Monday, June 25, 2007

I just ordered the part my ailing computer supposedly needs so hopefully I shall be reinstated soon. ITUNES!!!!!! AHHH THE BLESSED MUSIC! AIM!!!! MY COMMUNICATION PORTAL! A MONITOR THAT ACTUALLY ALLOWS ME TO WATCH VIDEOS BECAUSE IT'S NOT TOO DARK!
It's actually quite sad that I have nothing to do without my blessed computer. My dependency upon that piece of technology is really deplorable.

I finished "The Red and the Black" last night at 1 AM.. SNIFF SNIFF. SNIFF. AHH JULIEN! Monsieur Sorel! So I think that is one thing off my "summer to do" list.

I need something exciting. Grr.

I was working on my internship stuff this morning, calling around to the various schools and I have realized why I like public schools more than privates. I have 3 publics and 2 privates on my list, and when I called both of the private schools, they were snooty, unhelpful, and downright rude. "I can't help you with that. Maybe you should write the principal... but he's on vacation too so basically you're screwed. You DO realize it's summer, right?"
NO REALLY, lady. Do you think I'm stupid or something?
I went on their websites and they reek with "teaching the good Word of Jesus" and instilling a sense of Christian charity and goodness in their students, setting the example of loving your neighbour and being a good Samaritan.
Yeah and then basically hang up on me.

GRR. Juxtaposed against Fullerton and Brea-Olinda High School, who basically told me, "Oh yeah we'll gather it all up and send it to you!" and "Email me and I'll forward it to the entire staff and we'll come up with some ideas", respectively.

Oh! So if any of you have story ideas/pictures of Troy events (or Brea-Olinda, Fullerton, Orangewood Academy, or Crystal Cathedral, but I doubt you'd have those), send them to me!


Everyone should recycle. :D


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a pictures of cute kids, me sitting in a tangle of wires, and a pretty picture of my cello...

6/26/2007 2:23 PM  

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