Sunday, October 14, 2007

I wrote most of this on September 30, 2007, so let's just pretend I posted it then. :D

Friday night was AWESOME!!! Actually, other than my murderous calculus test, Friday was a pretty good day in general. Yogin and I spent lunch exploring the school.. it was an ADVENTURE! Two seniors walking in circles around the school... it was fun. EPIC QUEST! We destroyed the Ring! No we are not Frodo and Sam. :(
After layout, I went to get Jen and then met up with Robin and Vicki at Birch Street, where we happened to run into Norman and Christina Liu. After eating Italian food (and Chinese food, if you're Robin), we saw... ACROSS THE UNIVERSE!!!!!!!

It was.. AMAZING. Absolutely amazing. I adored it. I fell in love, cried three times, and wanted to protest the war so badly. The music was amazing and I love the soundtrack a lot more now that I've seen it. The acting was actually good as well, and I am of course completely in love with Jim Sturgess (Jude). I decided we were meant to be because within the first 20 minutes, you see he has a "THIS IS ANFIELD. LIVERPOOL FOOTBALL CLUB" poster on his wall!!!
The political symbolism was done marvelously, when Max has to go to Vietnam and they're using the Statue of Liberty as a battering ram. SO PERFECT. Some people today should learn a lesson or two. GRAH. I was so angry with our society after the movie. Wanted to go out and protest so badly. The political apathy in young people these days is absolutely ridiculous. Just because you're not out there dying doesn't mean it's not going on and it doesn't mean we shouldn't care. I'm actually grateful to the draft (don't get me wrong--I'd be the first one out there protesting a draft), but it made us aware. Because your brother, father, boyfriend, husband could go any moment, we actually cared and we actually did something about it. Nowadays, it's just numbers on a screen. Three US soldiers died today. That's nice. It's not anyone you'll ever know. And that doesn't even count the amount of Iraqis, which disgusts me the most. They're just statistics. We moan and groan about how many Americans are dying, but seriously... more than a million Iraqis have died in this war. 4000 Americans--yes that's tragic and shouldn't be happening and this war is a mistake, but no one ever seems to mention the 1,220,580 dead Iraqis when they protest the war. Meanwhile, we all live in our little pampered bubbles, thinking that maybe if we give a little spare change to a humanitarian group once in a while, it'll make a difference.

Rant over. Sorry.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i like blog rants. we dont see those often now. is that a good thing? is that stat correct? 1.22058 million iraqis killed? wow...too bad we live in sucha non-altruistic society. or maybe that might just mean something to people. all we care about today is money (and oil). its like the brits in china in the 1800s. all they cared about was money. who cares about what happens to the chinese. who cares if their eyes get small or w/e. its all about how we can make money and be the strongest country in the world. blah blah blah. thats our mindset today. ok im done! i swear! its ur blog. i shouldnt rant...shuting up now :D and going to tired.

10/14/2007 11:42 PM  

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