Wednesday, July 09, 2008

I have discovered the source of ignorant racism today! (I know.. definitely something to be excited about.) I was playing basketball as we do every day with Connie and Jo (less people today). We first played with Samuel and Jeff, two Australian brothers temporarily here. We play with them almost every day and they're really nice and sweet and REALLY GOOD. Jeff's crazily-high shot that somehow always goes in and Samuel's LONG ARMS and GINOBILI SHOT! Yay and their accents. :)

ANYWAY, we had played around three games and we were all really tired, just lounging around the court making random Pokemon noises interspersed with "WAAAAALLL-EEEEE" when three little white boys come along. They were all short and stocky, probably around 12 years old, but they didn't think they were that young, strutting about like they owned the place. We challenged each other and they claimed Kevin, the only guy playing with us, who was the tallest of us all. So it was four boys vs 3.5 girls (Shannon doesn't know how to play basketball and was merely a figurine on the court.) At first, we didn't really take it seriously; Connie didn't even play defense and we didn't really run. But within a minute of the game, they claimed the score was 4-1, even though they had made two baskets, max. We gave it to them, but soon their imperious, arrogant air was too much. I mean seriously, the kid threw it completely out of bounds and then claimed that he hadn't "checked" the ball. Ew. So we started trying just a tad bit more (meaning Connie started driving) and we were soon leading comfortably.
At this point, head white boy (AKA: black shirt) decided it was time to get dirty (even more so). As I shot the ball, I hear a cry of, "AH! KUNG FU!" and then sounds reminiscent of American imitations of Chinese..
Connie asked them, "Was that a racial slur? Because we don't appreciate that.."
Yes, Connie sometimes mumbles and slurs her words together (haha pun), but the response was completely unwarranted and unnecessary, "Rachalle schlur? what's a rachalle schlur??" Do you speak English? Hah. hah. hah. I'm a stupid little boy.
Luckily, we finished the game off pretty quickly then. Wow. I've never been that determined to beat someone before. Stupid children. I can't believe they said all those things. They were the rudest, most racist, competitive, ball-hogging children I've ever met. And then there were other children around their age SMOKING behind a tree. Sigh. The youth of this world... sigh.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

yea.. what was the whole deal with the checking of the ball. i mean, really, would i REALLY pass you the ball to like.. GIVE it to you? *mumbles and slurs some more


o yea.. and the winner/loser thing.. ugh


hehe.. u forgot to mention that we were giving shannon tips on how to play the whole time :D

7/09/2008 11:49 PM  

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