Thursday, October 06, 2005

It's ME again!

Stupid Elaine.. obviously it's you because it's YOUR blog and no one else can post on it.

I'm hopefully trying to get the comment section working.

This week has been... very very.. bipolar, for lack of a better word. I've had my great moments, and my very very low moments. How odd for Elaine to have a great range of emotions.

I love the Valois and all their dysfunctionality and corruption and oddities and debauchery. And I am sorry that I was/am in love with a fanatical Catholic murderer who wanted to be king..

Don't know who I'm talking about?

Henri d'Guise

Can't believe they actually coerced him into marrying Catherine of Cleves. but MARGOT AND HENRI WERE PERFECT TOGETHER! ARGH

I can't believe Henri d'Valois had him assassinated. Some will argue that Guise could have prevented it if he had tried, and that he actually WANTED to die. That he got cold feet when he could have been King of France within 10 minutes. I cry. Though I'm glad Henri d'Navarre became king, or else France probably wouldn't exist today. They'd have exterminated themselves in all that fighting, or we'd all be speaking Spanish.

Alright stopping my historical rant now.


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