Dancing through Life
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
This post is purely an address to the many comments left by Vicki that are unexplained. We don't seem to be able to communicate through email (what a concept that is) so this shall do:
-I WANNA SEE PICTURES! (of the cute kids, your cello, and you sitting in tangle of wires. If you have any of above person, feel free as well. :D)
-Lishes... wtf
-I WANT TO HEAR EVERY DETAIL OF ENGLAND!!!!! The very AIR you breathe!!! I'm actually quite obsessed with the German football team as of now (only because of England's deplorable under-achievement and because of certain players... especially one certain player...) BUT.. ENGLAND IS FOREVER AT THE TOP OF THE LIST! TELL ME EVERYTHING!!!!!!
- HI VICKI!!!! Your birthday is tomorrow!
Monday, June 25, 2007
Since I have nothing better to do, I shall now recap some of the somewhat interesting events of my mundane life.
Friday I spent the morning running around to various schools only to realize that there is no summer school on Fridays.. I then went to Jen's house because I didn't want to spend 5 hours at the Cal State Fullerton library by myself. hehe Jen is funny. :D Yogin! She was watching "Hannah Montana"... GRR. THE SCOURGE OF MODERN DISNEY IS SPREADING. SOMEONE HELP ME STEM THE FLOW! BARRICADE THE DOOR! DAM THE WATERS! DO NOT LET THEM BREACH THE SEVEN LEVELS! DEFEND THE HORNBURG! Wow okay I'm really bored.
I then went to Cal State Fullerton to research for my extended essay. It took me about an hour just to get into the accursed library. First, I couldn't find parking, so I eventually just parked at Troy and walked over in the sweltering heat (at the brilliant advice of Jennifer). I then got totally and completely lost. I had to call Jen and she had to direct me to the library slowly and arduously. "What do you see now?" "Flags." "Okay.... turn right." That was difficult. And then apparently we had a miscommunication because I call

that "hexagons" and she calls them "honeycombs" because some ingenious architect decided that was going to be the design of the CSUF library.
Once I found the building, I couldn't find the entrance because the entrance had signs that said "construction ongoing. Use other door". And I couldn't find the other door, so I walked around the building twice until I finally summoned up enough courage to ask the extremely long-haired (longer than mine), bearded man listening to extremely loud music while wearing roller skates sitting near the entrance. He was really really nice though, which was awesome, even if he slightly made fun of my inability to find a huge door.
But unlike the man sitting by the door, the man inside the library was MEAN. Just because I don't know how to use your stupid printer does not mean you have to give me that attitude. There were like four printers. I had no idea which one it printed to! And I'm not a college student (yet)! Eesh. He was upset that I had the audacity and the gall to ASK HIM, the REFERENCE/HELP person (think of that! Someone asking HIM a question!) the process of buying a "Titan card" so I could print.
But I found lots of William Wilberforce and I shall have to return there soon.
Afterwards, I stopped by Starbucks. Okay I was TOO CLOSE not to stop by. There was no way. It was beckoning to me, calling my very name from across the street, the wind whispering softly in my ear "star...bucks... star... bucks..." But neither Robert nor Jeremy nor Derek were there. Sigh. I expected at least one, even though it was Friday and I know that Derek and Jeremy don't work Fridays. Wow I am stalker-ish.
After breaking my "no Starbucks" for the summer pledge, I went over to Yogin's house to say hi, effectively getting lost again. I am not very good at this directions thing. And now Yogin thinks I'm paranoid, because his stupid blinds were making strange sounds that could have been his dad coming home!
My dad DRAGGED me to an Asian party which would have been more aptly named "Everyone 50 years of age and up except Elaine" party. I swear. I don't know why they invite me. And they apparently LOVE having me there. I almost had my dad talked out of it and then the freakin hostess especially calls my dad and asks him to "make sure you bring your daughter!" GRAH. I ate SO much because there was nothing else to do. "Oww I'm really stuffed. No more eating. *sit there and stare at the wall for five minutes* Yeah okay I'll have another one of those."
But around 10 PM, I finally talked my dad into letting me go hang out with Kathleen and Robin, who had been at some drumline thing that I don't understand. So Kathleen and Robin came to pick me up and we hung out at this teahouse place in Walnut that was basically the haven for all fobby and gangster Asians. We met Steve and Calvin there and our waiter was like... DAVID LAU!!!!! Except... slightly taller. He dressed like David, moved like David, talked like David, and even his MANNERISMS. I swear every time he did ANYTHING, Kathleen, Robin and I were like, "OMG!!!!!" His hand gestures, the way he like.. craned his neck. It was PERFECT. HE EVEN DRAWS!!!! Most likely not at the same crazy level as David, but STILL! But he doesn't break dance. :(
Kathleen demonstrated her extreme Asian cheapness while ordering.
Kathleen: I'll take a lychee iced green tea.
waiter (DAVID LAU!): with boba?
K: Um... no... wait.. does it cost extra?
w: Yeah...
K: OH okay then no.
w: What size? Regular or large?
K: The smallest one possible... that's the cheapest right?
w: yeah...
And then when Steve was ordering.
w: Do you want boba with that?
S: Yes.
w: Large or small?
S: Huh?
Robin: Do you want small balls or large balls?
S: OHHHH Large... of course... *makes very bad hand gestures that I do not care to describe*
I just ordered the part my ailing computer supposedly needs so hopefully I shall be reinstated soon. ITUNES!!!!!! AHHH THE BLESSED MUSIC! AIM!!!! MY COMMUNICATION PORTAL! A MONITOR THAT ACTUALLY ALLOWS ME TO WATCH VIDEOS BECAUSE IT'S NOT TOO DARK!
It's actually quite sad that I have nothing to do without my blessed computer. My dependency upon that piece of technology is really deplorable.
I finished "The Red and the Black" last night at 1 AM.. SNIFF SNIFF. SNIFF. AHH JULIEN! Monsieur Sorel! So I think that is one thing off my "summer to do" list.
I need something exciting. Grr.
I was working on my internship stuff this morning, calling around to the various schools and I have realized why I like public schools more than privates. I have 3 publics and 2 privates on my list, and when I called both of the private schools, they were snooty, unhelpful, and downright rude. "I can't help you with that. Maybe you should write the principal... but he's on vacation too so basically you're screwed. You DO realize it's summer, right?"
NO REALLY, lady. Do you think I'm stupid or something?
I went on their websites and they reek with "teaching the good Word of Jesus" and instilling a sense of Christian charity and goodness in their students, setting the example of loving your neighbour and being a good Samaritan.
Yeah and then basically hang up on me.
GRR. Juxtaposed against Fullerton and Brea-Olinda High School, who basically told me, "Oh yeah we'll gather it all up and send it to you!" and "Email me and I'll forward it to the entire staff and we'll come up with some ideas", respectively.
Oh! So if any of you have story ideas/pictures of Troy events (or Brea-Olinda, Fullerton, Orangewood Academy, or Crystal Cathedral, but I doubt you'd have those), send them to me!
Everyone should recycle. :D
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Today is a very nice day, as far as school results go. Got my report card. I must, just absolutely must brag for about 4 seconds here... or maybe just sigh in greatest relief and pride.
0 (AP English: Hinman): A-
1 (IB Business: Lambert): A
2 (AP Calculus BC: Koci): A-
3 (AP US History: Dickey): A
4 (Spanish 3: Mainer): A
5 (Advanced Journalism: Navarrette): A
6 (AP Biology: Kirkpatrick): A-
Last night I had nightmares about getting AP scores back and getting 3s all across the board. AHHHHH. And then I woke up early (well actually, woke up and couldn't fall back asleep as I usually do because SAT scores came out this morning).
Biology: 700 (I just took it for the hell of it. I expected a 400, so this is nice.)
Literature: 730 (grr a bit annoying. I'd like to know what I got wrong.)
US History: 800 (yay!)
And now I have to come up with stories for the OC Register. What are teenagers interested in? Hmm... I'm not a good person to ask. Let's see: McFly, football, Tolkien, politics, Broadway, books, history... yea definitely not a good one to ask.
I've been stranded at home because both our cars died. First, my mom got a scratch (GASP) on her lovely Mercedes so she just HAD to pay $1000 to get it fixed... insane woman. And then while painting it, the people messed up something inside the car so now they're fixing that. So that car is incapacitated. I was driving my dad's minivan, and then one day we discover a massive puddle of something underneath the car in the garage. The coolant apparently is leaking out of the car and the engine could explode. So that car is incapacitated as well. Thus, we are left with the 16 year old pickup truck that I cannot drive because it is stick shift and because the seat belt doesn't work on the driver's side, the windows have cracks everywhere, amongst a list of other imperfections that we love the car for. :D
I am sweaty.
Friday, June 15, 2007
My list of things to do for the summer, as of now (these will probably be added/removed/modified many times)
Things to do:
1. internship (obviously)
2. extended essay (obviously)
3. college apps (ahhh)
4. exercise (eww)
5. volunteer at the retirement home with Jen (talk to old people! yay!)
6. learn how to be editor-in-chief somehow
7. see at least one musical
8. finish Kathleen's graduation present
9. play piano again! (OMG I played for 1.5 hours yesterday!!!)
10. read Spanish
11. memorize Chinese poetry (because my dad's making me)
12. write
13. work for my mom's friend's humanitarian thing
14. not have Starbucks
Books to Read:
1. "The Red and the Black" (finish it)
2. Hamlet & Macbeth (again)
3. More Shakespeare!
4. Dracula (Just for you Shayne... if I have nightmares it's YOUR FAULT!)
5. This Side of Paradise/Tender is the Night
6. The Hobbit
7. The Silmarillion (hey my annual reading okay?)
8. The Canterbury Tales (shudder.. I tried reading it when I was like... 8)
9. my dad wants me to read a mountain of Greek books... Plutarch, Plato, Thucydides, etc.
10. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (of course)
11. ... we'll see
Thursday, June 14, 2007
MY COMPUTER IS BROKEN!!!!! GAH!!!! DRIVING ME INSANE! I have no homework but no computer. What am I supposed to do?
But first: SCHOOL'S OUT!!!!! It's quite surreal right about now... I get to sleep in! WHEE!
I went to graduation today with Andy, which was fun. He picked me up from Troy and then we picked up Jen and Kristina. We first headed to Souplantation where we circled the parking lot at least 4 times (deceived by a motorcycle that falsely promised an empty spot). We finally found one, but when we walked inside the restaurant, we realized there was absolutely NO way we could finish on time. So we headed to Farmer Boys and pigged out on fattening burgers. ANDY IS A PIG. He'd already eaten at home, then he orders a chicken salad, then eats all my fries, Jen's pickles and lettuce, and Coldstones. Then after graduation, he had starbucks and then started craving Chipotle. PIG!!!!!
After our meal and a round of "let's all make fun of Elaine" :), we headed off to Coldstones and pigged out there. CHOCOLATE DEVOTION!!!!!
By this time we were thoroughly late for graduation and we hurriedly dropped of Jen and Kristina and speeded over. We missed Kathleen walking in, but we sat there and BURNED and SWEATED for the entire duration after that. Jessie's speech was so good!!! And we cheered loudly for Kathleen when she got her diploma. When they read off the full IB kids first, I think there was only two or three of them I didn't know... *sigh* I'm gonna miss them so much. *sniff* It hasn't set in yet.
We gathered in the field as usual and tried to wade through the crowd, dodging all the hugging friends and family and the photos, looking for familiar faces so that you can do the exact same thing and add to the commotion. Found half the Oracle staff (DAVID LAU!!!!), Kathleen, of course, Niyati, Sheena, Maria, Candy, Stephanie, etc. Took lots of photos that I will post as soon as I found the little connecting cord thing and my computer gets FIXED!!!!
Hehe I'm listening/watching Wicked clips on youtube. This is the Wicked cast I saw! "I know I'm just a mere Munchkin..."
Sorry moving on. So after graduation, Robin, Andy, and I made our way to Starbucks (the inevitable) where I wanted to take pictures with the people. Robert was awesome about it, but freakin Derek... "No no not me. I can't be in the picture. Nope. Sorry." GRRRRR. As they used to say: ORNERY. But yeah the one girl who somehow remains unnamed even though I want to call her Rena after this girl in JSA wanted Robin and I to put on green aprons and take the picture that way, but there were too many customers. But Robert let me go to the other side (behind the register... in the restricted zone) to take it. Stupid Derek. Too hot for the camera or something...
We got lost many times trying to drive Robin to Janet Sung's house and then Andy took me home. :D
But yeah... it doesn't seem any different, but I know the first day of school in August/September and no one is there... *sigh* I said bye to Mainer yesterday (we don't know if they'll hire him yet) and I cried.. *sniff* I'll miss him.. even if he gets hired. I won't have him... even if I hated the class, he was awesome. :D NO FAIR YOGIN!!! "I hugged Mainer four times. I'm so gay that it's not even funny, but it's okay.. I'll pretend I'm straight with you!" Oh and we saw young Mainer pictures.. so disturbing.. long hair... weird... beard... eww..
So Nav broke the news to Anita and Jordan today and I guess it turned out okay.. they were both really nice about it, even though Jordan looked really really sad. :( I felt bad. We watched "Fifty First Dates". I guess it was cute.. in its twisted, Adam Sandler fashion..
Kathleen's at grad night right now.. I wonder if she's asleep yet...
Friday, June 08, 2007
WOW. I can't believe I'm actually having this conversation with my dad.
So Kathleen really needed to talk so she came into my house. We went into my room, jumped on the bed (because that's the only place to sit in my room AND.. what girls don't do that?), turned off the lights (cuz Kathleen felt insecure talking in the light because she felt like everyone could see her even though it's only me) and I changed into my pajamas and (HEAVEN FORBID) the tanktop I was wearing underneath my shirt. And apparently, through the wall my dad couldn't HEAR us talking because Kathleen has a soft voice compared to my loudspeaker projection.
bed + no lights + apparently no sounds + elaine in a tanktop (heaven forbid)
And now.
My dad thinks I'm a lesbian.
I'm not even joking.
I can't stop laughing when he's accusing me, which makes him think I'm avoiding the question, which makes it even funnier to me.
And if only you knew HOW ironic it is...
Wow I can't believe I'm having this accusation. I, Elaine Teng, the most straight person in the world who hyperventilates over a guy who works at Starbucks, is being accused by my supposedly homosexual-tolerant father of being LESBIAN with my BEST FRIEND of 14 years.
And now he INSISTS that I tell him what Kathleen wanted to talk about and when I refuse, its' because I can't actually tell him and I'm just making it up and we were having gay sex.
Um... if I wanted to have sex, I wouldn't do it AT HOME with my DAD SITTING IN THE NEXT ROOM.
OH and Kathleen wanted me to sleep over. THAT is a DEFINITE SEXUAL ADVANCE.
Saturday, June 02, 2007
HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOGIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now that that's in order, his birthday was pretty much ruined by the SAT II. :D
I took literature, US history, and biology (in that order... save the best for last... shoot me now..) At first I was just gonna take US and lit, but then I decided, what the hell. I might as well take bio now while I kinda know something by being in the class than tell myself I'll study for October and then not actually studying because I know I won't. It wasn't so bad actually.
US was pretty easy, except I didn't know four of them and now I know I missed two out of those four. Grr.. Oh well.. at least I got two right. I got the two right I used deductive logic on. Whee! Yay for logic (which I'm really bad at so BE PROUD!)
Literature was okay.. there was a Shakespeare-styled feminist poem!!! I LOVED IT. It was basically a sarcastic rant to men about how they seem to believe that women can't write as well as them even though women are the ones who put up with their crap. :D WHEE! The only problem was that a lot of the questions I had issues discerning between two choices. Grr.
Biology.. well.. it wasn't as bad as I expected. There was VERY, VERY little of molecular biology in the general section and I took the ecological section on top of that rather than the molecular so it wasn't too bad. I just don't knwo my phyla and the kidney. Whatever. I took it with the "it doesn't matter" mindset so now I'm not too stressed about it.
What was cool was that I saw people I hadn't seen in YEARS. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL people. And loads of junior high people. ANd of course there were Troy kids. Vivian and I just walked around and went, "WHOA. WHOA! WHOA IT'S YOU! WHOA!!!!!" Roshi came up to me in the parking lot, said hi, and I walked right past him thinking he was talking to someone else until he hit me and went ,"WHAT THE HELL? JUST IGNORE ME". It STILL took me like.. 30 seconds to recognize him. BEARD AND ALL. WHAT IS WITH THE BEARD. I saw CONNIE!!!!! Hehe I smacked her really hard.. SORRY! And people from elementary.. Kiki and apparently Matt Lane and Adriana were there too but I couldn't find them. I was in the same room as Kenny Taylor.. which was interesting.. I don't know if he recognized me. Should've, since apparently I look exactly the same. Same hair. Same height (well.. not exactly the same but still tall), basically everything the same. As for him, let's just say that acne did not do him a favour. He got taller though! He's still pretty short though.. and he dresses in the same exact sweatshirt which was odd.
Camron was there, and Anna. My proctor saw someone else from Troy's ID and freaked out and made this HUGE DEAL about how Troy's the best school ever and Newsweek and the other papers are ALWAYS talking about Troy and blah blah blah. Yes.. well you know what we have to do to get that? OH and another thing. I have now another reason why I go to Troy. SO TEACHERS DON'T TREAT YOU LIKE YOU'RE FIVE YEARS OLD. OMG MY PROCTOR WAS SO ANNOYINGLY STUPID. I AM NOT FIVE. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO SPEAK SO LOUDLY AND SLOWLY AND "HONEY" ME. PLEASE. He was one of those people that I would imagine a pedophile to be like. "Take some candy.. hehehe" GRR. Which is why it was a little scary when I was the only one left in the room (he was mad at me because I was the only one taking three so he couldn't go home). I finished in like... 35 minutes though. Hehe bio. I just sped through it. :D Probably better that I can't actually think about the questions because then I'd get it wrong.
I must now write an essay. NOT COOL.