Saturday, July 21, 2007

My day WAS good...

and now I've been forbidded to read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I was just on the phone with Yogin telling him about how Kathleen's supposed to finish it today, give it to Justine to finish tomorrow and then I'll have it by Monday and all of a sudden, my dad erupts:
"God I thought you had some class, but turns out you're just like every other one of those trashy people. Why do you want to go fit in with those Harry Potter-loving, fingernail-painting, McDonalds-working people who are the lowest, most tasteless, trashy people in the world?"
"Dad. I'm not trying to fit in."
"Uh-huh. Why can't you be different? Why do you have to read that piece of trash? You can never finish any of the great classics I tell you to read. Plutarch, Aristotle, Plato. You start for a day and then you put it down and never read it. And then you go read garbage like Harry Potter."

Great. On and on it goes.

But BEFORE that, I met up wtih Vicki and Shayne at Birch Street in Brea and we watched HP5. They each had a copy of HP7 in their hands and before the movie started, we made full use of the little lighting and read as much as possible. Vicki is actually farther along than Shayne is, a fact of which she is very proud. I abused Shayne's book by holding the front up so I could read while he read the back. I got through the first chapter and two pages of the second. But then.. the movie started.
We couldn't shut up during the movie. It was either Vicki and I giggling rather loudly about something or Shayne and I making some snide comment. There were so many Tolkien-moments-gone-wrong in that movie.
"A storm is coming..." Yes Hagrid, but I think you should leave it to Gandalf. It's the deep breath before the plunge.
And the firework dragon that Fred and George conjure up.. while it was spectacular, let's leave it to Gandalf, shall we? "Bilbo! Watch out for the dragon!"

But it was loads of fun. Vicki and I made up loads of new hand signals, the best of which was "FORESHADOWING!!!!!" Hehe we're gonna do that in English next year. Oh and Shayne decided that Professor Trelawney was the skinny version of Moller and coincidentally (or rather--fatefully), they've both been teaching at their respective schools for 16 years. Hahaha and Umbridge is Cheney. Maybe she'll sack Moller. :D

We ate at Fatburger afterwards (or rather, Vicki and I did) and laughed about life. It was great to see them again. :)

But now I'm in for a night of ranting about the evils of Harry Potter and the trashiness of society.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

im sorry!!!!!!

7/21/2007 11:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

NO FAIR!!! take me with you!!!

7/23/2007 9:43 PM  

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