Wednesday, June 24, 2009

It's kind of sad that when I decided to blog and clicked the shortcut to blogger, it took me automatically to Andy's blog. I was kind of confused, stared for a couple of seconds taking in the words that I've already read, and realized that it wasn't my life.

Speaking of that, nothing much going on. I went to Alexandra's potluck with Shayne two nights ago, which was pretty fun. I love Shayne's company, so both the drive to and from her house in LA was fun and seemed much shorter than it probably was. Freddie, Alexandra's twin, decided to embarrass Shayne as much as physically and emotionally possible, and enlisted my help, which I was all too happy to give. Tehehe. Poor Shayne. I'm sorry! It's only because I love you! We ate lots of food (I ate too many brownies) and played Catchphrase, which I've decided is just a lame version of Taboo.

Since I stay at home all day and do nothing except read and play piano, I have developed rather unhealthy obsessions, actually not developed, since I was extremely obsessed with most of these things in the first place. Rather, they've extended their power over my life:
-Football: The Confederations Cup may not mean actually anything in the world of football, but at least it provides entertaining football that's actually shown on American television. But WTF Spain!!
-La sombra del viento: I finished it in record time, put it away because I knew I needed to stop thinking about it, and moved on to Isabel Allende's Eva Luna. I've read about 70 pages of that, which is a much shorter book compared to the former, but just don't have that much enthusiasm for it because I can't help thinking about La sombra del viento. So today, I finally gave in to my burning desire and started reading much too large bits and pieces of it, this time slowly and writing down unfamiliar vocabulary. I've also started reading aloud (not doing voices quite yet) to practice my pronunciation, which I've decided is being slightly difficult.. I'm having difficulty enunciating at times.. I think it might be all the lisping...
-Facebook: I really need to get off.

Yup. So that's my life in a nutshell. Facebook. Football. And a Spanish book that I now wished started with "F" so I could have completed that alliteration. I should learn something useful. My dad has me reading a logic textbook. Oh joy.

[Edit] I forgot a primary obsession: Virtue/Moir ice dancing.. so figure skating! Hah! That's another F!


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