Friday, August 28, 2009

I'm leaving tomorrow morning.. in less than 10 hours. This makes me sad. As much as I love Amherst, I love home.. sunny weather, amazing friends, funny daddy, pretty piano, comfy bed, slow minivan, etc. I think being away from home for so long made me realize how much I really love it, and how homey of a person I really am. I mean, don't get me wrong. I love Amherst, and I love traveling (like going to China), but I'm just feeling a little tearful at having to leave again. And I never got to see Kathleen again. Stupid face. I'm sure I'll be fine once I get to Amherst and see everyone and get caught up in the frenzy of life. But I will miss all of you. And just California in general. Even if we swap trees or seasons for smog and heat, it's still the best place in the world.

OH MAN I DIDN'T HAVE IN-N-OUT THIS WEEK. BAHHH!! At least I got boba today.. and I can attempt at making some Chinese foods. I need to stop thinking about things that I'm leaving behind and think about the things I'm returning to.

Must go finish freaking out over packing. I think I have everything, but I can't defeat that feeling that I'm missing something. I'm just paranoid.

See you all in Massachusetts!

Monday, August 24, 2009

We had the second annual tea party today! Lots of fun, even if we were missing some members. I arrived at Shayne's house, snagged the awesome parking spot next to his house that is ALWAYS taken, and heard the beautiful, endearingly squeaky voice of Miss Ozaki! Yayy!!! Tea was just as lovely as last year, with real silverware and matching china and NAPKIN RINGS and scones and all that lovely beautiful stuff that Shayne possesses. Shayne was our chef extraordinaire, apologizing for every single that he made, picking out minute details that no one but he would notice and complaining about his apparent failure at cooking. Like the perfectly delicious scones were "burnt" and the chocolate cake was too soggy or something... I don't think anyone else had any idea what he was talking about. It was all delicious. But it was really cute. :) Alison is now a Hobbit, Shayne was once an Elf, now demoted to a Dwarf, though now that I'm more awake and cogent, I realize that if you were once an Elf, wouldn't that make you an Orc now? "They were Elves once. Taken by the Dark Powers, twisted and mutilated, a ruined and terrible form of life." Yup. That's you, Shayne. :) And Vicki and I together make an Elf. :)

We prepared the sandwiches. I used two different knives and cut cucumbers and sandwiches without hurting myself! Or anyone else! It's amazing! And I poured tea without scalding myself. At one point, I did manage to make my tea erupt like Mt. Vesuvius all over Vicki. It's not my fault! I blame her! She had to go and say something funny about Shayne's eyebrows right at that moment. I was drinking harmlessly, without bothering or provoking anyone, when suddenly Vicki had to make her funny comment that I can't seem to remember (VICKI: What was it? About light-haired eyebrows and Shayne... and freaks... synonymous, really), and I laughed really hard, which resulted in a really big breath blown upon my tea, which then erupted all over me and Vicki. Whoops! Sorry! At least it's not as bad as the pasta before a dance... :D :D Sitting next to me really is hazardous.

After the tea party, we met up with Danielle at the movie theatre to see "The Time Traveler's Wife." Poor Shayne. He didn't want to go at first, making excuses here and there, until we basically dragged him. Oh Shayne. I heart you! You're the one who once said that it's not the movie but the company! :D Even as we walked into the theatre, the guy who takes the ticket stubs said, "Wow. How'd they drag you into this one?" as he reluctantly walked in behind four giggling girls. Oh well. At least you're popular, Shayne! The movie was okay. Not spectacular. Not horrible (like I expected). I think it was better if you'd read the book because they cut everything out except for the very basic plot, so if you'd read the book, you kind of filled in the details in your own mind, which made the things they did keep more dramatic. Eric Bana is very attractive, I must add, though tries way too hard to sound American. The acting was... passable. I didn't feel like gagging in any of the parts, which I was sincerely hoping for. Danielle and I made snide comments the whole time, like how creepy it must be for someone to just walk up to you and tell you everything about yourself. Stalkers... And how little Alba must be a really messed up child. And how the sex scenes were so long and detailed... one of the few things they stayed true to the book. And, of course, the fact that Henry knows everything is... because he's an ELF! :)

Thursday, August 20, 2009

I've been writing a lot in a journal... like, actually physically writing, so I've been blogging less. How strange. I have so many things to write and not enough time to write it, but when I sit down to write, nothing comes to me. Grr. I haven't done much lately. We have friends over from China; their daughter is starting private high school here this fall and is thus getting settled. I took them to the Apple Store today. IPhones are ridiculously expensive, by the way. The actual machine isn't very expensive, but the monthly phone fee is ridiculous! So we then went to the Verizon Store. I felt really grown-up and important, since I was the only one who spoke English, making transactions and discussing prices and rates and doing all these other, adult things. And then translating it into Chinese. :)

I feel unproductive. Must do something productive now.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

I think the only person who would find this interesting is Vicki. Doing the stupid survey thing that is going through Facebook because I'm too tired to concentrate on writing, which I procrastinated on all day. Grr..

My Life According to... MCFLY!

I'm Male or Female? "That Girl"

Describe Myself: "I'll Be Okay"

How I Feel: "Just My Luck"

Life is: "No Worries"

What's the weather like? "Walk in the Sun"

My favorite form of transportation: "Walk in the Sun" (Alright I cheated...)

If I could go anywhere, I would go: "Down By the Lake"

My favorite color is: "Ultraviolet"

My favorite time of day: "Friday Night"

If my life was a TV show, it would be called: "Down Goes Another One"

If I could change my name, I would change it to: "Little Joanna"

My best friend is: "Star Girl"

My relationships: "The Heart Never Lies"

My fear: "Too Close for Comfort"

The best advice I have to give: "Smile"

Thought for the Day: "Memory Lane"

How I would like to die: "She Falls Asleep"

My soul's present condition: "Home Is Where the Heart Is"

My Motto: "Falling In Love"

Friday, August 14, 2009

Hello! Day Five since China, which was really awesome even if my mom had her moments and pollution/smoking/spitting is disgusting. I got to see lots of different places, some of which was really eye-opening and potentially life-changing, and saw people I've missed. And ate way too much good food. I've never really experienced a big family at all; I mean, it's just me and my dad most of the time, and even when my mom's side comes over, it's usually just for Christmas dinner or something, nothing protracted that forces us to go past small talk and formalities. But being in China with all of my family from both sides for a relatively extended period of time was really different. All my aunts, one uncle, my grandparents, my mom, my cousin, and I all in the house was a bit chaotic, mostly from the three sisters squabbling (they never will grow up, I think), but it was a different environment than what I'm used to. And being in Beijing with both sides of the family (mostly dad's) was also fun, being spoilt by grandma and everyone else. I felt for the first time that it's nice being related to all of these people, that family ties are solid. But it was also really saddening to think about. On my dad's side especially, all the relatives that I'm close with are older, my various grandparents and lots of aunts and uncles. I barely have any cousins, and I haven't spoken to any of them in years. One of my aunts has a three-year-old daughter that I've never met and probably doesn't even know I exist. I realized that in 10 years, I might not have a "home" to go back to there, something that I've always taken for granted.

There is a very large, odd-shaped insect flying over my head. It will be destroyed. MOTHAMON PART 2

Been hanging out with people since I've gotten back. Dad was in Minneapolis for a couple days after I got back, so I took advantage of the time to go gallivanting (excellent word, btw) about with friends. Shayne and Vicki came over Monday. Originally, I'd asked Shayne to come over because I thought Vicki had to work, but her boss all of a sudden gave her a day off, so obviously we had to get together to watch MCFLY!!! (WE STILL HAVEN'T SEEN THE DOCUMENTARY!!) Poor Shayne. So I told him to come later, but with our hysterical screaming and constant rewinding to see Danny's cute faces over again, we didn't get through all of it, so Shayne had to witness some of our hysteria. We decided against watching the documentary partly because we didn't want to torture Shayne more, but mostly because we didn't want him to judge us for liking McFly when he saw their insane antics. :) So we watched "The Fellowship of the Ring" instead, which Vicki decided she wanted to try and ruin. :)
"She knows this because she's an Elf! Elves know everything and always look pretty and their hair never gets messed up." So the phrase of the day became: "It's because he's an Elf." And apparently Vicki and I are joined at the brain (a scary thought) and together make one Elf. She got the pretty hair and I got the arrogance and somewhere in between we lost the grace. :D They stayed for dinner, and Vicki, of course, didn't eat much. Haha. No mac and cheese!

Afterwards, Andy came over and we went to.. Starbucks, of course. I got a kids' hot chocolate and Andy an apple cider drink thing. I didn't think they'd let me have the kids' size, but apparently they do. Yay! And it's called a short, which was an original Starbucks size before they "bought into consumerism." Yay for Andy's knowledge of Starbucks trivia. We sat and talked and then decided to hide from the cold by going to my dad's house. Well, we got in the car and wanted to be spontaneous since we were free, uncontrolled, and mobile. But we kind of failed. We went through a list of places to go and realized that Chino Hills really is rather boring (but lovely!) and that we were really bad at spontaneity. So we went back to my dad's house and were spontaneous without trying! Andy went for my piano because his is gone forever to his little cousin's, and we spent the next hour or two singing along to one of us attempting to play the score to Broadway songs. I think we should stick to Phantom, since I know how to play it. Rent is hard, btw. And even if "I Could Have Danced All Night" looks easy, you always end up with the person singing trying to hold "danceeeeeeeeddd" for a really long time while you attempt to figure out the next chord. But it was lots of fun!! I miss singing, especially with Andy. It was so nice to hear his voice again... and he makes a really sexy Phantom! Andy seems always to get into compromising situations with young girls, such as coming back to my empty, unsupervised house at midnight... oh well. :)

The next day, I drove off to Santa Ana to pick up the automobile-deprived Sarah, and we wandered around Santa Ana aimlessly, which was still fun. :) She showed me Main Place mall, and we walked from one end to the other (and saw the Baginskis randomly) making random comments at stores. Sarah decided that she was a tour guide.
"This is an ad for 'The Time Traveler's Wife.'"
"Yes, thank you. I didn't notice. Are you a tour guide or something?"
"But you're not walking backwards..."
"I can't. I'd run into someone or something."
"Well then you can't be a real tour guide."
"Shut up, woman! I'm guiding you. Therefore, I'm a tour guide."
We got candy from See's (even though I left my lollipop on the counter and then was too embarrassed to go back and get it) and avoided my "favourite" lingerie stores, and then decided that we were nerds and wanted to go to the bookstore. We drove to Barnes & Nobles, had coffee, and spent way too much time sitting in the middle of an aisle recommending books to each other. Sarah DRAGGED me to go look at cookbooks, where she decided that she was going to be a Greek woman named Vefa... wtf. And then mooned over cupcakes for another half hour before we went back downstairs and spent too long looking at planners, calendars (like old women), and journals. We're really boring. Right when we were heading out, we glanced at the bargain section and found the most amazing, ridiculous book in the history of the world. Sarah decided then and there that we had to buy it and read it aloud. I mean... it said things like, "I lurrvvee Hamburger-a-gogo Land." What does that even mean!?!? After embarrassing ourselves by reading it in the Barnes & Nobles (people kept staring at us), we bought it (and Sarah made me go pay because she was too embarrassed), and drove to Orange Circle where we read it aloud to each other (people kept staring at us again). It was the most ridiculous thing ever.. it actually made my head hurt. I had to go though, which made us both very sad. Stupid Santa Ana has to be so far away... and Sarah has to not have a car. :(

This morning, I got up bright and early and went to Jen's house. We had planned on washing our cars, which is really fun even if it doesn't sound like it. When I got there, her stepdad asked her to bake him something so he could take it to some event later that day, so Jen taught me how to bake cookies for the first time in my life. Double chocolate chip. Yummy! I fail at measuring things, btw... I've never seen these teaspoon, tablespoon things that you have!! White people create such funny measuring things... we kind of just estimate with our chopsticks and spoons.. they're so precise. Maybe this is why Chinese people don't bake. But I survived! I just ended up putting a little too much flour in it... whoops. But I measured the baking soda and the salt and the chocolate chips properly!! Be proud!! :D And they were yummy when they came out!! I also had some of the cheesecake that she made yesterday. Jen is Master Baker Extraordinaire. We then went out to wash our cars... okay, so I haven't washed my car like... ever... and it was REALLY filthy. I felt so accomplished seeing all that dirt coming off. For the first time, Jen and I had pride in our cars. We almost understood why men go and wax their cars all the time. Almost. Yay for shiny cars! Even if my dad apparently can't tell the difference... whatever..
It made me realize that it doesn't really matter what you do exactly. You can have fun doing just about anything, from silly to serious, including even chores. It just matters who you're doing it with. Yay for friends. :)