Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The seniors on Oracle have to make legacy pages which is basically a page about them. And of course, to find out about Kathleen, you have to interview Elaine and Robin. So Kathleen interviewed us (well she made us type out our answers because she's too lazy to transcribe)

The questions are bolded. My answers are normal. Robin's are italics. Basically, Robin didn't write anything. :D And I wrote epics that are a mix between sarcasm that is very reminiscent of Shayne, bad Elaine style humor, and sentimentality.

This is basically so that 20 years from now, if the world still exists, we'll remember it. I don't think anyone except the very bored (or those that are very interested in Kathleen) would read this. I would suggest only reading the italics because Robin's are all one-lined answer that are usually quite amusing, unlike my sagas.

1) Can you talk about kathleen's philosophy? What stands out most? Describe.
Kathleen is currently obsessed with “fate”. Everything is a part of this grand master scheme orchestrated by the unseen fingers of the twin sisters, Destiny and Fate. Actually, I wouldn’t be surprised if she turns out naming her children those names. Today when we were driving home, she saw a car with a duck on the dashboard, something she used to have, and she was so excited we almost crashed the car because, obviously, it was FATE that they had the same duck that is probably on sale to the general public at some Asian store in Rowland Heights.
Her superstition extends to other areas of life as well, as she is obsessed with “knocking on wood”, a difficult feat considering that there is no wood in her “manly car” truck in the first place but obviously, we make do (with the leather seats). We frantically search for a piece of wood to knock on any time we say something potentially jinxing. It’s really quite sad.

Kathleen is very unreligious. Like Calvin. Ohmg they're so perfect for each other.

2. What is her take on life in general and how does she show that? Any specific anecdotes?
Kathleen is one of those people who never should have been allowed to take philosophy. Very, very bad influence. She consistently plagues me with the overwhelming question, “Elaine. What is the meaning of life?” On a more serious note, Kathleen loves the inspirational and the soulful, which she demonstrates in her choice of music, loving gospel and blues and anything she defines as “soulful” or has inspirational lyrics.

Kathleen is embodies the oxymoron of a restrained free floating spirit. She's very orderly and straight-fashioned but goes wherever life takes her. (i.e. Elaine's house)

3. Any specific other phrases Kathleen tends to use a lot?
She’s obsessed with the word “super”. Everything is “super this” or “super that”. And also, “WHOA ELAINE. WHOA,” with her mouth hanging open like an idiot. Someday I shall stick something in. She also thinks that she’s British, or in her words “Bri-ish”, even though it’s really the most disgustingly bad cross between gibberish, Kathleen’s perception of the English, and possibly German. Throw in Sanskrit maybe. I think that Kathleen should find some foreign yet undiscovered and unsettled island (preferably close to the British Isles) and colonize it. Bring a bunch of untainted babies in and teach them all “Kathleen-ish” so she can plague the world with yet another disgustingly foul-sounding language.

besides ew gross save me?

4) What kind of interests does Kathleen have? (breakdancing, waterpolo, soul music- joss stone, mcfly, inspirational stuff, all sports, big family, etc.)
Oops apparently I missed that one... accident!!!
Breakdancing, waterpolo, soul music- joss stone, mcfly, inspirational stuff, all sports, big family, etc.
(Yeah Kathleen now that I think of it.. that question was kinda stupid if you're gonna LIST everything you're interested in already. YOU FORGOT RENT.)

5) If you know anything about Kathleen's dilemma with waterpolo vs. oracle. Plz describe how she acted and anything special you noticed about this experience?
Personally, I still can’t believe Kathleen quit water polo, even though on a selfish note, I’m really glad that she did because Oracle wouldn’t have been half as fun without her. But Kathleen really did and still does love water polo. Every time we pass by the pool, she always casts this longing look towards the water and tells me the same stories about water polo as she did the last time we walked by. But she always tells me about how she can still see herself in the water, still actually dreams about playing in the games (though in all these years, Kathleen almost never remembers her dreams) and can almost feel the water over her head.
In the midst of her dilemma between water polo and Oracle, Kathleen asked me for advice and I remember telling her, “Don’t sell your soul, Kathleen. I know you love water polo. Don’t quit because you want to look better on your college applications or because your parents want to. Oracle may be fun too and you may like writing for the paper, but I don’t think you’ll ever love it half as much as you really do love water polo.”
But on a positive note, Oracle allowed Kathleen to make friends that she was more comfortable around. On the polo team, most of the girls were local kids who had five, non-honors classes a day and couldn’t relate to the strenuous, full IB schedule that Kathleen had to juggle with practice. Oracle put Kathleen in an environment where everyone was just like her, trying to study for a test, do massive amounts of calculus homework and finish layout all at the same time and she could relate to these people more.

6. How do you think Kathleen has changed since freshman year?
I think Kathleen’s become a lot more open, both with people and with mindsets. She used to be the quiet, smart, nice girl that didn’t really have a personality that set her apart (unless you really knew her well). But now, she’s not afraid to be quirky and weird, even though she’s still not completely insane (that would be my job) and she doesn’t care what other people think of her. She also used to be completely asexual, insisting that she would reproduce by budding, but finally, with our daily excursions to Starbucks, where a certain good-looking guy (that belongs to Elaine) works, Kathleen has opened up and realized that it’s not wrong to be attracted to men (or women, for that matter). Undergoing experiences like discovering that some of your closest friends have been hiding secrets for a long time also changed Kathleen. In the past year, she found out that one of our closest friends had been using drugs and though she completely freaked out, she was a good friend through and through, trying to help that friend through the rough patch and understand why she would be doing such a thing instead of condemning that person and breaking off relations. Discovering that another long-time friend was homosexual was also a shock to her, as Kathleen was always in her own little bubble (even at dances where her statement was, “I’ll dance with you as long as you don’t touch me.”) where everyone was the way that mom and dad wanted you to believe as a child. I was actually afraid that Kathleen might react negatively to our friend’s “coming out”, but though she was completely shocked and bombarded me with questions, we both agreed that the person is our friend and his sexual orientation has nothing to do with how we view them, except that it’s more fun because we can all check out guys together.

7. Any specific time/anecdote that stands out about how Kathleen helped you or did something special?
Other than being Robin and my chauffeur every day, Kathleen is possibly one of the most kind-hearted people I’ve ever known. She always helps her friends, no matter how inconvenient or hard it may be for her. I remember one time that we were taking Robin home but Robin wanted to stop by JoAnn’s to buy fabrics. We dropped her off and she told us that her dad was probably going to pick her up, but when she called, her dad didn’t answer. Even though it was really late and we had loads of homework, Kathleen offered to wait with Robin and then take her home. When Robin declined, Kathleen told her that if no one could pick her up after she was done, then she should feel free to call her and she would come pick Robin up.

8) Is Kathleen weird? Describe.
Um… see above. :) You’re friends with me. Of course you’re weird.

Kathleen talks in a very contagious British accent. It bothers Elaine but amuses everyone else.



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