Since I have nothing better to do, I shall now recap some of the somewhat interesting events of my mundane life.
Friday I spent the morning running around to various schools only to realize that there is no summer school on Fridays.. I then went to Jen's house because I didn't want to spend 5 hours at the Cal State Fullerton library by myself. hehe Jen is funny. :D Yogin! She was watching "Hannah Montana"... GRR. THE SCOURGE OF MODERN DISNEY IS SPREADING. SOMEONE HELP ME STEM THE FLOW! BARRICADE THE DOOR! DAM THE WATERS! DO NOT LET THEM BREACH THE SEVEN LEVELS! DEFEND THE HORNBURG! Wow okay I'm really bored.
I then went to Cal State Fullerton to research for my extended essay. It took me about an hour just to get into the accursed library. First, I couldn't find parking, so I eventually just parked at Troy and walked over in the sweltering heat (at the brilliant advice of Jennifer). I then got totally and completely lost. I had to call Jen and she had to direct me to the library slowly and arduously. "What do you see now?" "Flags." "Okay.... turn right." That was difficult. And then apparently we had a miscommunication because I call

that "hexagons" and she calls them "honeycombs" because some ingenious architect decided that was going to be the design of the CSUF library.
Once I found the building, I couldn't find the entrance because the entrance had signs that said "construction ongoing. Use other door". And I couldn't find the other door, so I walked around the building twice until I finally summoned up enough courage to ask the extremely long-haired (longer than mine), bearded man listening to extremely loud music while wearing roller skates sitting near the entrance. He was really really nice though, which was awesome, even if he slightly made fun of my inability to find a huge door.
But unlike the man sitting by the door, the man inside the library was MEAN. Just because I don't know how to use your stupid printer does not mean you have to give me that attitude. There were like four printers. I had no idea which one it printed to! And I'm not a college student (yet)! Eesh. He was upset that I had the audacity and the gall to ASK HIM, the REFERENCE/HELP person (think of that! Someone asking HIM a question!) the process of buying a "Titan card" so I could print.
But I found lots of William Wilberforce and I shall have to return there soon.
Afterwards, I stopped by Starbucks. Okay I was TOO CLOSE not to stop by. There was no way. It was beckoning to me, calling my very name from across the street, the wind whispering softly in my ear "star...bucks... star... bucks..." But neither Robert nor Jeremy nor Derek were there. Sigh. I expected at least one, even though it was Friday and I know that Derek and Jeremy don't work Fridays. Wow I am stalker-ish.
After breaking my "no Starbucks" for the summer pledge, I went over to Yogin's house to say hi, effectively getting lost again. I am not very good at this directions thing. And now Yogin thinks I'm paranoid, because his stupid blinds were making strange sounds that could have been his dad coming home!
My dad DRAGGED me to an Asian party which would have been more aptly named "Everyone 50 years of age and up except Elaine" party. I swear. I don't know why they invite me. And they apparently LOVE having me there. I almost had my dad talked out of it and then the freakin hostess especially calls my dad and asks him to "make sure you bring your daughter!" GRAH. I ate SO much because there was nothing else to do. "Oww I'm really stuffed. No more eating. *sit there and stare at the wall for five minutes* Yeah okay I'll have another one of those."
But around 10 PM, I finally talked my dad into letting me go hang out with Kathleen and Robin, who had been at some drumline thing that I don't understand. So Kathleen and Robin came to pick me up and we hung out at this teahouse place in Walnut that was basically the haven for all fobby and gangster Asians. We met Steve and Calvin there and our waiter was like... DAVID LAU!!!!! Except... slightly taller. He dressed like David, moved like David, talked like David, and even his MANNERISMS. I swear every time he did ANYTHING, Kathleen, Robin and I were like, "OMG!!!!!" His hand gestures, the way he like.. craned his neck. It was PERFECT. HE EVEN DRAWS!!!! Most likely not at the same crazy level as David, but STILL! But he doesn't break dance. :(
Kathleen demonstrated her extreme Asian cheapness while ordering.
Kathleen: I'll take a lychee iced green tea.
waiter (DAVID LAU!): with boba?
K: Um... no... wait.. does it cost extra?
w: Yeah...
K: OH okay then no.
w: What size? Regular or large?
K: The smallest one possible... that's the cheapest right?
w: yeah...
And then when Steve was ordering.
w: Do you want boba with that?
S: Yes.
w: Large or small?
S: Huh?
Robin: Do you want small balls or large balls?
S: OHHHH Large... of course... *makes very bad hand gestures that I do not care to describe*
So your life is basically less boring than mine. At least i have 3-6 year olds who WORSHIP me. I really will be able to take over the world with these kids at my back. Plus I get to hang out with james...
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