Wednesday, November 30, 2005

My grades SUCK right now and time is running out for me to raise them.
THEY SUCK. they ROYALLY SUCK ASS. I'm somehow not running on the same stuff I used to be. I do stupid things. I'm nonchalant half the time, and freak out the other half. AHHHHHHHHH! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME?!

People who cheat don't know what the hell they're doing. And for those who advocate that we should just sit back and watch them screw themselves over, it's like seeing someone about to drown and not trying to help them, even if they are committing suicide. I care too much to let him just screw himself over and waste all that intelligence. If he's that smart that he can cheat so well, he's smart enough to do well in school.

And it's very interesting how when some relationships are deteriorating at the speed of a Japanese train, others burgeon and flourish.

But on a positive note: Liverpool won!!! We're FOURTH! Hopefully we'll stay there or go up! Luis Garcia and Steven Gerrard scored! And Xabi Alonso was MotM!

Back to negative note: I have a chem test Friday. Stoichiometry, I'm going to fail.

Sunday, November 27, 2005


I am way too lazy to post about the weekend. It's been up and down. It was fun, but now I have a huge bruise on my leg.. It's about the size of my kneecap. Right now I'm feeling a bit low. So to make myself happier:

Is it sad that I've seen HP4 3 times now?

I can't help it. I can't go a post without him!

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

All I have to do is make it through tomorrow. Then everything will be fine. Lots of food. Just keep thinking about the food. HEhehehe
And think about Liverpool decimating Real Betis tomorrow!

Sunday, November 20, 2005

I just have to post these beautiful segments of literature... I don't know why. Don't think anyone will bother, but I need to get them out of my system.

The song I can sing is but shreds one remembers
Of golden imagines fashioned in sleep
A whispered tale told by withering embers
Of old things far off but few hearts keep.

JRR Tolkien, Book of Lost Tales

Don't stand beside my grave and weep,
For I'm not there, I do not sleep,
I am a thousand winds that blow,
I am the diamond's glint on snow,
I am the sunlight on ripened grain,
I am the gentle autumn's rain.

When you awaken in morning's hush,
I am the swift uplifting rush,
of quiet birds in circle flight,
I am soft stars that shine at night,
Don't stand beside my grave and cry,
I am not there. I did not die.
-Melinda Sue Pacho

and to conclude this night, the perfection of steven gerrard:

alright i'll spare you a bit and end with a funny one:

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Lots to talk about. I just got a new monitor, flat screen, so I have lots of room to put things now so I'm reorganizing my desk.
So this morning woke up to my mom laughing and talking very loudly on the phone with her friend. She was upstairs and on the opposite side of the house, and i could still hear her.. maybe it's a genetic thing. So woke up at 9, which is very early. Went online to check the scores, and of course: LIVERPOOL WON! 3-0!

Last night, Camron, Isaac, and I were going to see HP4 at 9:45. However, by the time we actually got around to figuring out who was going and what not, it was sold out!!!! So this morning, I call Camron who's in the shower who then called me back about 10 minutes later. I cataputled down the stairs, literally to get the phone in time. So at 11 AM, camron and elaine are sitting in the movie theatre, watching HP4!!!!

Now is the time for the Elaine movie review:
I enjoyed the film, even though I was a little disappointed. It was nowhere near the book, which is one of my favorites, if not the favorite of the series, and I was a bit disappointed to have them cut out major sections and alternate the plot at certain times. But I realized it was to accommodate the time limit of the movie. It would be too complicated to have Neville have a book about gillyweed and then Dobby give it to Harry. Neville should just give it to him. It was a pretty good movie in its own right. Definitely better than the abysmal #3, and matching up to the standards the first two set.
The acting was better overall. Dan Radcliffe got a lot better. His crying actually made ME cry. I couldn't help it!!! I didn't actually cry when Cedric died, but when I saw Harry clutching his body, heaving in sobs, I couldn't help myself! Rupert Grint was funny, and Fred and George were AWESOME! They were the funniest part of the movie, featuring prominently this time around. Emma Watson isn't getting any better, and I've resigned myself to the fact that she's only gonna get prettier and nothing else. She still seems forced at various times.
OMG. I fell in LOVE with Krum and Cedric!!! And I was always in love with Harry. I had resigned myself to ugly Krum and Cedric after the previews, but OMG... Cedric is much better looking than I thought, and very built and he's just sweet in the movie. He grows on you. He looked really hot at certain angles. Viktor Krum was... interesting. His neck is too thick. I don't know. He looked like an ugly brute a quarter of the time, okay another quarter the time, and I just loved him the other half. He was such a gentleman!! and awww.... I just liked Krum. I can't explain why.
Cho is NOT pretty/hot. She's this cute little fobby asian girl with a scottish accent. You could find asian girls prettier than that at TROY! Troy--the asian-infested not very great looking school!
And DUMBLEDORE. DUMBLEDORE WAS WHY I DIDN'T LOVE THE MOVIE!!! RICHARD HARRIS--COME BACK!!!!! UGH!!!!!! this new guy SUCKS. REALLY REALLY REALLY SUCKS. he VIOLATES and DESTROYS the ESSENCE of DUMBLEDORE! OYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dumbledore is supposed to be this gentle, ever calm, wise, old man who everyone loves and would never lift a finger in anger. That's what Richard Harris epitomized. This guy, he is gruff, angry, and MEAN! At one point in the movie, he takes Harry, shoves him, pins him down on the desk, and yells at him. DUMBLEDORE WOULD NEVER DO THAT! NOT TO ANYONE!!! ESPECIALLY NOT TO HARRY!
If you're a special effects fan, like Connie, you'll really like it because they really accentuated it and emphasized their techniques.
My favorite scene would have to be... in the beginning of the movie, with the entering of the other two school. The Beauxbaton girls did this flowery, angelic dance thingy which was quite interesting. But the Durmstrang guys. WOW.. They came in with these pounding sticks and did these really athletic, masculine acrobatics and stuff. It was really cool. The music accentuated it perfectly, and overall it was just a great piece of choreography. And plus the guy at the very front of the Durmstrang line is HHHHHOOOOOOTTTTTTTTTT!!! when the DVD comes out I'm going to get it and pause it on his face just so I can get a clear look. AND he does a bunch of complicated gymnastics. and KRUM!!!!! Krum with his stick and huge coat. Hehehe.

I probably have more to ramble about, but you're probably getting sick of it. Talked with Camron for a bit and then took him home. It was probably just me, but I found it very ironic that I was wearing my LFC jersey, while he was wearing an AC Milan jersey today. May 25, 2005!!!!!! GREATEST NIGHT!!!!! O blessed, blessed night, quoth Romeo!

At 4 PM, we drive out to Troy. Ugh Troy on a Saturday. "Meet the Warriors Night"-- we had our exhibition game. Kinda like a season opener, as we have our first real game on Wednesday. Our team won! And I contributed two free throws. I had three shots in all, fouled on one, blocked on another, both by Lahari. Last one was a short jump shot near the free throw line, which rattled in and out... *sigh* I was pretty happy though. I managed to get open a lot, and posted up on people. Gotta work on my defensive awareness a bit though.
Watched JV play with Hayley. GO KAT!! Hayley's so cool! And Tasha! *hugs them both* My dad came to pick me up, but he stayed and watched varsity with me. They scrimmaged each other. God they're so good. I don't think I could catch a pass one of them threw. It's like lightning fast and hard. The posts are so good. I need to watch them more. They can all shoot and o they're just so good!!!
But the highlight of the evening was the father-daughter game! IT WAS HILARIOUS! it was the varsity players against their family members. Some cousins, mostly dads, one mom, and one older brother who I must say was pretty good looking. It was funny. All the girls and their relatives were announced and they met at the center of the court, and usually they were hugging and looking really happy, and they walk to the end of the line together, on the same side. Then I forget who, maybe Lauren, and her older brother are announced. They both kinda just stood there, and trudged slowly to the middle of the court. They just looked at each other, and Coach Bonny, who was teh announcer was like, "Whatever..." and then they walked to the opposite sides of the court and Lauren's like, "what are you doing?!" so they're standing in line elbowing each other. It was funny. Then there was someone's little brother, Eric. He was soooooo CUTE! he was like 7 years old, and had better ball handling skills than half of the JV team. he played and was like the best player on the relative team. We were all rooting for him.
Yea so it's been a fun day. I'm gonna go back to organizing my desk now!

From the blog of Andy, whom I absolutely adore! I watched Moulin Rouge last night with the intention of learning the girl's part. All I managed to achieve was fall back in love with Christian... Come What May just ended on my computer actually. Anyway, so from Andy, the wife of my lover, who is also the platonic love of my life!
That's quite a title Andy. hehe

[ ] I'm afraid of the quiet. (Eh.. it would seem so, but I beg to differ. I'm happy to be surrounded by people, especially certain people, and I love being the center of the world, but when I'm in some moods, stay away. When I'm stressed, if you don't want your head bitten off, or you're not Camron or Matthew, stay away! Also, when I'm in my writer mood, I don't want to talk to anyone. Steven Gerrard could be calling me and I wouldn't move. That's how possessed I am when I write. Sometimes I don't even remember the things I wrote, and when I go back to read it, "whoa.. I wrote that? that sounds good..." Alright I lied. If Steven Gerrard called... *swoons at the possibility)
[x] I am really ticklish.
[x] I'm afraid of the dark
[x] I'm afraid of facing my back to open doors at night.
[x] I believe in true love. (o romeo romeo, wherefore art thou romeo?)
[ ] I've run away from home.
[ ] I collect comic books.
[ ] I shut others out when I'm sad (eh... that would depend. I binge-write, a weird term)
[x] I stayed out all night. (Well Kathleen and I made it till 7 AM once)
[x] I open up to others easily. (too easily, but i don't see it as a flaw)
[x] I am keeping a secret from the world. :)
[x] I watch the news. (CNN, BBC, and Chinese news)
[ ] I own over 5 rap CDs. (eh only two Eminem)
[x] I love Disney movies. (depends on the movie)
[x] I am a sucker for pretty eyes. (o lord yes. and no, contrary to public belief, it is NOT the pretty color, even though that helps. Some people have the most beautiful shade of blue, or the most poignant shade of green, or the softest brown eyes, but there's nothing there. I want to see something in those eyes, some promise of adventure with compassion.)
[x] I don't kill bugs. (most of the time)
[x] I curse once in awhile. (guilty)
[ ] I have "x"s in my screen name.
[x] I've slipped and fell in public. (haha every single day!)
[ ] I've slipped out a "lol" in a real conversation. on purpose
[ ] I love Spam. (ahahh Hayley)
[ ] I bake well. (HAH! me? BAKE? i don't mind if someone bakes FOR me though... except kathleen who burns everything!)
[ ] I have worn pajamas to class.
[ ] have owned something from Abercrombie (ewwww)
[ ] I have a job
[x] Talked on a phone for 5+ hours. (i shall never reveal with who)
[ ] I love Dr. Phil
[x] I love someone (everyone knows the feeling I hold for Steven Gerrard is mutual!)
[ ] I am guilty of tYpInG lIkE tHiS.
[x] I am self-conscious. (everyone is, but they show it to varying degrees. i am extremely self-conscious, but i don't think i make it seem so. make fun of me all you want if i'm not in a bad mood)
[x] I love to laugh. (that's the best part of life! laughing hysterically and crying in the depths of despair)
[ ] I drink alcohol on a regular basis.
[ ] I have smoked more than 2 cigarettes in one day.
[x] I have cough drops when I'm not sick. (OMG I LOVE COUGH DROPS!)
[ ] I can't swallow pills.
[x] I have a few scars (all over my knees, from various falls in front of kathleen's house!)
[x] I've been out of this country. (o fair england... how i long to see thee once more. o yea, and that china place, and canada, and ireland and wales)
[ ] I can't sleep if there is a spider in the room (if I see it)
[x] I love chocolate. (AHHH!!!!)
[] I bite my nails. (only my pinky when i'm really really nervous)
[x] I am not comfortable with being me at times (well we all have our moments of self-doubt.)
[ ] I play computer games when I'm bored. (freecell and minesweeper do NOT count)
[x] Gotten lost in the city. (oo LIVERPOOL! we found the zebra sign in the end. my daddy and i got lost in Chicago too. well HE says we weren't lost, but i beg to differ!)
[ ] Seen a shooting star.
[ ] Had a serious surgery.
[x] Gone out in public in your pajamas. (yea the library, thinking NO ONE i knew would be there. andy what the hell were you doing there? i've also been to ralphs in my pjs, and matthew's house. and NO nothing happened)
[ ] Have kissed a stranger.
[x] Hugged a stranger (alright i was like 3 and i thought it was my daddy)
[ ] Been in a fist fight
[ ] Been arrested.
[x] Laughed and had some type of beverage come out of your nose. (ALRIGHT ANDY THIS IS NOT FUNNY!!!! i did it on friday! i also had coke come out of my nose when i was in my friend's car in the 6th grade. i was sick and snot was mixed with coke and it was disgusting, but that somehow made me un-congested, so all was well! except her car)
[x] Pushed all the buttons on an elevator.
[ ] Kicked a guy where it hurts on purpose. (alright matthew i'm SORRY! i wasn't TRYING!)
[ ] Gotten stitches.
[x] Drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour. (heheh i was thirsty and the cookies looked so good!)
[ ] Bitten someone. (no but i've been bitten)
[ ] Crashed into a car
[ ] been to Japan.(as of april 2006, i can say yes!)
[x] Ridden in a taxi.
[ ] Shoplifted.
[ ] Been fired.
[x] Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back. (haha of course... camron would know, wouldn't he?)
[ ] Gone on a blind date.
[ ] had a crush on your teacher.
[ ] celebrated Mardi Gras in New Orleans.
[x] Been to Europe. (awwwwww... i might cry now)
[x] Saw someone/something dying (that ant i just squished. also a hummingbird with a broken wing or something we took in. it died after 2 wks with us.. poor jake. my dad gave him a military funeral hehe)
[x] Been to Canada. (o it's SO NICE!!!!!)
[x] Been on a Plane.
[ ] Seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show.
[ ] Thrown up in a bar.
[x] Eaten sushi.
[x] Been ice skating. (o i LOVE ice skating! it's probably my 3rd favorite sport to play, after basketball and soccer. i love gymnastics, but no tsukaharas or double twisted layo for me!)
[x] cried in public
[ ] Walked purposely into traffic with your eyes closed.
[x] Liked someone even though you knew you shouldn't have. (oy... kathleen, don't make stupid comments about this)
[x] thought of someone almost 24/7 (*sigh* and i know for a fact they weren't thinking about me.)
[x] Hated the world.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

This is my life:
5:50: wake up and go to school for the class 8 hours
play basketball for 2.5 hours
sit through traffic for an hour
take a shower and eat dinner for half an hour
do homework for 30 minutes
9:30: go to bed

my life isn't tedious or routine at all.

i don't know what it is, but i'm so happy during the day time, especially after break. From break-the middle of practice I'm hyper and happy and all is well. But as soon as I get home and sit down by this computer, all my thoughts and problems flood back to me. And it's not the homework, but just I sit here alone with my pencil, my computer, my papers flurrying everywhere, and Vanessa-Mae on her violin or Elphaba screaming "FIYERO!!!!" and everything that i don't want to face rushes at me.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

*cough cough* *sniffle sniffle*
Sick. Feeling better today, though I was DYING at practice. Felt like I had asthma.

"A Separate Peace" is so good so far!! Phineas is so cool! He reminds me of Jude Law in Gattaca. But I know it's not going to turn out good, just from the foreshadowing and undercurrents and everything... *cry*

Made peace with Camron.

Robin has problems.

Elsa's coming out soon!!!!!!!!!

Friday, November 11, 2005

Anyone know of good books (Classics, historical fiction, or just overall good fiction)? I need a book to keep me away from my thoughts. The literary world is always better anyway.

And, anyone know any good British folk, Celtic music, Enya-like, Charlotte Church-like, singers or any good musicals CDs?

Of course, that is the ones I haven't already read, and the CDs i don't already have.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Oy.. it's been like 2 minutes since my last post.
I am unhappy.
I am feeling angsty.
Jen should be happy because this usually points to an update of a story.

My grades are slipping. I do the stupidest things that I realize like the moment after I turn in the test. WHY IS THIS?! I know what I'm doing, and then a quiz comes along and BANG it doesn't reflect it.
People need to stop telling me it's okay, and that i'm Elaine and i'll come out with an A.
I need to shape up.


People of this world piss me off. Camron and I are officially not speaking. And I'm not about to break the tension. I am not giving in this time. He can go sod himself if he wants. I don't need him.


Elsa, Andy, and Kathleen--i love you.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005


I don't know about POLYMORPHISM!
What is this abstract class you speak of!?

And recursion--I kinda understood that, but NOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!


*freaks out*

AND i have an ap euro test!!!!

I HAVE A FREAKIN B IN COMP SCI AND the tests are 80% of your GRADE! I NEED AN A!!!!

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Owwww!! Elaine has an eye infection, again!!!! It hurts...

I love my blog right now. I could just sit here and stare at it. And no, not just at Romeo. The blue and the pink look so pretty together.

Ew I just said pink was pretty.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

You guys knew it was coming.

I'm still working on a couple of things, mostly color. I can't seem to get the colors to compliment each other. I want to include a pinkish, red tone in here, since it IS a love story, but the picture is a turquoise blue tone, and argh... Any suggestions are welcome!

O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?

Isn't he perfect?

Your true friends are the people that you can never see, and not be able to talk to for a long time, but when you reunite, you still have things to discuss and common interests.
It saddens me, because I was going through a couple of people's myspace thingies, like isaac and people, and you know how on there they have their friends pictures and stuff, and i don't recognize very many of these people. his interests, other than soccer, have changed, and i realize that when we meet, there really isn't much we can talk about anymore. It's not like before, we could still talk about school and the different people. Now we don't even have that in common anymore.

Maybe it's just me. We're made of different things. For example, Ashley and Camron can go hang out with Roshi, Isaac, Andres and co and still laugh and talk and be absolutely happy and nothing's different at all. I can't do that. I don't find the same things interesting. It was like that in 8th grade too, I suppose, but now the gap is even wider.

Even though I would do anything to relive those old times, and it brings tears to my eyes knowing that it'll never be like that again, I don't regret my choices. Looking at my archives, I see all my whining about last year and how I hated it, and there was no one I truly bonded with, I'm glad I feel so different about this year. Maybe it's because I've had more time to find the people, or maybe I've been asianized or something, but I'm happy with my group of friends. Telling Royston to shut up every day, making fun of Robin, playing Big 2, and singing on the bus. It's great, but I really do miss Isaac, Roshi, Andres, Karisha, Connie, Eddie, etc.

I don't know. Our friendships haven't ended, but they've slowed and are dwindling. I wish I could have both worlds, but I know I can't.

Elaine is a bit melancholy at the moment.

Friday, November 04, 2005

I was talking to Jen, (actually I still am), and I just realized the answer to the question she asked me:
What type of guy are you attracted to?

Funny that we weren't even discussing that; we were just discussing guys in general. Let's see if I can paste some of that onto here.

First we were just talking about naming stuff, and it went to naming goldfish. Bad things happen when Elaine and Jen talk... goldfish are evil.

Elaine: ANAKIN
jen: HEATH
Elaine: EW
jen: u know, heath ledger was named after heathecliffe
jen: from wuthering heights
Elaine: HEATHCLIFF!!!!!
Elaine: i will someday name someone heathcliff
Elaine: omg i have so many names i want to name someone
Elaine: but i don't want kids
jen: heath was named after the character tho
Elaine: hehehe
Elaine: or can i name other people's kids?!
jen: pet goldfish is your answer
Elaine: hahahah
Elaine: i'll buy like 50
Elaine: and have heathcliff, feanor, romeo, faramir and anakin
jen: how do u tell teh difference when theyre all gold tho?
jen: put name tags on them
jen: hahahahahhahah
jen: poor fish
Elaine: GASP
Elaine: i don't need NAME TAGS
jen: the characters mite be but the fish are not
jen: the fish just kind of sit there
jen: and bubble away
Elaine: hahaha
jen: w/ its own meaningless life
Elaine: i need animals that represent the different characters


Elaine: wow i just realized
Elaine: what kind of guy i'm attracted to
Elaine: i realize that feanor, heathcliff, and anakin are these fireballs that just burn away
Elaine: until there's nothing left to hold on to
Elaine: haha sort of like me
Elaine: and romeo, maglor, and faramir are these soft, romantic boys that spout poetry
jen: they're all passionate
Elaine: where do i find the blend?
jen: so u like passion and poetry
Elaine: haha yea
Elaine: but the problem with the passion is that i also have way too much and we'd probably clash
jen: so find a passionate guy that spouts poetry
Elaine: jennifer, tell me, where do i find this passionate guy that spouts poetry?
jen: or someone bipolar like u that spouts poetry one moment then passionate the next
jen: hmmm
Elaine: hahahahaha
Elaine: hey i spout poetry passionately!
jen: whne ur mad about football u dont spout poetry
jen: the complete opposite
Elaine: hahahahaha
jen: i think harry potter is ur answer
jen: hes passionate about some things
jen: but poetic
jen: wiat no...
jen: that doesnt work
Elaine: hahahaha
Elaine: he's.. emo
Elaine: totally emo
Elaine: in #5
jen: u couldnt handle emo
jen: u need someone that is ur foil
jen: ur opposite
jen: someone meek
jen: and quiet
jen: like matthew
jen: thats y it works w / u guys

then we come to the final conclusion... elaine likes

Elaine: haha i like people to bask in my shadow
jen: thats wat i mean
Elaine: everyone must worship ME!
jen: i weep for ur future husband
Elaine: haha
Elaine: you're invited to the wedding

so elaine is attracted to these burning fireballs that destroy everything in their path until there's nothing left to destroy except themselves.
add some "pansy" to use elsa's terminology who spouts poetry and will serenade by moonlight and woo with shakespearean terminology and

elaine is in love

life is good ;)

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Elaine is not dead. (you can stop celebrating)
Elaine is not dead.

She is merely buried in chemistry homework.

Halloween is awesome! It should always be October 31-December 25. Well throw in March 22 and derby days too. And May 25, 2005. What a glorious day that was.

Candy is good. Heheheheh. Candy helps you make it through the drone of AP comp sci and trig H and Spanish 2. And maybe even Chemistry.

heehhe elaine likes candy.

Elaine's tongue is sore and teeth hurt really badly because of the extreme intake of candy.
not good.