Wednesday, June 03, 2009

I don't know how I did the bug project freshman year. Hear ye now the epic, frightening tale of.. MOTHAMON!

A couple nights ago, there was a fly in the room all night and it kept flying into our ears as we slept and waking us up. Thus, last night, when we found a fly in the room once again, Vicki and I put our feet down (I don't know if it works in the plural) and decided that it was going down. Thus, I armed myself with a book and sang "Down Goes Another One" by McFly as I waited for this really small fly to land somewhere where I could see it and destroy it.

Unfortunately, this fly was not very accommodating to my death wish, so it was taking quite a while. We were just laughing and talking when we heard two quick taps on the door. We froze. It was about 1 a.m. at this point, and we were the only ones awake, which makes any situation spookier. My first thought was that it was my mom coming down to tell us to quiet down. But it didn't quite sound like a person, and no one said anything. Vicki and I looked at each other and then stared at the door, terrified. We then heard a scratching sound and then another tap. I almost thought it was the dog, but couldn't understand how the dog got out of her box. And then, from the space underneath the door comes flying out this HUGE black thing that I at first thought was a bird. I will admit that my first thought was that Edgar Alan Poe had risen from the dead and sent the Raven after us for some reason. We both shrieked, Vicki dove underneath the covers, and I grabbed a pillow to hide behind. The thing, which we soon realized was a GIGANTIC BLACK MOTH (Think about it.. I thought it was a BIRD and it was large enough to make substantial thudding noises against my door) flying around in the room toward the light. We were both hysterical trying to figure out what was going on and hiding from it when it finally landed in the crack underneath the door, half in the room, half out.

We rather incoherently and very shrilly asked each other what to do next, and Vicki bravely uses her cello sheet music to push it out of the room into the actual house. We quickly stuff our pants (not the ones we were wearing, thank you) underneath the door to seal all cracks, and finally breathe a sigh of relief and start freaking out about what had just happened. I called Brian and told him, though he didn't seem to think it was as big of a deal, and when I told him how we had used our pants as our first line of defense, he responded, "You shouldn't have your pants as the first line of defense. I mean, why do you want a moth in your pants?"
That set off a whole line of "in your pants" jokes that had Vicki and I falling all over the bed in laughter.
"No, Brian!!" I clarified, "Not the pants that I'm wearing right now!"
Vicki started laughing, "Well, you know. Elaine and I like to sleep together pantless."
"Oh yeah," I agreed, "No need for pants when Vicki's around. Remember when I told you we were married? Well, I really meant it."
"All this Prop 8 business," Vicki added.

I had just hung up the phone with Brian and had resumed my fly stalking when there was another thud, and then the moth, penetrating through our pants (hehe), came flying back in!! That thing was so strong!! We really stuffed the pants in there, and it somehow pushed its way through and went straight towards the light again. They really aren't lying when they say moths like light, which was rather ironic, because Vicki had just been telling me about 30 minutes before that there was a moth in her house and it kept going away from the lights that she turned on to get it to leave. We screamed bloody murder again, even more scared this time because the moth had proven itself capable of penetrating our defense. It landed in the corner, a huge black mass on the floor, and we again debated, rather incoherently, what to do.
"I feel like we need to donate it to a freshman!!" Vicki suggested.
"I know... that'd be so good to have... but we can't just kill it. I mean, I feel like it's a freak of nature, literally, and that you can't just kill it because it's so.. special.. and huge!" I said.
"I feel like we can't kill it because it might kill us while we're trying to kill it!" Vicki replied, half laughing, half on the verge of tears.
I almost proposed that we call my dad and have him come over (we were at my mom's) and kill it for us, but felt that might be quite too pathetic. We finally decided to use some sort of cup to trap it and then release it back in the wild. I found a small, circular jewelry box, but we couldn't trap it, first because we were both too terrified to go near it, and second, because it had chosen its landing place well, in the corner, so we couldn't get the box on it.
"It's a monster," I said, "We have to catch it!"
"Gotta Catch Em All," Vicki sang, laughing.
"It's MOTHAMON!!!" I dubbed it.
"Do you have some sort of paper that we can use other than my cello music?" Vicki asked.
I looked around the room and pulled out our prom pictures.
"Nice. Sacrificing the prom pictures. Come out, Mr. Mothamon," Vicki laughed as I handed it to her. She was much braver than me.. I couldn't bring myself to go near the moth. She used the prom pictures to nudge the completely immobile moth away from the corner, and finally put the cup on it. It was quite difficult, as the moth didn't seem to want to move.

As soon as the cup came down, the moth that had not moved at all, started fluttering and going crazy (quite understandably, I must say). The sound it made trying to escape from its trap almost sent us reeling back under the covers in hiding, and Vicki and I started whimpering.
"Well, what do we do with it now???"
Vicki slipped her cello music under the now shaking cup, and we prepared to release it.
"Which door's closer? Front! Ahh! To the front!!"
As quickly as we could without dropping it, we ran for the door, turning on the outside lights so the moth would be attracted to it. Vicki set the whole thing on the floor, and prepared to release the moth. We decided that it probably would want to kill us once we let it go, so we planned to lift the lid, run back into the house, lock the door, and then come back for the cello music and box. And so we did, but Vicki grabbed the precious music before and we rushed into the house and barricaded ourselves in, survivors of a dreadful battle of the moth. The fly apparently had disappeared as well, probably died of fright when it saw the moth.

So yes, Vicki and I are the survivors of the great Bug Wars. There are various episodes. Episode I: The Fly, Episode II: Mothamon. Episode III: The Fly Strikes Back/The Return of the Fly (Oh George Lucas... you're probably cursing us for the blasphemy). And that is my epic story.

It's my mom's birthday today, so I took her and my aunt out to lunch. Yay for Asian food!


Anonymous pingish1 said...


6/14/2009 9:13 PM  

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