. She also thinks that she’s British, or in her words “Bri-ish”, even though it’s really the most disgustingly bad cross between gibberish, Kathleen’s perception of the English, and possibly German. Throw in Sanskrit maybe. I think that Kathleen should find some foreign yet undiscovered and unsettled island (preferably close to the British Isles) and colonize it. Bring a bunch of untainted babies in and teach them all “Kathleen-ish” so she can plague the world with yet another disgustingly foul-sounding language.

besides ew gross save me?

4) What kind of interests does Kathleen have? (breakdancing, waterpolo, soul music- joss stone, mcfly, inspirational stuff, all sports, big family, etc.)
Oops apparently I missed that one... accident!!!
Breakdancing, waterpolo, soul music- joss stone, mcfly, inspirational stuff, all sports, big family, etc.
(Yeah Kathleen now that I think of it.. that question was kinda stupid if you're gonna LIST everything you're interested in already. YOU FORGOT RENT.)

5) If you know anything about Kathleen's dilemma with waterpolo vs. oracle. Plz describe how she acted and anything special you noticed about this experience?
Personally, I still can’t believe Kathleen quit water polo, even though on a selfish note, I’m really glad that she did because Oracle wouldn’t have been half as fun without her. But Kathleen really did and still does love water polo. Every time we pass by the pool, she always casts this longing look towards the water and tells me the same stories about water polo as she did the last time we walked by. But she always tells me about how she can still see herself in the water, still actually dreams about playing in the games (though in all these years, Kathleen almost never remembers her dreams) and can almost feel the water over her head.
In the midst of her dilemma between water polo and Oracle, Kathleen asked me for advice and I remember telling her, “Don’t sell your soul, Kathleen. I know you love water polo. Don’t quit because you want to look better on your college applications or because your parents want to. Oracle may be fun too and you may like writing for the paper, but I don’t think you’ll ever love it half as much as you really do love water polo.”
But on a positive note, Oracle allowed Kathleen to make friends that she was more comfortable around. On the polo team, most of the girls were local kids who had five, non-honors classes a day and couldn’t relate to the strenuous, full IB schedule that Kathleen had to juggle with practice. Oracle put Kathleen in an environment where everyone was just like her, trying to study for a test, do massive amounts of calculus homework and finish layout all at the same time and she could relate to these people more.

6. How do you think Kathleen has changed since freshman year?
I think Kathleen’s become a lot more open, both with people and with mindsets. She used to be the quiet, smart, nice girl that didn’t really have a personality that set her apart (unless you really knew her well). But now, she’s not afraid to be quirky and weird, even though she’s still not completely insane (that would be my job) and she doesn’t care what other people think of her. She also used to be completely asexual, insisting that she would reproduce by budding, but finally, with our daily excursions to Starbucks, where a certain good-looking guy (that belongs to Elaine) works, Kathleen has opened up and realized that it’s not wrong to be attracted to men (or women, for that matter). Undergoing experiences like discovering that some of your closest friends have been hiding secrets for a long time also changed Kathleen. In the past year, she found out that one of our closest friends had been using drugs and though she completely freaked out, she was a good friend through and through, trying to help that friend through the rough patch and understand why she would be doing such a thing instead of condemning that person and breaking off relations. Discovering that another long-time friend was homosexual was also a shock to her, as Kathleen was always in her own little bubble (even at dances where her statement was, “I’ll dance with you as long as you don’t touch me.”) where everyone was the way that mom and dad wanted you to believe as a child. I was actually afraid that Kathleen might react negatively to our friend’s “coming out”, but though she was completely shocked and bombarded me with questions, we both agreed that the person is our friend and his sexual orientation has nothing to do with how we view them, except that it’s more fun because we can all check out guys together.

7. Any specific time/anecdote that stands out about how Kathleen helped you or did something special?
Other than being Robin and my chauffeur every day, Kathleen is possibly one of the most kind-hearted people I’ve ever known. She always helps her friends, no matter how inconvenient or hard it may be for her. I remember one time that we were taking Robin home but Robin wanted to stop by JoAnn’s to buy fabrics. We dropped her off and she told us that her dad was probably going to pick her up, but when she called, her dad didn’t answer. Even though it was really late and we had loads of homework, Kathleen offered to wait with Robin and then take her home. When Robin declined, Kathleen told her that if no one could pick her up after she was done, then she should feel free to call her and she would come pick Robin up.

8) Is Kathleen weird? Describe.
Um… see above. :) You’re friends with me. Of course you’re weird.

Kathleen talks in a very contagious British accent. It bothers Elaine but amuses everyone else.


If anyone is REALLY, REALLY that bored with life.. they COULD check out my RIDICULOUSLY BAD SPANISH VIDEO... it's quite hilarious actually... how bad it is.. not the content... even though the content would be funny if you knew the people as they are in real life cuz I wrote it to be a parody of them... didn't really come out as I planned.. but that's okay! Hopefully we'll get an A.

Monday, May 28, 2007

More prom pictures!



And now they're trying to kill each other.

Steph and Kathleen!


All the girls... I can't believe that's Sheena... the one in the pink. I didn't even recognize her.

Winston and Jessica

And this is my favourite picture... sunset over Newport Beach..

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Current music: "Cannonball"--Damien Rice

Prom pictures!
I only have those Robin took thus far though.

Kathleen and Calvin! (after all the makeup wore off though.. Kathleen has pictures of us two when she was getting ready.. I swear.. there was like an inch of powder on her face that was flaking off)

Robin and Barney!! THEY'RE SO CUTE! My favourite couple (even though Robin votes for Kathleen and Calvin).

I think Barney looks really cute there. HE DOES NOT LOOK LIKE DANNY DAMN IT!

Now that that's done I shall return to moping about how boring my life is. Tonight I get to go out to dinner with a bunch of Chinese people who are my parents' business associates. Prepared to be asked about college, when I'm going back to China, and my grades. Lovely.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Current music: "Calendar Girl" -- Stars

I'm really bored. I don't want to study for my bio test even though I really need this grade.
I love "Quiz Show". Makes me sad though. Then again, I usually like movies that make me sad.

So this morning I went to Kathleen's house to see her frantically scrambling to get ready for prom. Her mom and her were screaming at each other over makeup, hair, purse, everything. It was rather funny how big of a deal it was. Just imagine what it will be like when Kathleen gets married. My mom started making fun of her by calling her "xin niang" the whole time ("bride" in Chinese). And when Calvin came, the entire family (plus me and my mom) all stood there and gawked at them. Kathleen was SO embarrassed. It was so funny. When they finally were leaving, we couldn't find Derek (he'd gone back inside and locked us all out.. evil little child) and my mom's like, "Wait. So you just got a son-in-law and now you can't find your son?"
Poor Kathleen. Well, I hope she's having fun right now.

I'm really bad at writing questions for US Bowl. I think they're too hard.. Would you know which was the only state that did not send a delegate to the convention? I did!! Grr... I don't think these are good..

I dreamed I was dying as I so often do
And when I awoke I was sure it was true
I ran to the window threw my head to the sky
And said, "Whoever is up there, please don't let me die."
I can't live forever
I can't always be
One day I'll be sand on a beach by the sea
The pages keep turning
I mark off each day with a cross
And I'll laugh about all that we've lost

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

I cry.

Well at least Kaka is happy...

At least it's not Rooney or Cristiano Ronaldo or Beckham or Ronaldinho or someone...

But what made me feel slightly better was Starbucks today! We found out everyone's names.
Oh and Jack/Jeremy/"Tony" is a BIG FAT LIAR who is really, really nice. :D
Oh and his real name is Jeremy
Brian Ian Adam (Matt/Mitchell; FINE KATHLEEN & ROBIN)= Derek
John Keith Martin (who looks like the cuter, clean version of John Mayer) = Derek (also)
Ross = Robert

And Hubert actually took a picture of Brian Ian Adam/Derek for me. His last name is like... a freakin dinosaur. I can't believe Hubert did that... I don't actually have the picture... sigh.. Hubert's probably staring.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Today I spent the whole day with Kathleen and Robin (and my mom). Andy came along for a bit. We gathered at Kathleen's house and then went off to the spectrum to find shoes for Kathleen and a dress for Robin.

I ended up buying the most stuff.
And it's really surprising what I bought.
I bought:
-new shoes (that look exactly like the ones I have now that are falling apart)
-a dress (YES I KNOW. It's not like.. a formal prom dress. Kathleen was sifting through dresses for Robin and she pulled out this white dress and I was like, "PRETTY!" and she's like, "God this is such an Elaine dress". I tried it on for fun and it was so pretty. It's like something you would wear to a wedding.. kinda. Not entirely casual, but not formal. I could wear it to homecoming I guess. It's flowy. Whee! It only goes down to my knees though.)
-part of Yogin's birthday present (THANK YOU ANDY!!!!!!)

So we were in the dressing room and Robin and I were in dresses and IN WALKS ANDY. This lady freaks out and was like, "I'm serious. Get out. That's totally inappropriate." *sigh*
Kathleen bought hooker shoes! And Robin bought a dress off Kathleen's mom's friend, which is rather odd. After going through a bunch of stores and being thoroughly sick of the materialism of the world, we went back to Kathleen's house where we all decided to try on random dresses. Kathleen and Robin wore their prom dresses and I tried on this random white tube top dress (ew) that was actually really pretty. I have pictures! But my mom has the camera now so I'll post those later.
We then drove to Walnut and Kathleen and Robin went to go get the corsages. THEY ARE THE TWO MOST INDECISIVE AND EASILY-DISTRACTED PEOPLE EVER!!! "Orchid? Rose? OO what's THIS flower? What colour ribbon? Wait.. hang on.. I don't know..." *sigh* Just like Robin at Starbucks.
Brian Ian Adam: Can I take your order?
Robin: Um... actually.. I'm not ready.
Brian Ian Adam: Oh okay. *stands there and taps pen on shoulder impatiently*
Elaine: Robin... he's tapping impatiently... MAKE UP YOUR MIND!
Robin: No but I don't know what to get! So many choices! ooo what about this? or this?
Elaine: OY ROBIN, just PICK ONE!
Robin: Um.... okay.. chocolate or caramel?
Elaine: I don't know! Ask him.
Brian Ian Adam: Ready?
Robin: Actually.. erm...
Elaine: She can't decide between chocolate and caramel. What do you like better?
Brian Ian Adam: Um... chocolate.
Elaine: Yay! Chocolate! Do you not like caramel?
Brian Ian Adam: No, not really.
Elaine: Why not?
Brian Ian Adam: It's too sweet. I can just FEEL my teeth rotting away.
Elaine: YEAH! And it sticks to the back and it won't come out.
Robin: Okay... then I'll get the chocolate... with two shots of mocha and smooth milk and blah blah blah blah blah all this stuff.
Elaine: WHOA. I didn't know you could do all that stuff. What IS this stuff? I've never even heard of it. WHOA! You actually WRITE stuff in those other little boxes (on the cup)?
Robin: Yeah... oh it's cuz you just always get the java chip frapp.
Elaine: Hey I like my java chip frapp.
Brian Ian Adam: That's 3.65.
Elaine: Whoa why isn't it 3.35?
Robin: Cuz the mocha is extra.
Elaine: HAH! See that's why I don't do that. I'm cheap. :D
Robin: It's cuz your Asian.
Robin: Yeah but I have a white boyfriend.
Elaine: Well I used to have a white boyfriend!

Right I have no idea why I just typed that whole thing out. Anyway, so after the florist's, we went to Rowland Heights and ate dinner (and saw Ray there). I ate too much. Stuffed.

And now I am trying to do my MASSIVE amounts of homework. I have more this weekend than like.. ever before. THANKS FOR LETTING ME RELAX AFTER TWO WEEKS OF TESTING. GAH.
Ooo good song just came onto shuffle. "Thunder"--Boys Like Girls

And because I have no life, I shall do yet another survey instead of making up the week of spanish homework and class work that I missed.

40 of The Most Random Questions You Will Ever Fill Out.

1) What side of the heart do you draw first?
I've never actually drawn the heart.. but probably the left side, which is actually really the right side of the heart because scientists are messed up.

2) Can you dive without plugging your nose?
yes but it HURTS

3) What color is your razor?
Razor as in shaving or as in phone? I don't have a razor phone, but I shave with a pink one. Hey, it came free in the mail.

4) What is your blood-type?
I have no idea. Lovely thing if I'm ever about to die.

5) Who would you want to be tied to for 24 hours?
Kathleen.. oh god she'd be like, "STOP TOUCHING ME!!!!!"

6) What is a rumor someone has spread about you?
erm... I can't think of one off the top of my head.

7) How do you feel about carrots?
Isaac likes them, but I don't.

8) How many chairs at the dining room table?
we don't have a dining room table. :D

9) Which is the best Spice Girl?
Not Posh. She married David Beckham. BLECH. I have no idea who the other ones are. I just know that Kathleen liked Sporty Spice back in the day.

10) Do you know what time it is?
Time for me to not be doing this.. 9:20 PM

11) Do you know all the words to the Fresh Prince Theme Song?
Actually... no.

12) What would you do if you were stuck in an elevator?
Erm... sit down and have a meaningful talk with the people around me. Or sit in a circle and play truth or dare. :D

13) What's your favorite kind of gum?
Erm... the fruity ones! The one Hubert used to have before I ate all of it. :D

14) All's fair in love and war.
Shakespeare said that!

15) Do you have a crush on anyone?
hahahah it's quite inappropriate really.. One is my dad's age and the other one is... well... yeah. okay.

16) Do you know how to use some words correctly, but not know the meaning?

17) Do you like to sleep?
Sadly for I am often deprived!

18) Do you know which US states don't use Daylight Savings Time?
Really?? I thought it was national! China doesn't either! Or Britain for that matter.

19) Do you know the words to "total eclipse of the heart"?
I've never even heard of that.

20) Do you want a bright yellow '06 mustang?

21) What's something you've always wanted?
To go to every country in Europe

22) Do you have a webcam?
no.. you can do naughty things with those or something

23) What does "Semper Fidelis" stand for?
erm... something I shall ask Shayne

24) Would you rather swim in the ocean or a lake?
um... that depends.

25) Do you wear a lot of black?
Not like.. Goth black.. but I have a bunch of black shirts.

26) Describe your hair.
black. rather long. and pretty, if I do say so myself.

27) Do you have Entomophobia?
err.. probably... I'm afraid of everything.

28) Are you an adult?
hahaha never!!

29) Where is/are your best friend(s)?
Like.. two miles that way. *points*

30) Do you have a tan?
define "tan"

31) Are you addicted to TV?

32) Do you enjoy spending time with your mother?
God no.. She insisted on tagging along with us the whole freakin time today. So freakin annoying.

33) Are you a sugar freak?

35) What sign are you?

36) Where do you wish you were right now?
ENGLAND. Wait actually, NO (are you shocked?). ATHENS! CHAMPIONS LEAGUE FINAL!!!!!!!!! WEDNESDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

37) Who did you copy this from?

38) How do you know them?
He's my soul mate rapist whom I owe something to.

39) Have you kissed anyone in the past week?
erm... yeah..

40) What are your plans for the weekend?
making up a week of spanish homework and class work, reading "As I Lay Dying", doing discussion questions, doing two days of calc hw, learn calc, write two articles, do like 8 hours worth of bio, watch Spurs games, and somehow, in the midst of all that, relax. :D

Thursday, May 17, 2007

I hate Andy. So I just got home and I have an IB test tomorrwo. But HE decided to do like 8 surveys on his blog. And you know how I am with surveys. so I'm only gonna do
Alright maybe two.

Terrible Twos
If you opened it, you have to do it.

Two Names You Go By:
1. Elaine
2. Isilme

2. Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now:
1. Socks (EW)
2. White sweater shirt thing

Two Things You Want in a Relationship:
1. love (no really Andy...)
2. adventure/romance

Two of Your Favorite Things to do:
1. singing
2. writing... if I could only start doing it again

Two Things You Want Very Badly At The Moment:
1. to know Brian Ian Adam's name :D
2. to stop studying

Two pets you had/have:
1. Danny the Penguin
2. Aleksei the Polar Bear

Two things you did yesterday:
1. stayed at layout with Kathleen and made fun of her page
2. watched the Spurs win!

Two things you ate today:
1. java chip frappachino with light whipped cream :)
2. noodles

Two people you Last Talked To:
1. Dad
2. Kathleen

Two Things You're doing tomorrow:
1. taking my last AP/IB test
2. going to Starbucks?

Two favorite beverages:
1. Coke/Pepsi (yes both)
2. java chip frappachino

Two of your least favorite things to do:
1. listening to stupid people ask stupid questions that the teacher JUST explained and not doing their freakin work and then telling me to shut up and that I'm a bitch when I tell them to
2. having to spend so much time with people you hate but deep down inside want to fit in with just because it would make your mandatory time with them so much easier and more enjoyable but then knowing that you would never, ever want to be like one of them

okay fine I'll do another one.

10 Random Things About You.
1. I talk to myself during layout and Sayak mocks me for it.
2. I don't like stapling things. Like if I'm studying off a packet of like 10 pages, I never want to staple it. I don't like the crease it makes when you turn pages.
3. I'm always really loud and crazy, except when there's an attractive guy around.
4. I despise pineapples, and anything pineapple related. (Yes! GO US ANDY!)
5. I have a lot of dreams related to the mafia and cliffs.
6. I am really picky about people's chins. I think that the chin is an integral part of human beauty. If your chin is messed up, like too long or cleft or something, it just ruins it.
7. I am very, very elitist.
8. I play with my hair and my watch without knowing it.
9. I want to live in every European country for at least two years and try to pick up as much of the language as I possibly can.
10. Once in a while I wish I were a guy. Except then I'd have to be gay because I can't stand women.

9 Things You Can't Live Without. (*in no particular order, and in theory)
1. my friends and my daddy
2. my computer
3. music
4. my vocal cords (OMG)
5. my planner
6. my blog
7. noodles
8. Kathleen (I know she's in "friends", but seriously... life would be absolutely dreadful without Kathleen.)
9. my watch

8 This Or Thats.
1.: Finish line or footlocker: I've never heard of Finish Line and I've never been to Footlocker.
2.: Mcdonalds or Burger King: McDonalds
3.: Talking or Texting: Talking
4.: Yankees or Red Sox: Um... I know Yogin hates the Yankees?
5.: Driving or Riding: riding... with Kathleen
6.: South Park or Simpsons: Simpsons
7.: Hotdogs or Hamburgers: Hamburgers
8.: Dogs or Cats: Dogs

7 Favorite Movies.
1. The Lord of the Rings trilogy
2. Rent
3. Bend It Like Beckham
4. The Devil Wears Prada
5. Love Actually
6. Amazing Grace
7. Anne of Avonlea

. 6 Favorite Bands. (Or Artists of the Musical ilk)
1. McFly
2. Backstreet Boys
3. Idina Menzel/Michael Ball/Adam Pascal/Declan Bennett/Anthony Rapp/Adam Garcia/the Broadway folk of this world
4. Josh Groban
5. Kate Rusby/Tina/Riverdance/Celtic folk
6. Enya

. 5 Favorite Books.
1. The Lord of the Rings
2. The Silmarillion and the Histories
3. Wuthering Heights
4. New Moon
5. The Great Gatsby

. 4 Favorite TV Shows.
2. Smallville?
3. Reba?
4. I don't watch TV?

. 3 Favorite Colors
1. red
2. sky blue
3. white

. 2 Favorite Actors.
1. Johnny Depp
2. Ewan McGregor/Ioan Gruffudd/Viggo Mortensen (NO FAIR)

. 1 Goal for this year.
1. Figure out if I really want to be a journalist or not.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

So Friday and yesterday my mom was like, "you're taking me out to lunch on Sunday right? you're taking me out to lunch? right? right? right?" to the point where I was just like, "OMFG IF YOU DON'T SHUT UP I WON'T."
And so Kathleen and I planned this thing where we were gonna take my mom and her mom out to lunch at the Japanese restaurant they like.

Come Sunday morning, it's all planned out and I call my mom...

She's at a party with Dale.

"OMG I'm so sorry! You didn't tell me!"
"But! How about we postpone? Let's just go out for dinner."
"Mom we have a lot of stuff to do."
"No but it's so much fun we have to go out to dinner. Kathleen's mom said it was okay too! And let's go to that restaurant in Rowland Heights. We like the fish there."

First of all, SHE's the one who wanted to go out to lunch. SHE requested Japanese food. Now she wants to waste like an extra hour of our lives by going to the freakin restaurant far away for dinner. I didn't even want to take her out in the first place. Waste of my freakin time. I freakin hate mother's day. The only reason she started making me take her out was because she started dating white people and they were shocked that we don't celebrate it. I hate my mom. I really do. Most annoying person on the face of this earth. Yes, even more than Hubert. I actually like Hubert.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Okay so Kathleen wrote this in her profile, but since she doesn't want the entire world knowing about just how freakishly loser-like we are, she wants me to put it on the blog so only those bored enough to read it know.

So from here on, this is Kathleen:

SO, elaine and i have decided.... that there is only ONE hot guy at every starbucks... (would that mean matt timms and muddasir are the hot guys?... don't ask me.. dunno)
SO, there is pretty good lookin guy at the starbucks near school and uh.. well we have this game where we name all the starbucks ppl with whatever name pops up first... here it goes: (so far we havent' been right at all, but we still needa find out everyone's REAL names)

HOT starbucks guy: Brian Ian Adam (couldn't decide which name to choose for him)
Weird skinny guy: Jack (looks like jack from will and grace... seriously--too bad his real name is Jeremy)
Cool Goth girl:Kat Marissa (couldn't decide again-- just found out her real name is Leslie, I could see it)
Weird older guy: Ross (looks like ross from friends... but much older...)
Some fat guy: "fat bastard" (from austin powers, not meant to be derogatory... but elaine HATES him ha ha ha)
African american girl: "nameless" (we're bad with african american names- yo yo!)

OH YEAH, so when i go to starbucks, i like to choose random names just for the hell of it and this is my list so far:
1) Jennifer 2 (apparently there was ANOTHER jennifer,.. copycat)
3) Hoshi (don't ask me where i got that)
4) my next choice is... Horcrux (like in horcrux curse--harry potter-- watch them spell that one! tee hee hee!)

And now it's Elaine again.
HOSHI? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU KATHLEEN!!!!! I even felt bad for FAT MAN when you told him that today. BUT NO. FOUR SECONDS LATER, ALL MY SYMPATHY WAS GONE AS HE ROBBED ME OF THE MOMENT OF THE DAY. NO YOU CANNOT TAKE MY ORDER DAMN IT! I love how Kathleen put "HOT" in all caps. But he is very good-looking.. *SIGH*

I hate girls.
But I hate guys even more for being shallow asses.
So my dad called me over while he was on the computer today and he showed me a couple pictures of this girl and he asked me if I thought she was pretty. She looked like a scary fobby Asian man. Then he scrolled all the way down and showed me her on the cover of a beauty magazine with huge amounts of makeup and a slutty outfit and she was supposedly "hot". Then my dad said, "See! Makeup makes people pretty. It could even make you pretty."
"You need to learn how to make yourself pretty because it means a lot in society. You get more opportunities if you're pretty. People like you more."

1. I don't have the time.
2. I don't really care (most of the time, at least. I convince myself into not caring.)
3. I have waged a lifelong battle against "those" girls.
4. I have too much pride (and I'd like to think dignity).
5. If I really turned into one of those girls, my dad would disown me.
Because these days, "pretty" = "slutty".

I've decided I hate fat people who work at Starbucks.
Well, one fat man who works at Starbucks, to be precise.
GAH KATHLEEN. WHY DOES THE UNIVERSE HATE ME? THE STARS WILL NOT ALIGN. ANYMORE. Sigh. Why did they align in the first place if they're gonna hate me afterwards?!?

Don't ask people.. you don't want to hear the extended, extremely passionate rant.

AP US tomorrow! I should study!

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Life bores me.
Yes I know, I should be furiously cramming for AP/IB tests, especially math right about now.

Is this it?

Thursday, May 03, 2007


Wednesday, May 02, 2007

My dad has a new philosophy. If I don't agree with him on something, like if he thinks some food is good and I don't, I'm disagreeing with him on purpose to piss him off. So he gets mad at me and then makes me eat (in this situation) more of the disgusting stuff. Apparently, disagreement is my way of rebellion. Interesting. Maybe I just HAVE my own opinion nowadays (quite a few of them actually) and they may not always agree with his!

Layout has taken over my life and despite the company and despite the stress, I love it! We exported today and the opinion pageS, notice the PLURAL, are beautiful.

I really haven't studied for AP/IBs yet.. this is ridiculous. This weekend will be massive math cram session with a little bit of APUSH to relieve my headaches after too much math.


Let's repeat Istanbul!