Monday, August 24, 2009

We had the second annual tea party today! Lots of fun, even if we were missing some members. I arrived at Shayne's house, snagged the awesome parking spot next to his house that is ALWAYS taken, and heard the beautiful, endearingly squeaky voice of Miss Ozaki! Yayy!!! Tea was just as lovely as last year, with real silverware and matching china and NAPKIN RINGS and scones and all that lovely beautiful stuff that Shayne possesses. Shayne was our chef extraordinaire, apologizing for every single that he made, picking out minute details that no one but he would notice and complaining about his apparent failure at cooking. Like the perfectly delicious scones were "burnt" and the chocolate cake was too soggy or something... I don't think anyone else had any idea what he was talking about. It was all delicious. But it was really cute. :) Alison is now a Hobbit, Shayne was once an Elf, now demoted to a Dwarf, though now that I'm more awake and cogent, I realize that if you were once an Elf, wouldn't that make you an Orc now? "They were Elves once. Taken by the Dark Powers, twisted and mutilated, a ruined and terrible form of life." Yup. That's you, Shayne. :) And Vicki and I together make an Elf. :)

We prepared the sandwiches. I used two different knives and cut cucumbers and sandwiches without hurting myself! Or anyone else! It's amazing! And I poured tea without scalding myself. At one point, I did manage to make my tea erupt like Mt. Vesuvius all over Vicki. It's not my fault! I blame her! She had to go and say something funny about Shayne's eyebrows right at that moment. I was drinking harmlessly, without bothering or provoking anyone, when suddenly Vicki had to make her funny comment that I can't seem to remember (VICKI: What was it? About light-haired eyebrows and Shayne... and freaks... synonymous, really), and I laughed really hard, which resulted in a really big breath blown upon my tea, which then erupted all over me and Vicki. Whoops! Sorry! At least it's not as bad as the pasta before a dance... :D :D Sitting next to me really is hazardous.

After the tea party, we met up with Danielle at the movie theatre to see "The Time Traveler's Wife." Poor Shayne. He didn't want to go at first, making excuses here and there, until we basically dragged him. Oh Shayne. I heart you! You're the one who once said that it's not the movie but the company! :D Even as we walked into the theatre, the guy who takes the ticket stubs said, "Wow. How'd they drag you into this one?" as he reluctantly walked in behind four giggling girls. Oh well. At least you're popular, Shayne! The movie was okay. Not spectacular. Not horrible (like I expected). I think it was better if you'd read the book because they cut everything out except for the very basic plot, so if you'd read the book, you kind of filled in the details in your own mind, which made the things they did keep more dramatic. Eric Bana is very attractive, I must add, though tries way too hard to sound American. The acting was... passable. I didn't feel like gagging in any of the parts, which I was sincerely hoping for. Danielle and I made snide comments the whole time, like how creepy it must be for someone to just walk up to you and tell you everything about yourself. Stalkers... And how little Alba must be a really messed up child. And how the sex scenes were so long and detailed... one of the few things they stayed true to the book. And, of course, the fact that Henry knows everything is... because he's an ELF! :)


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