Sunday, October 30, 2005

Yesterday was a good day! Got two letters from Elsa!!! She is the COOLEST PERSON EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and the dorkiest!!! She got me one of those live-strong bracelet thingies, only it was customized. It's white and says: the Gondorian! Yes yes I'm getting buried wearing it! hehehe and those M&Ms Star Wars characters. I am torn between shaking my head in exasperation and hysterical laughter. Hehehe.

Elsa---you're so cool!!!

Then last night my dad was invited over to his friend's house. I hate going over there, because their daughter is soooooooooo flippin annoying! So i stayed at home and pouted. My dad said I could've gone to Kathleen's, but KATHLEEN wasn't home, so I couldn't just go over!!!! So then, Kathleen FINALLY answers her phone, and I make her come over. Since she can drive and all. She goes to Hollywood Video and picks up Sweet Home Alabama, then goes to McDonalds and got us food, and then came over and we had a FEAST! I mean, McDonalds, Pringles, and CANDY!!!!!!!! dinner and a movie kathleen! It was awesome! She's so cool!

I love my friends!


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