Monday, December 29, 2003

i saw LOTR again yesterday, and now i'm longing 2 c it again! that movie is seriously the ring. it makes u want it more and more, hopefully it doesn't corrupt and kill u tho... uh-oh.. i have 2 say, scary tho it is, that my fav scenes r not w/ Legolas. yes i still love him but my 2 in this movie r both w/ Faramir.
Faramir and Denethor in the Citadel of Minas Tirith:
F: You wish now that our places were switched. That I had died and Boromir lived.
D: Yes, I wish that
F: (with tears in his eyes, he was sooo cute here, i no i am sad) Since you were robbed of Boromir, I will do what I can in his stead. (bows and takes his leave,then turning) If I should return, think better of me, Father.
D: (w/o raising his head): That would depend on the manner of your return...

so sad!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the other one is when faramir is leaving the City w/ a bunch of soldiers on a suicide mission 2 recapture Osgiliath.
Gandalf: Faramir! Your father's will has turned to madness! Do not throw away your life so carelessly.
Faramir: Where would you have me swear my allegiance to?
G: Your father loves you Faramir. He will remember it before the end.

okay i need 2 stop going on. i could make a whole list of memorable quotes/scenes from that movie... mayb i should, i'll do it when i'm bored. okay ending w/ Pippin's song 2 Denethor during "the Steward of Gondor"
Home is behind, the world ahead.
And there are many paths to tread.
Through shadow,to the edge of night
Until the stars are all alight.
Mist and shadow
Cloud and shade.
All will fade
All will....... fade

Thursday, December 25, 2003

jacked this from andy's blog, i am also gonna comment on many of his answers.
1. Name: Elaine
2. If there are 3 wells (love, beauty, and creativity) and you could only drink from one of them, which would you choose?: andy u r right about the "u can never have 2 much love thig but u r not about the having 2 much creativity and beauty-jkjk! i'd say love bcuz i think thatz the most important thing in this world (yes i no i'm cheesy)
3. When you have problems who do you run to?: Kathleen or Mandy, depending on what kind of advice i want.
4. Which finger is your favorite?: okay unlike Frodo Baggins (LOTR thing), i need all of them (typing, piano, hello!) i'd prolly say the index but the middle is VERY lovely all by itself (jkjkjk!!!)
5. What is the most disgusting food you have ever eaten? cow liver & intestines
6. Would you kill someone?: no, let's hope not. i wouldn't say that about Kathleen tho.... jkjk! (hey ka, what about Jim?)
7. If yes, why?: i'll let kathleen answer that
8. If you were making a movie about yourself, who would play the lead?: haha, it would be a pretty boring movie! good answer andy! probably Kathleen bcuz she's seen enough of my obsessions & convulsions 2 imitate. actually no, i wouldn't want my image ruined (hehe jk Ka!)
9. Do you like your handwriting?: like andy's, mine is 2 neat. i like my cursive when i'm tryin 2 write well. well @ least when i'm not scribbling. actually, u can say i'm pretty proud of my writing. u can never b 2 neat andy!
10. Who are u most Jealous of?: okay i'm gonna let Mandy and Kathleen answer that one. seriously u 2, who do u think i'm most jealous of?
11. What kind of person do you want to marry?: someone who's as obsessed w/ basketball and LOTR as me (hehe thatz not possible) um, probably someone caring who i can really talk 2. also someone loyal, i've seen 1sthand what infidelity can do 2 a marriage, divorces these days..
12. What is your favorite lunch meat?: okay what kind of a question is that?!
13. What do you put on your sandwiches?: i don't think about that. @ home bcuz i'm lazy, pb&j but @ subway, i am very detailed. ham, american cheese, mayonnaise, a tiny bit of mustard, lettuce, tomatoes, oil,and EXTRA EXTRA pickles.
14. If you were another person, would you be friends with you?: um, i dunno. i really admire my friends 4 being able 2 put up w/ me. hehe my obsessions KA
15. Are you a daredevil?: hell no. i think ppl think i'm 2 goody-goody
16. Have you ever told a secret that you swore you wouldn't repeat?: un4tunately yes. my stupid mouth!
17. What do you think is the most attractive animated character?: ookay c i don't check out cartoons. fine, mayb TK or Izzy from Digimon (hehe Kathleen) yes, i actually liked that show once in my life.
18. (A) Do looks matter?: to society, yes, un4tunately (good answer andy, i'll add un4tunately) (B) Colour?: u no what as much as ppl say that it does't matter and we're all "equal" in ppl's hearts, we'll never b equal, un4tunately
19. Do you pray?: sometimes
20. Have you ever met a famous person?: whatz ur def of famous? my dad thinks he's famous (kathleen, the book thing again)
21. Do you think there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?: it defies w/ the laws of gravity but yes, i do believe in it. it is a metaphor 4 life.
22.What do you do to prevent anger?: listen 2 music, write, yell @ kathleen, talk 2 andy
23. Who is your idol?: American Idol? then Clay. okay that was lame. i dunno. i'll have 2 think about that 1
24. Who is your second Family?: kathleen's. c'mon, i've been there 4 almost 11 yrs. i've raided their cupboards (heheh)
25. Do you trust others easily?: yes, and that might be my weakness.. (good answer andy)
26. What was your favorite toy as a child?: how sad.. i can't remember! (omg another answer in common w/ andy, what have i bcome?!?!) hmm... i'm not sure. i'll ask kathleen, this is sad. probably my teddy bear that i still have.
27. What class in school do you think is totally useless?: none, maybe study skills but then i look @ Blake and i change my mind
28. What is the punch-line to your favorite joke: i have no idea.
29. Do you like sappy love songs?: yeah... hehe, a bit 2 much. my fav songs r all sappy love songs... reflects my personality doesn't it?
30. Do you think your life so far has been good?: overall, i guess.. although there were several bumps on the road that i had stumbled upon.. (great answer andy)
31. Which was your best Halloween costume?: ANDY!! WHAT IS WITH THE H2O?!?!?!?!?!?!?! i'd probably say the freak of nature last yr (hehehehe kathleen, nice hair, farmer)
32. Have you ever been on radio or television?: no but itz not gonna stay that way.
33. Do you keep a diary?: yea, 4. NO1 ATTEMPT 2 READ
34. Have you ever intentionally hurt another person?:
A) Physically: yes, i'm sry KA (remember Jay?)
B) Mentally: i asked my friend once to think fast... good 1 andy. um, i'm not sure how 2 answer that.
C) Emotionally: i think itz the other way around.
35. Have you ever been in a mosh pit?: No
36. What's the best concert you've been to?: Jesse McCartney (i love u ka)
37. Would you rather have a sore throat or an upsetstomach?: Sore throat. i can't stand stomachaches. i die.. and bsides, sore throat i still talk 2 much
38. What do you want to be remembered by?: obsessive freak, jk. and andy, how was ur answer being conceited??? um somebody who actually cared,o and a good writer and LOTR Freak.
39. What is the new saying that you've been using a lot?: that's nice. (kathleen u and ur phrases) or i end everything w/ -ness
40. Do you keep your underwear and socks in the same drawer or in a separate one?: same, i unlike andy, can tell the difference between socks and underwear
41. Did you pay money to see "honey I shrunk the kids"?: wat kind of a ? is that?
42. Would you rather be hot or cold?: well i'm alwayz hot,thank u very much. jkjkjk. um cold bcuz then i can curl up next 2 the fire, drink hot chocolate, and watch American Idol Xmas or LOTR
43. Did you ever like the Spice Girls?: NEVER
44. What was the best Christmas present you received?: um best? thatz hard! KATHLEEN this yr definitely tho!!!
45. Could you be a vegetarian?: ME? vegetarian? what next? amanda's a guy??? APOCALYPSE!!!1
46. What word do you use when you think something is good?: thatz like LOTR!!! jkjk. um SWEETNESS!!!
47. What band has the funniest name?: andy, whatz w/ u and hoyt? um i dunno.
48. Would you ever bungee jump?: me and heights? NO!
49. Do you untie your shoes every time you take them off?: of course. they don't come off otherwise.
50. Would you rather wear uniforms to school?: HELL NO!
51. Have you ever given money to a bum?: whatz ur def of a bum?
52. What are you worried about right now?: if i will get 2 make my oath of seeing LOTR 5 times in theaters @ least. and gettin 2 lazy 4 holidays. o! and mine and amanda's love lives.
53. Do you ever wear overalls?: okay, no
54. Do you think you are strong(emotionally)?: hell no. WAY 2 sensitive
55. Do you hate anyone?: u no what, every1 hates okay?
56. Do you eat hot dogs?:yea... got a problem?
57. Do you regret anything?: too many....
58. Who do you love?: my family, my friends, LOTR (if thatz a person)
59. Whats the craziest thing you've done?: i've done 2 many crazy things okay? ask kathleen or amanda
60. What are you going to do next?: answer #61 and obsess over LOTR
61. What were you doing today?: obsessing, eating, watching bball, lakers lost!! HAHA! opening presents, watching LOTR, listenin 2 soundtrack
62. What's your favorite color? sky blue, pure sky blue
63. What's your ideal gf/bf?: don't make me answer that. someone who actually cares about me and likes me 4 who i am not what i can give them

i got a load of presents, I LOVE U KATHLEEN!!!! (4 all u sick ppl, NO)

Kathleen: LOTR Two Towers: Special Extended DVD; LOTR Return of the King Soundtrack (btw i'm listenin 2 it rite now KA, love it! thank u soo much!!!)
Mandy: Eminem poster!!!!!! he's hot in there.
Uncle: Pirates of the Carribean
Andy: candle, itz pretty...
Lauren & Erin: a crystal chess set (i don't even no how 2 play chess! but itz beautiful) and Pirates of the Carribean (yes i will return one)
Aunt: Bruce Almighty (ugh, don't really like the movie... itz alrite tho)
Other aunt: Lord of the Rings: Two Towers DVD, normal version (hehe KA, hard choice which 1 2 keep. I LOVE FARAMIR!!!! and of course Legolas)
Ric: Seabiscuit DVD
Grandma Peggy: scarf, necklace, bracelet. they're really pretty..
Devin: bracelet, lip gloss (mandy, don't even go there)
Mom: really pretty notebook, itz beautiful... reminds me sooo much of something from Rivendell (yes i no i'm obsessed-Ka, this is what happens)
i think i got everybody. if i didn't, i'm sry!!! i love all the presents tho! they're beautiful. KA, once again, u spoil me.
ROCKETS KICKED LAKERS @$$!!!!!!!!!!!GO YAO!!!!!! spurs r still the best!! of course..
EVERYONE HAS 2 C LOTR @ LEAST ONCE!! I mean c'mon, even ANDY saw it (true fans these day, so scattered. no andy u r not a true fan)
MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL AND TO ALL A GOOD NIGHT (kathleen, i'm tellin u, u were high there)

Monday, December 22, 2003

HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ANDY U WERE WRONG!!!!! MUAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!!! I am not THAT predictable! okay i probably am but alrite! andy, i'll give u this, if i hadn't seen it yet, i would've had the exact same reaction as u predicted.. newayz, ROTK WAS STILL THE BEST MOVIE!!!! LEGOLAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARAGORN!!!!! FARAMIR!!!!! FRODO!!!!!!!!!!!!! okay 2.5 days till XMAS!!!!!!!!!!

okay i am now leaving 2 obsess more over LOTR. and yes Andy, i am a TRUE fan unlike u!!!

Saturday, December 20, 2003

I SAW LOTR ROTK TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thatz all i can say! it was the BEST movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! now i will go in2 details (ppl who think i'm crazy-most all skip this entry) there was this 1 action scene w/ Legolas. it was soooooo TIGHT!!!! i'm gonna c it @ least 5 times in the theaters!!! i think kathleen wants 2 kill me. hehhe just 4 her, i'm gonna make the following list, just 2 piss her off.
Hottest guy in LOTR: LEGOLAS!!!! DUH!!! need i say more?
Hottest Man (as in race of man, not gender): Aragorn and Faramir (i just discovered 2day that he's really good looking)
Cutest Hobbit: FRODO!!! nice eyes!!
Freakiest part in movie: Smeagol killing Deagol.
Fav character: Aragorn, i'd have 2 say him. i'm sry Legolas!! Faramir's really cool 2. itz so sad w/ him and Denethor. Denethor is CRAZY!!!! i love Arwen tho. (hehe kathleen, this is where all the drama comes from, remember?) stupid eowyn!!!!!!!!!!! tho she kills the Witch King tho. that was cool.
best race: ELVES!!!!!!!!! and no roshi they r not horny!
best place: Rivendell-Imladris; Ithilien doesn't sound THAT bad tho
fav Man (as in race again): other than Aragorn is Faramir!!!! i like him more than Boromir? dunno whatz wrong w/ Denethor

hehe i'll write/obsess more later about details. i'm like really sad now tho. like tho it was a rrreeaaaallllyyyy long movie, i didn't want it 2 end and i ALMOST cried. i had tears in my eyes. it really sux now bcuz itz like when u get up itz really "the end" there's no more. no more Middle Earth. no more hobbits. no more Men, no more Legolas. okay stop it elaine. well namarie 4 now. melme 2 all.

Tuesday, December 16, 2003

lagovanan (elvish)
AHHHHH!!!!!! LORD OF THE RINGS IS COMING OUT IN LESS THAN FOUR HOURS!!!!!!!!!!! FRODO!!!!!!!!! LEGOLAS!!!!!! ARAGORN!!!!!!!!!!! ARWEN!!!!!!!! GIMLI!!!!!!! MERRY!!!!! PIPPEN!!!!!! EOWYN!!!!! EOMER!!!!!!!!! FARAMIR!!!!!! ELROND!!!!!!! SMEAGOL!!!!!! GOLLUM!!!!!!! GALADRIEL!!!!!!!!! okay shutting up w/ the characters. GONDOR!!!! RIVENDELL!!!! SHIRE!!!!! ROHAN!!!! EDORAS!!!!! ITHILIEN!!!!!!!! MINAS MORGUL!!!!! MORDOR!!(ok mayb not 2 excited about that 1) okay i said i was gonna stop w/ the characters, not the places. shit!!!!!!!!! I WANNA FREAKIN GO @ MIDNITE!!!!!!!!! my freakin parents won't let me freakin go!!!!!!!! u can c i'm BARELY restraining myself from using ne 4 letter words!!!! key word: BARELY. instead, i have 2 wait THREE WHOLE DAYS!!!! until @ least saturday!!!!!!!!!!! NO!!!!!!! I AM NOT GONNA B THE 1ST PERSON IN CHINO HILLS 2 C IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

newayz, tryin not 2 obsess... impossible! the "Winter in Candyland" dance is 2morrow. Andres is going. so is Camron (well we have 2) but kenny t isn't. cayden isn't either (awww poor mandy) jkjk.i wonder if coop is...

well namarie 4 now. LOTR!!!!! namarie!!!

Monday, December 15, 2003

well what do u no, my dad's back 1 day and he's already given me 3 lectures/yelling sessions.he keep bugging me about quitting the basketball team bcuz "i don't have enough time" and "i'm wasting my life on unimportant things" he's even angrier bcuz i'm missing debate 4 bball... what the f***??!??!? y cant i just do what i want 2. debate is the whole yr and i still go 2 the competitions. basketball is like 2 months!!!!!!!!!!!!

on a happier note, the spurs just started tipoff!!!! ooo gotta go check how their doing!!! heehe!!! they HAVE 2 win!! and i just discovered that the song "Why Can't I" by Liz Phair has really good lyrics. the singing and melody is really crappy but the lyrics r really good. i think most ppl can relate 2them
"Why can't I breathe whenever I think about you"
"Why can't I speak whenever I talk about you"

Sunday, December 14, 2003

oooo and almost 4got (how could i)
SPURS ON A SIX GAME WINNING STREAK!!!!!! the beat the Rockets(hehe sry Yao Ming!!!) 2 in a row! gO PARKER!!!!!! 12 ASSISTS!!!!! GINOBILI!!!!! RASHO!!!!!!! TIMMY!!!!!

my daddy's back!!!!!!! i went 2 the airport 2 pick him up this morning.

newayz, TWO DAYS UNTIL LOTR!!!!!!!

i took the SSAT on saturday. the only person i knew there was Supawat (if i spelledhis name rite)

i didn't end up going 2 the debate competition bcuz i didn't have a team. Alejandra and Amanda both quit....

Thursday, December 11, 2003

I LOVE CLAY AIKEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he was so freakin hot last nite @ the Billboard Music Awards!!!! i recorded it and then fast 4wded through it until i found Clay Aiken (well i stopped once 4 Evanescence) i started screaming and hyperventilating @ the same time (yes i no, itz possible, only 4 elaine-shut up kathleen) my mom ran over and was like, "who died??? ooooo, itz clay!!!!!" (she kinda likes clay, i think she thinks he's the only "okay" 1 i listen 2.) Celeste!!!!!! BRING ME THAT TAPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

newayz, 2day was alrite, well not gradewise. my english grade went bye bye 2day. o well, i can raise it.


Wednesday, December 10, 2003

i haven't posted in a while.sry... not that ne1 cares.

i made the basketball team. we've practiced all this wk so far, lovely

my dad's in China and i miss him.

Amanda's birthday was yesterday. i got her a bracelet, itz pretty. Cooper got her another bracelet w/ matching earrings

Lord of the Rings: Return of the King comes out in 6 days!!!!! only thing exciting or at least interesting in my life right about now. well, it' at least the only thing i'm looking 4ward 2 right about now.

and i hate andy. i really really really really really realy really hate him. not just hate him, LOATHE him, jkjk!! (andy u no i love u!!!) I HATE HOW GOOD U R IN POETRY!!! I HATE U!!!!!!! well i love ur poems. ur 2 freakin good @ rhyming!!! ITZ NOT HEALTHY!!!!!!!

debate competition on saturday.i have 2 miss @ least hte 1st round

SSAT testing Saturday morning, lovely. if i don't get good scores, bye bye 2 any chance of going 2 boarding schools

my friends r pissing me off. i think the only 2 ppl i can talk 2 rite about now r Andy and Kathleen

as u can see, my life is completely normal rite now

Monday, December 01, 2003

Oooo 1 last note bcuz i 4got 2 say. 2morrow i have BASKETBALL TRYOUTS!!!!! wish me luck

15 days till LOTR!!!!!!! i was just watching Fellowship a few minutes ago.
newayz, we started our history presentation 2day. it went better than i expected. xcept 4 ashraf. and the powerpoint didn't work but kalmar said we'd save it till the end as a review. i dunno.
i think kenny t is pissed off @ me rite now