Saturday, December 31, 2005

Old yearbooks can be extraordinarily depressing while uplifting. I was flipping through the one from last year (well my cheap version of it) and the old 8th grade one. All the mentions of old memories just bring them flooding back, like home room with Isaac, Leadership, Isaac as Snow White, screaming "HEY BEN!" with Connie at lunch, Siemaf hogging the ball, Amanda's obsession with Kyle Essington, shoots n boots, Reyes carrying Roshi, making lists with Isaac, debate with my two Ryans. Then there are the Troy memories like "Why aren't we on pairs yet?", Moyston and Vamron, passing notes with Camron in biology, trying to beat Sunni and Bobby at getting the high in biology, watching Shogun in history, helping Jen, Ashley, Ben, Patricia, Megan, and Justine with their FOP programs. I miss Esther and being "chaste" together. Sitting on Yogin in English was a disturbing experience, as well as him practically falling asleep leaning on me. I was like, "Uh.. Yogin? Get off.."

Then I see all the promises that we failed to keep. Keep in touch is a major one. I'm lucky if I run into someone at Costco, which actually I do very frequently, though it usually turns out to be Ashley. Hehe. Ashley and Josephine (Reyes is it? I forget her last name. Not Lau) at Costco. Kenny Taylor at Staples and Costco. Ryan Agsalud at Borders, Ryan Lee at the library, etc. I haven't seen Roshi or Isaac for four months. Troy people I don't talk to much any more either, Tim Kao, Jeff Ho, etc, and other relationships that have changed.

I really need to finish my IB project.
Happy new year's eve everyone!


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