Wednesday, June 25, 2008

I'm slightly bored right now. My usual company either is sleeping (Yogin in DC) or ignoring me for some ridiculous reason (Jay in idiot-land).

So I shall do a bad survey sort of thing:

[ ] public speaking
[x] staying single forever
[x] rejection
[x] being a parent
[] giving birth
[] being myself in front of others
[] open spaces
[] closed spaces
[] heights
[] dogs
[] fish
[XXXX] spiders
[] flowers or other plants
[x] that Scary guy (I have no idea what this means, but knowing me and how pathetic I am, I would be scared of "that Scary guy")
[] being touched
[x] fire (don't want to be burned)
[x] deep water (The emptiness... and the utter awe of being in something so large and infinite... and the sharks)
[XXXXXXX] snakes (EVEN MORE SO THAN SPIDERS. Probably my ultimate, concrete fear)
[] silk
[] the ocean
[x] failure
[] success
[] thunder/lightning
[] frogs/toads
[] my boyfriend's/girlfriend's dad
[x] my boyfriends/girlfriends mom
[x] rats
[x] jumping from high places (Though I would probably be utterly petrified of it, I would probably enjoy it as long as I didn't die. Just like rollercoasters.)
[] snow
[] rain
[] wind
[x] crossing hanging bridges (Umm... I've never tried, but I assume I would be petrified as I am a pretty big coward.)
[XXXX] death
[] heaven
[] being robbed
[] falling (I fall too much to be afraid anymore..)
[] clowns
[] large crowds of people
[] men
[] women
[] having great responsibilities
[] doctors, including dentists
[] tornadoes
[] hurricanes
[x] incurable diseases
[x] sharks
[] Friday the 13th
[] ghosts
[] poverty (We can beat it!)
[] Halloween
[] school
[] trains
[] odd numbers
[] even numbers
[] being alone (surprisingly, despite how much I love people, I think being an only child has made me accustomed to being somewhat alone)
[x] becoming blind (not seeing all the beauty in the world.. that would be an epic loss)
[x] becoming deaf (seeing how much I listen to music, that would be depressing)
[] growing up (I don't think I'm REALLY afraid of it, but once in a while it does strike me as odd and extremely intimidating)
[x] creepy noises in the night (It's more my imagination)
[ ] bee stings (Well obviously I don't enjoy them...)
[x] not accomplishing my dreams/goals
[] needles
[] blood
[] dinosaurs
[] the welcome mat (... weirdos)
[] high speed
[x] throwing up (I absolutely HATE, LOATHE the feeling of nausea... like there's something stuck.. it's one of the worst feelings ever... shudder stomach flu *twitch*)
[] falling in love
[] super secret (huh?)

Final Total: 21 Wow I'm paranoid... or maybe just a terrible coward. :)

If you get more than 30, I strongly recommend some counseling.
If you get more than 20, you’re paranoid.
If you get 10-20, you are normal.
If you get 10 or less, you're fearless.
People who don’t have any are liars.

I hung out with Jay and Vicki today. Jay's always bored so he came along with me to go birthday present shopping for Vicki, Royston, Sarah, and himself. I only ended up buying stuff for Vicki and Royston, the most immediate concerns. ONCE AGAIN, Jay was an HOUR LATE, this time because he can't FOLLOW DIRECTIONS from MAPQUEST. Last time it was because he can't READ the sign that says "IMPERIAL HIGHWAY." I'll take SOME blame and say I DID make him go the long way around, but he missed the exit and went too far, then came back and instead of "Red Robin" went to "Red LOBSTER." Idiot. Anyway, by the time he FINALLY got to where he was supposed to be (Chino Hills Shoppes), we walked around and bought absolutely nothing (except he got ripped off and bought exorbitantly priced Haagan-Datz ice cream). I've discovered that I know everyone who works at the Shoppes. We walked by Chipotle and I was JUST telling Jay that my friend Whitney works in there when I see her quadruplet, Brianna, sitting outside, talking to boyfriend Isaac on the phone. It was lovely seeing her and talking to him. Then I walked into the highly overpriced candy store and saw Lauren. :) Realizing that we didn't really like anything there, Jay and I left the Shoppes for Target, where we found our true home. :) After "accessorizing," we spent way too long gazing and commenting on all the DVDs and CDs they had in the store. It was lovely. He has bad taste in movies. And apparently it's "surprising" to him that I like chick flicks.. why would this be a surprise? Strange being.

After sitting in my car for like.. ten minutes trying to decide what to do next, send Jay home or wait for Vicki to come to dinner, we went to my mom's house to make Vicki's present, which was LOVELY, by the way. :) We had just finished when Vicki pulled up and the three of us went to Chili's for dinner, which was filled with angry phone calls from Yogin, Vicki's crazy stories about camp (she's a counselor), and Jay trying to make awkward conversation. It was funny. :) At least.. the latter bits. Vicki kept going on about how she's not allowed to "touch the bleeding children yet" because she's not 18 until Friday. And her favourite part of camp is when the children come up to her and say, "I'm bleeding."
"Okay honey, why don't you--

After dinner, Jay went home and Vicki and I watched.. of all things.. Camp Rock. I can't believe I sat through it, but Vicki LOVEDDDDDDD it!! And I must admit, I got pretty into it. Tehehe. I can't help it! Boy + girl stories make me excited!! And I must say, Nick Jonas is pretty dorkily cute and Joe Jonas has potential for hotness... not good. STOP STOP STOP STOPPPPPPP
I'm really thirsty. Night night people. I leave you with the note that BOYS ARE VERY STRANGE. Especially when they fight each other.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any particular reason you're spelling shoppes the British way? I don't really mind, I suppose, it's just a little odd. Though I'm one to talk, I'm forever accidentally throwing in British spellings... "favourite" or "labour" for example...
And I've figured out why British people always sound smarter. It's because they're public announcements and such use a broader vocabulary. "Alight here for the Victoria and District lines"... Seriously... "alight"? I do appreciate it though... Better than here...

6/26/2008 4:28 PM  
Blogger isilme said...

Haha I spelled it Shoppes because the Chino Hills City Council decided that they would take a stab at attempting to be sophisticated and spell it that way as the official name of the shopping center, but yes, I do tend to spell things the British way, as my editors and cubs noticed.
But yes.. alight.. it's beautiful over there. I say we go and live there forever.

6/26/2008 4:32 PM  

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