Wow. My last three posts have all been about basketball. I should recap more.
Last Friday, also known as the 4th of July, Yogin, Darshan, and I went to Jay's house to celebrate his birthday (which is actually today--Happy birthday Jay!) and the 4th of July. Yogin came to pick me up in the morning, and after some modeling sessions (haha), we drove out to the temple to go get Darshan. Except, Yogin's parents were at temple too, so Yogin LEFT ME ON THE DESOLATE STREET CORNER NEAR THE CHINO PENITENTIARY while he went to get Darshan!! WHAT KIND OF A BOYFRIEND DOES THAT?!?! Everyone was staring at me as they drove by.. I swear I did not look like a hooker!!! But I'm sure I did!! Because it wasn't even a busy street corner where I could be potentially walking somewhere. All there was was the open road, a few houses, and the FREAKIN PENITENTIARY. GRAH. I was yelling at Yogin on the phone, "IF ANYONE HONKS AT ME, I WILL KILL YOU!!!"
By the time we FINALLY got Elaine off the street corner, we drove to Corona, stopping by Starbucks and Taco Bell to finish off Jay's presents. It was kinda funny because Jay was also at the grocery store, and we walked into the Albertson's where the Starbucks was located and thought, "Hmm.. we hope he's not here too." Fortunately, he was at Vons and then Stater Brothers. Woot! Go Stater Brothers for having what he wanted because Albertson's was next on the list!
On the way there, Jay called, and we decided to mock him and his tendency for getting lost by telling him we were lost. "WHICH direction of the 91 do we take? Huh Jay? Huh???" It was fun. Unfortunately, riding in Yogin's car also meant that I had to put up with his terrible taste in music..
ANYWAY, we, the two Kotharis, the two Shahas (Jay and his sister), and I, played Monopoly (instead of Taboo.. hmph), which didn't really go well thanks to the Kotharis and their ridiculous competitiveness. I kept telling people whenever someone landed on their property and had to pay them even if they didn't realize it (namely Jay and Sneha.. mostly Jay) and Darshan and Yogin were upset as a result, because apparently, if you're not paying attention, you don't deserve the money. Pfft. Yogin has about 40% of an excuse for being angry for other reasons, but Darshan doesn't. Bad sports. And then they got mad at each other and Yogin whipped him with his keychain. Bah. Bad Kotharis. Oh! And Yogin and Sneha and Jay had this phone-stealing thing and we all ended up in a huge pile, with me on the bottom and Yogin's foot on my windpipe. It was lovely. Poor Elaine is so abused.
We gave up playing after a bit and made for the park where the fireworks were supposed to be. Well, after a bit of sitting outside pouting and talking out our issues (and singing 'IF YOU'RE HAPPY AND YOU KNOW IT, CLAP YOUR HANDS!' on the part of me and Darshan). Jay and Yogin talked out their problems while Darshan and I walked ahead of them and Darshan analyzed their lives for me... totally unnecessary, but highly amusing. I was also heavily abused while going there... the three of them pushed me off a hill AND tickled me half to death! We met up with Shibani and her sister.. uhh.. Shalini (?? spelling) at the park. They're basically two other Indian friends of theirs.. Shibani being the really pretty, slutty older one and Shalini being the really annoying younger one. We played on the swings for a bit, and then the rest of them decided to go back to the house (WITHOUT US), so Yogin and I swinged for a bit more and then headed back. That was a very, very nice part of the day. :)
Once back in the house, I played "Clair de Lune" for Jay for his birthday amongst other songs and then Jay tried to make dinner without hurting himself. The pasta was good nevertheless, and after playing with TUCKER!!! (SO CUTE! SO PRECIOUS! SO HYPER!!) who is Jay's golden retriever puppy, we all settled down on the couch to watch some strange Indian movie called "Welcome." Needless to say, since JAY didn't get me "Dil Chahta Hai" OR "Hum Tum" OR anything else with Saif Ali Khan or at least was a ROMANCE, I didn't like it. Hmph.
After the fireworks, which were beautiful, and ice cream, which was delicious, we left because Yogin's mom started yelling at him. Sadness.

Yayyy :) :)
Then on Sunday, it was Sarah's birthday!! I got up early (EW) and drove to Santa Ana for breakfast with the family. Many pieces of French toast and strawberries later, we started opening presents, which I think, was the best moment of Sarah's life. For someone who's never had an iPod or a phone, she got the new IPHONE!! And the purse she always wanted and really fancy sunglasses! Woot! The screams resounding from the Springfield residence will haunt the neighbours of years to come, I'm sure. After Sarah finally got over it (not really and texted Ana and me a billion times), we all packed into the car (we being the entire Springfield family, Ana, and me) and headed towards the Getty!
Let me just say now: THE GETTY IS AMAZING!!!!! SO AMAZING!!!!! I took SO many pictures of just FLOWERS (as I'm sure you've seen on Facebook) AND.. I GOT TO SEE MY FAVOURITE MONET!!!!!! I stood there and stared for about ten minutes straight while Ana and Sarah stared at me staring. I made all of them wait for me as I MARVELED. It was AMAZING!!!
I'll write more tomorrow.. it's like 2 am..
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