I split up the two blog posts because they are completely different subjects. That last post was supposed to be this, but an unplanned rant interrupted. I love those. I haven't had one in a long time, where I just come on here to type something inane and this long tirade on some sort of quasi-philosophical discourse comes out.
Moving on now...
However trite and overdone it may be, I shall now make a list of things/people/stuff I am thankful for. Essentially, the things that make me happy.
-Joggers waving to drivers as they hurry over the crosswalk in the mornings.
-Grandfather clocks
-I was in Santa Ana last week, and I saw a Hispanic couple of lower socioeconomic status, pushing a shopping cart full of freshly-laundered clothing across the street. I looked to the right, and a huge, colourful sign advertising "COIN LAUNDRY" greeted my eyes, which pointed out the origin of their little journey. My eyes wandered over the clothes piled onto the cart--they were not by any means fashionable, not even to my eyes, and some of them were in tatters, clearly worn during hard labour or merely worn out with the passing of time. The clothes seemed to tell the life stories of their owners, who probably did not have a very easy, luxurious life. But as they crossed the street, laughing and holding hands, they seemed so happy, without a care in the world. They didn't care that their clothes weren't couture or even whole, or that they might not have enough to eat that night. They were just happy being together.
That made me happy as I was driving. :) Wow I rant very easily tonight.
-Turning onto Dorothy Lane in the morning and seeing Royston waiting for me in his car.
-All of us standing in a circle next to my locker waiting for, and dreading, the bell to ring.
-Mr. Sawaya's chuckling
-Yogin's dot
-William Shakespeare
-Mr. Dickey--especially when Yogin attacks him before 1st period, or when he chuckles to himself, or when he gazes into the distance during lecture and his eyes glaze over and he thinks of the most appropriate (or inappropriate) thing to say next.
-sitting next to Sarah in physics and laughing about the most ridiculous nonsense ever thought of by man. "FAIL-YOUR-AY"
-poking Shayne for THE NOISE/Yogin raping Shayne (though I'm sure Shayne isn't thankful for it)
-Mr. Knox's ties and bad jokes
-whining about how hard calculus is with Judy
-making scary faces at Norman and seeing his scary faces back during Knox's lectures
-my dad sitting on me before making sure my blankets keep me warm enough at night
-high-fiving Danielle after getting a good score on "Para Empezar"
-hiding in Yogin's jacket during the scary parts of "Pan's Labyrinth"
-making faces at Matthew and laughing without really knowing what we're laughing about in Spanish
-Mr. Sperry doing the hakka, however scary it may be
-lunches at the table with the friends
-sitting in Royston's car as we drive out to lunch
-Sarah being feature editor so I'm not alone amongst.. interesting people.. at layout
-Robin's cartoons
-writing opinion articles
-gazing at Shayne's face upside down in Global and adamantly asserting that he's an upside-down-Asian
-whispering snide comments and Tolkien references to Shayne during global
-wandering around campus after school with Yogin
-Starbucks with Robin
-arguing about football with Matthew
-Liverpool Football Club
-Across the Universe
-walking to class with Vicki and Yogin
-talking on the phone with Kathleen and feeling not forgotten
-guys that will sing with me
-J.R.R. Tolkien
-people who understand that I am completely lame and the biggest dork that has ever lived but accept it anyway
-my planner
-different coloured pens
-people posting comments on my blog
-Elsa's visits from TN
-going to Europe
-good-looking man in "Pan's Labyrinth" (just for you Yogin)
-good-looking men in general
-music, books, films, and history
-facebook comments
-hugs from Yogin
Wow that was longer than I had planned. But of course, there are so many more.
Happy Thanksgiving everybody!