Sunday, September 23, 2007

Kathleen just left for UCLA! So strange... I know it's just an hour or so away and it's not like I really see her during the weekdays anymore anyway (so sad) so it really shouldn't be different. But it just is. Going into a new world with all those new people (and a lot of old ones as well) and a completely different lifestyle while I'm still here at home and at Troy. Oh well. I have faith it'll turn out okay. Before Troy, we never went to the same school, but we were still closer than close, so we'll be okay. That's the great thing about Kathleen and me-- I have never worried about our friendship. It kinda just... exists. Sometimes I don't see her for a really long time (I know--can you imagine?) and I go over to her house, open the fridge, and then just sit on her (she's usually semi-asleep) and everything just clicks. Everything comes rushing out--what Oracle is like, what people are like, what's been going on.. and there's never a problem with lining it up. Yeah of course we don't know exactly who the person we're discussing is sometimes because he's not a mutual acquaintance, but it doesn't matter. We can still talk about that person.

Thursday Kathleen came by to visit. We were outside in the bathroom (we just did inserts in Oracle) and we see this kid with a dot, wearing baggy jeans sagged beneath his ass, and a black shirt over a white shirt, talking to Sayak and Jordan. We're like, "YOGIN!!!!!" and then... it was Darshan. Kathleen couldn't get over how precious he is and how much he looks like Yogin. (HAH TOLD YOU! I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE!!) HE DOES LOOK LIKE YOU. HE WAS WEARING YOUR FLIPPING CLOTHES!!!!
After school, Robin, Kathleen, and I went to... Starbucks, of course. It was quite nice. Java chip frappachinos and all. Robin's disgusting lotion-frappachino. :D We sat there and talked about life and stared at people who were actually nice that day and it was just like old times. *sigh* How I miss those days. It's very interesting how you never know how happy you are until that happy moment has passed. It was slightly depressing however, when Robin and Kathleen went home and I wasn't in the car! I drove past them four times and they were so busy gossiping and laughing that they didn't even notice me. :( That was mildly depressing.

Friday night I went over to Kathleen's and we went.. of all places.. to Walmart, because Kathleen needed laundry detergent for her room. Oh and gum. Weirdo. Surprisingly however, it was really fun. I just ranted to her about everything and mocked her for her SERIOUS INDECISION. "Should I get THIS ONE? or THIS ONE? OO WHAT ABOUT THIS ONE? Oh but that's SO EXPENSIVE. And O this is SMALL!"
Hehe. I love her. So I guess it just goes to prove that it doesn't matter where you go or what you do, it's who you go with. :)

And so even though I'll miss her excruciatingly:



Anonymous Anonymous said...

he does not look like me! omg! just b/c he wears my clothing doesnt mean he looks like me. u and kathleen wear the same clothing (at least jackets that u steal) but u dont look like her! (thank god...hehe i love you kathleen). i know why kathleen wants gum though. she has to impress all dem boys at school with her fresh breath. *tsk tsk* ur a bad naughty person kathleen! i'll miss you too!

9/23/2007 1:20 PM  

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