Monday, July 16, 2007

I've just watched two movies in a row. First Harry Potter, of course, and then an old Chinese revolutionary movie. It was actually really good and I liked it mostly, which is unusual because I don't always enjoy the "cultural education" my dad instructs.
But anyway, since I'm sure absolutely no one cares about old Chinese movies filled with Communist undertones (and usually, blatant propaganda), I shall now review/describe my Harry Potter experience.

My dad and I had lunch in Diamond Bar because we were going to go pick up Robin, but it turns out she didn't need a ride. But while we were waiting for our food, VICKI CALLED FROM ENGLAND!!!!! Made me happy. :) I MISS YOU!!!!

Robin called and said she didn't need a ride, and minutes later Connie and Jo (twins) called and said they did, so we picked them up (they live like 2 minutes away from the theatre) and we all got dropped off at the movie theatre. They got Juice It Up (and couldn't finish it) while we waited for everyone else. Robin turned up first (WE WERE MATCHING!! ORACLE PRIDE!! I swear it wasn't planned, even though Vicky Ge insists that we were ganging up on her yearbook-ness)

Eventually, Vicky Ge, Jeff and Whitney Miner, and one of their friends turned up while we were all already inside the theatre. It was a little funny how we were seated. Troy on one side and Ayala on the other, with me in the middle.

Now for MY film review:
First I must say, KATHLEEN--YOU ARE INSANE. I LOVE RON WEASLEY NOW, but that does NOT, I repeat--NOT, make him like DANNY JONES!!!!!!!!

I'll try not to spoil anything, but since you lot have all read the books, shouldn't be too bad.
But overall, despite its many faults, inconsistencies, and parts that made me turn to Vicky Ge and go "what the...?", I liked it. I think my final verdict should be withheld for just now, but I'll put it this way-- I'm pretty happy to watch it again on Saturday (THOUGH I DO THINK THAT MOVIE THEATRES CHARGE RIDICULOUS PRICES!!!!!! I remember when it was $4.50 matinee and $7.50 nighttime. I could even deal with $8 nighttime. But today? I SAW IT AT 2 PM AND IT WAS $8!!!!!! W.T.F. How about we reduce the salaries of the people IN these movies by JUST 5% so that the people WATCHING the movies can enjoy CHEAP TICKETS. PLEASE. I DON'T THINK DANIEL RADCLIFFE WILL MISS 1 million dollars from his $50 million that could pay for ALL OUR CHEAP TICKETS!!!!!!!!)

Alright rant over. I really liked Luna!! (SHAYNE--what is wrong with you?!) She was PERFECT. Her voice, the look in her eyes, the way she carried herself, it was all perfect. Hehe I loved how Ginny totally kicked butt in spells. Daniel was a LOT better in acting--basically, there was no where that I wanted to start laughing or puking at his acting. And Emma Watson... well, the level of nausea was reduced from "The Goblet of Fire" level, which was nice. I LOVE RON!!!!!!! AND HE WASN'T EMO--WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU KATHLEEN? DO YOU NOT KNOW WHAT EMO WAS? HE WAS JUST MORE SERIOUS (HAH SIRIUS! PUN!!!!!! Right.. I'm done) and QUIET!
I loved the Fred/George kicking Umbridge's arse bit! WHEE!
But I really didn't like the way they did Sirius' death. Him and Bellatrix were supposed to be dueling for a long time and it was all intense and then she stuns him (or something like that--can't remember exactly) and he FALLS beneath the veil, not she kills him and then he's absorbed by the Veil. And I imagined the whole Order vs Death Eaters differently. I didn't like how they were all just spectral flying ghosts everywhere, white vs black, and you couldn't actually see anyone dueling. And Ron didn't get attacked by brains (I was looking forward to him babbling!)

Connie couldn't stop laughing during the kiss. It was so bad!!! She was just like... CHORTLING (hehe I like that word even if it sounds awkward to me. Always think of a teapot for some reason) with laughter the entire time, which obviously induced me to start shrieking with laughter (and you know how loud and obnoxious that can be).
THE KISS WAS SO BAD!!!!!!!!!!! NO PASSION. AT ALL (was Robin's criticism and I fully agree). And it was SO FAKE. and SO STAGED. and SO AWKWARD. I was just like, "Can we be done with it already???" And you don't just stand there two feet apart craning your necks forward kissing for a full on minute or something like that without any movement or touching or ANYTHING!! (Yes Kathleen--I KNOW YOU'RE SCANDALIZED!!!)

Oh, and one thing I REALLY had to complain about was the STRANGE, ABRUPT transitions that seemed to make up the entirety of the film. I mean first there was Harry's face, and then there was James Potter's face, and then all of a sudden you're at the Burrow or something completely unrelated to that. I liked how they took advantage of all the flashbacks to the previous films though, using all the scenes of Harry, Hermione, and Ron laughing or especially the one (I can't remember quite clearly) where someone says something about "family" and it shows Harry in front of the Mirror Erised (Desire--Shayne!) and then it transitions directly into Occlumency and how Snape sees that memory.

I still don't like Michael Gambon Dumbledore, but I think I can deal with it.. ew ew ew ew the 6th movie will be SO horrible with him being a major factor. I LOVE those lessons Dumbledore has with Harry. I think they might just be my favourite out of the entire series thus far... but ooo at least we'll be able to see more of Tom Riddle, though I think the actor that played him in Chamber of Secrets might be too old now.

I think I'm done with my two cents (for now). I'm sure when I see it again Saturday I'll notice another flood of inconsistencies and things to be nitpicky about (even though I'll never be worse than Shayne... I swear.. the COLOUR of the spell??!)

It's nice to know that some things never change, such as Connie and Whitney and how they still think I'm insane and give me that look. :D Hehe I LOVE strangling Connie with huge hugs. Hehe poor Connie. Jeffrey's just as exuberant and bouncy as I remembered, and Whitney still yells at him and tells him he's rude and inconsiderate. HE DESERVES IT. HE CALLED ME "EILEEN". OMG. WTF.
And then he discovered that Robin was in drumline and went on about how pit is the best thing in the world (hey Yogin--it's your soulmate).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm really very sorry, but I found Luna to be so ANNOYING. Her voice was too mistral and wispy(for lack of a better word) and I found her overall mannerisms to be irksome... But what did you think of Tonks? She's not in the movie a whole lot, but i still rather disagreed with their choice of actress, somehow she just didn't fit my perception from the book... at any rate, I'd like to confirm about Saturday, and not simply out of, as you so eloquently put it, meticulousness. I have to talk with my parent's, make sure they've not got anything planned. I'm not entirely sure what's going on when I get back...

7/16/2007 9:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

holy crap i loved looney lovegood! tonks...i liked her hair. i don't think they got enough screen time. weren't they a big part of the book? bahh...i always feel soo much is cut out from the books, and i can understand that but still...especially this film. i feel like they lost a lot. and they totally cut out the bit that neville has the same darned prophecy. that is in the 5th book yeah? disappointing. the "dueling" scenes weren't what i was expecting at all, but it was intense and good cinema from a non-book-knowing perspective. ANYWAY. we'll talk later!!!

7/17/2007 7:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey! luna was awesome! why do you not like luna! she was the perfect fit. her voice was sooo out there just like her character is supposed to be. and she stuck out b/c of her hair and omgggg she was awesome!!!

i guess u could argue about tonks but since she was in a few minor scenes...not too much of a biggie

7/17/2007 11:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw shrek the third today... but yeah.

I can't wait to see harry potter!! the kiss was probably awkward because they did it 30 times and were probably sick of each other by then...

see you saturday!!!!

7/17/2007 2:34 PM  

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