Monday, January 09, 2006

I love basketball practice right now, as I was just saying to Andy on his comment. I love it so much I'm glad I stay after school. There was like a slight fraction of me that longed to go on the bus when I saw Andy and Kathleen, but how much fun I had today with Hayley and Melissa completely blew those thoughts away. I just love my little group this year. Hayley is one of the best people I know. She's just such a GOOD person. You don't use that adjective very often to describe people and it just seems weird sometimes, but she's just one person whose heart is just teeming of good. She's always there to help someone out and you never hear her say something negative and this is going to sound really corny but I just want to be a better person with a better temper around her. Melissa's just hilarious. Her eyes pop out and she's so ditzy! We were having a bottle war today. Hehehe she missed! But apparently I have "unprovoked tendecies toward violence" heheh. Tasha and her "brother" jokes. It wasn't my fault I thought he was cute! I didn't know it was her brother!!! He didn't look like her!
So yea we were taking a break because everyone was coming out from the gym and Priscilla and Joyce were just standing there talking, and I was kinda standing around with Hayley. All of a sudden, I just burst into, "Hakuna Matata! What a wonderful phrase!" and then I performed like the entire thing dramatically and being stupid and crazy. I just hope to Iluvatar no one recorded that.
Then Alexis and I went crazy over boxing out. I couldn't stop laughing enough to shoot the ball.
Ahh dad out of shower. Must go.


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