Saturday, July 14, 2007

This is another one of those Elaine-Vicki communication posts. I could just write on her facebook, but no! My blog is the best!

Since I'm staying over next weekend so we can plan my trip so I don't die/get murdered/mugged by Chelsea fans in London and you've decided that I'm watching Harry Potter with you no matter if I've seen it or not, I invited Shayne to watch HP with us because he's just getting back from Northern California and hasn't seen it yet. If you have any protestations to this plan, such as you hate Shayne and don't want to see him unless you want your eyes to be burned out or something along those lines, feel free to voice them! But if not, since it's Shayne and he's a rather meticulous person, I figure we shouldn't surprise him with too much spontaneity (might finish him off), we need to plan what/when/where we're doing all this next week! Shayne and I were saying Saturday afternoon/evening but I don't know how big of a HP freak you are and if you'll be wanting to go to the midnight HP7 things and if you want the whole night to read by yourself and evict me. So let me know!!!
Thus far we have:
Saturday, July 21st
at whatever theatre around Orange it is.. Cinema City?
somewhere in the afternoon/evening


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i dunno if i'm going to any midnight parties, i'll have to ask the little one, but you can come and then read harry potter out loud all night, that'd be funny...

cool, we'll go see it with shayne. I just have to check because someone is having a birthday party sometime so i have to figure out when that is...

7/16/2007 10:58 AM  
Blogger isilme said...

yes but what TIME and WHERE?

I swear totally missed the question..

Now Shayne's gonna die from the spontaneity..

haha we SHOULD go to the midnight party and then spend all night reading it aloud and doing the accents and voices (Kathleen is NOT invited to do a British accent). HEhe I'll be Hermione.

Actually I'd probably get pissed that we were reading too slow. :)

7/16/2007 11:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah, i figured we would be reading too slow, but if we each read on our own you'd get pissed that i was reading to slow and that you were ahead of me and wanted to talk or complain about them (or at least i think you would. with my older sister it's always like that. she keeps asking me where i am in the book and i tell her and we discuss everything up to there and then she pisses me off by hinting at things to come but refuses to tell me what happens, although i would be mad if she told me, so really she loses by being a fast reader. there. FAST READERS LOOSE!!!)

i did not miss the point. I said i have to figure out when this persons b-day party is, but i doubt it would be on sunday, so we could definatly do it then. if you need a time now. or by tomorrow i might know when it is. I could also text you tomorrow, but you don't have that invetion, so you'll have to wait until i get internet again (possibly tomorrow)

7/16/2007 11:52 AM  

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