Monday, April 20, 2009

Currently listening: "Cold of December"--Ken Oak Band

My new favourite band! They came to play here at Night Market on Saturday night and we totally fell in love.. Jaclyn and I bought two of their CDs and I haven't listened to anything else since. SO beautiful. I love cellos... A rock band with an Asian lead singer who plays the cello. So amazing.

Anyway, my pre-frosh just left. It's so strange how far I've come. It seems like so long ago when I was a pre-frosh in this very dorm. It feels like I've been at Amherst forever, but my life at Troy and at home is also so present in my mind. One of these days it'll probably hit me how much I've grown or changed or learned in my first year here, other than just first time experiences like the snow and Dunkin Donuts. I've realized that I'm just as silly and sentimental as ever, and I don't know how much that will ever change. Not that there's anything wrong with being sentimental or romantic to a degree, but it does tend to take the lustre off things that I already have, beautiful things that I really should take the time to appreciate in the here and now. I always wonder if I'll just wake up one day and be satisfied and content with what I have, not always wondering what is on the other side, not wishing for something more. I think that's why I loved "Madame Bovary" so much, despite how... utterly irritating.. she is. She's obviously one of the most extreme examples ever, but Flaubert definitely captures the fragile, ethereal heights at which human fancy can soar, offering promises that the rock of the world was founded securely on a fairy's wing, as Fitzgerald would say.

This past weekend was really horrible. Accursed history paper on nuns. Grr. Now I just have to write my Spanish paper and then I can maybe relax for a bit. But what of that? What purpose does that serve? What purpose does anything of this serve?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you really only been in college for one year? It seems like you've been there forever already...

4/21/2009 4:41 AM  
Blogger Vorinwe said...

oi! i miss u!!!!!!

4/30/2009 12:57 AM  

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