Thursday, May 17, 2007

I hate Andy. So I just got home and I have an IB test tomorrwo. But HE decided to do like 8 surveys on his blog. And you know how I am with surveys. so I'm only gonna do
Alright maybe two.

Terrible Twos
If you opened it, you have to do it.

Two Names You Go By:
1. Elaine
2. Isilme

2. Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now:
1. Socks (EW)
2. White sweater shirt thing

Two Things You Want in a Relationship:
1. love (no really Andy...)
2. adventure/romance

Two of Your Favorite Things to do:
1. singing
2. writing... if I could only start doing it again

Two Things You Want Very Badly At The Moment:
1. to know Brian Ian Adam's name :D
2. to stop studying

Two pets you had/have:
1. Danny the Penguin
2. Aleksei the Polar Bear

Two things you did yesterday:
1. stayed at layout with Kathleen and made fun of her page
2. watched the Spurs win!

Two things you ate today:
1. java chip frappachino with light whipped cream :)
2. noodles

Two people you Last Talked To:
1. Dad
2. Kathleen

Two Things You're doing tomorrow:
1. taking my last AP/IB test
2. going to Starbucks?

Two favorite beverages:
1. Coke/Pepsi (yes both)
2. java chip frappachino

Two of your least favorite things to do:
1. listening to stupid people ask stupid questions that the teacher JUST explained and not doing their freakin work and then telling me to shut up and that I'm a bitch when I tell them to
2. having to spend so much time with people you hate but deep down inside want to fit in with just because it would make your mandatory time with them so much easier and more enjoyable but then knowing that you would never, ever want to be like one of them

okay fine I'll do another one.

10 Random Things About You.
1. I talk to myself during layout and Sayak mocks me for it.
2. I don't like stapling things. Like if I'm studying off a packet of like 10 pages, I never want to staple it. I don't like the crease it makes when you turn pages.
3. I'm always really loud and crazy, except when there's an attractive guy around.
4. I despise pineapples, and anything pineapple related. (Yes! GO US ANDY!)
5. I have a lot of dreams related to the mafia and cliffs.
6. I am really picky about people's chins. I think that the chin is an integral part of human beauty. If your chin is messed up, like too long or cleft or something, it just ruins it.
7. I am very, very elitist.
8. I play with my hair and my watch without knowing it.
9. I want to live in every European country for at least two years and try to pick up as much of the language as I possibly can.
10. Once in a while I wish I were a guy. Except then I'd have to be gay because I can't stand women.

9 Things You Can't Live Without. (*in no particular order, and in theory)
1. my friends and my daddy
2. my computer
3. music
4. my vocal cords (OMG)
5. my planner
6. my blog
7. noodles
8. Kathleen (I know she's in "friends", but seriously... life would be absolutely dreadful without Kathleen.)
9. my watch

8 This Or Thats.
1.: Finish line or footlocker: I've never heard of Finish Line and I've never been to Footlocker.
2.: Mcdonalds or Burger King: McDonalds
3.: Talking or Texting: Talking
4.: Yankees or Red Sox: Um... I know Yogin hates the Yankees?
5.: Driving or Riding: riding... with Kathleen
6.: South Park or Simpsons: Simpsons
7.: Hotdogs or Hamburgers: Hamburgers
8.: Dogs or Cats: Dogs

7 Favorite Movies.
1. The Lord of the Rings trilogy
2. Rent
3. Bend It Like Beckham
4. The Devil Wears Prada
5. Love Actually
6. Amazing Grace
7. Anne of Avonlea

. 6 Favorite Bands. (Or Artists of the Musical ilk)
1. McFly
2. Backstreet Boys
3. Idina Menzel/Michael Ball/Adam Pascal/Declan Bennett/Anthony Rapp/Adam Garcia/the Broadway folk of this world
4. Josh Groban
5. Kate Rusby/Tina/Riverdance/Celtic folk
6. Enya

. 5 Favorite Books.
1. The Lord of the Rings
2. The Silmarillion and the Histories
3. Wuthering Heights
4. New Moon
5. The Great Gatsby

. 4 Favorite TV Shows.
2. Smallville?
3. Reba?
4. I don't watch TV?

. 3 Favorite Colors
1. red
2. sky blue
3. white

. 2 Favorite Actors.
1. Johnny Depp
2. Ewan McGregor/Ioan Gruffudd/Viggo Mortensen (NO FAIR)

. 1 Goal for this year.
1. Figure out if I really want to be a journalist or not.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

what are ur strategies and tactics for achieving that goal?

5/17/2007 8:52 PM  

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