Friday, September 23, 2005


Got this off Elsa.

BOLD is what's TRUE for me.

01. I've been with my boyfriend for almost a year. [almost 5 months]
02. I still watch cartoons. [GAH i refuse.. COUGH MATTHEW COUGH]
03. I've never seen The O.C. (amazing.. since i live about 6 minutes away from the county line, and go there for school every day!)
04. I love almost all music. (um... nothing too loud)
06. I want a tattoo.
07. I wear glasses.
08. But mostly to read the blackboard and drive.
09. I want more piercings.
10. But I can't ever get any more.
11. I love to watch the rain. (Yes I do.. it inspires good poetry, pacifies me, makes me want to sing while sitting in a window seat, cry, think of England, and--it gets me out of basketball practice!)
12. I like to walk in the dark at night with someone special and talk. (um.. i'm not exactly sure. there's only one person who i would love to do that with. and NO, it's not in a perverted or physical way!!! we have had/could have some very very good conversations)
13. I didnt believe in true love when i was younger. (hehehee.. i wasn't one of the girls who loved disney love stories. i was a girl who dreamt them up on my own)
14. I am a pretty cynical person sometimes.
15. Sometimes I cry for no damn reason. (I have a reason. You just wouldn't understand.)
16. I cry about stupid things. (Again. You might think it was stupid. As Elphaba said in Wicked, "Wishing only wounds the heart." and NO, it has nothing to do with steven gerrard. i'm not THAT pathetic.)
17. I hate being walked all over and treated like crap. (um.. who likes it? but i still get walked over a lot)
18. It annoys me when people try to tell me how I am, and what I like. (i'm sure i WOULD dislike it if people told me what to like, but i don't think anyone's been foolish enough to try. as for who i am, sometimes they're right)
19. I love music.
20. I am not sure if I believe in God. But I think I believe in a higher power.
21. I often feel alone. (this is why i have my stories)
22. I'm sometimes a loud person. (SOMETIMES?)
23. A boy shattered my heart into a million pieces.
24. I get depressed sometimes. (that's what writing is for)
25. I hate it when people criticize me for what I like. (actually.. i hate it when they criticize for no logical reason. as you all know, i love a good argument)
26. I crack my knuckles, wrists, ankles, back, etc. (unfortunately.. weell i crack my knuckles, and by 3rd period, i need to crack my back)
27. I fidgit with anything when I'm nervous.
28. I'm a weird person. (yup i love it)
29. I consider myself pretty unique. (i AM the center of the universe, the one and only!!)
30. My eyes are brown. (dark)
31. Listening to music usually helps my mood. (actually i can always depend on music to make me nostalgic and pensive.. well certain music. that's how my playlists are sorted)
32. I am a disappointment to myself. (i can be)
33. I love sleeping. (i don't mind sleep, but i'd rather be.. reading)
34. I'm obsessed with Vanilla. (i love vanilla ice cream, but i can't stand the smell of it)
35. I have a few close friends. (well more than a few)
36. Okay, I have like 2 friends.
37. I need to lose weight. (this is 21st century america.. everyone needs to lose weight)
38. I like popcorn. (it's okay. i'll eat it, but don't seek it out)
39. I love watching tv [If it's a NASCAR race, hell yes. In other situations, nope.]
40. I like malls. [Temecula mall...Orange County mall...Ok, hell yeah I like malls.]
41. I like cold weather better than hot. [Gimme wind and rain ANY day!]
42. I really dig Depeche Mode. (Quien?!)
43. I love Winter. (this is a recent addition.)
44. I'm addicted to AIM.
45. I have trouble trusting people. (HAH. instead of laughing in affirmation, i laugh at the folly. i trust too easily)
46. I do not label myself anything besides "me." (you label me.. i don't care)
47. I love my family.
48. I loathe hot weather. (not loathe, but don't exactly jump for joy)
50. I hate shaving my legs. (OMG I HATE IT. why is body hair a symbol of masculinity all of a sudden?!)
51. Sleeping is a hobby of mine. (didn't i just answer something like this?)
52. I like to listen to music everyday.
53. I love white tigers. (um.. to admire from a safe, far away distance, if you please)
54. I love dancing. (when no one's watching)
55. I don't always like the way I look. (i don't think about it much though)
57. I'm a daydreamer. (HAHAHA that's my defining aspect)
58. I like when my friends write me letters, it makes me feel special. (go elsa!!!)
59. I like to be with my boyfriend (stupid question)
60. I randomly doodle on pieces of paper or myself when boredom strikes.
61. I love all my friends.
62. I'm allergic to milk.
63. I wish people would stop making me cry. (not people; not everyone is that honored)
64. I hate people who try to be what they're not.
65. I went to boarding school for the last 2 years of high school
66. I love all candy, well, most. (CANDY?!?! WHERE?!)
67. I get my feelings hurt really easy. (well.. i forget it soon, and when i'm being a drama queen, i'm usually not really hurt)
68. I believe inner beauty is more important than outer beauty. (well i might as well be like everyone else and say yes)
69. I wear pants a lot. (NO I wear kilts on a daily basis)
70. I am often bored.
71. I like to say what's on my mind. (hehe unfortunately)
72. I hate blue jeans (i love them!!!)
73. I'm online a lot. (hehee)
74. I have 2 goldfish.
75. I am for the most part happy with myself. (i suppose so)
76. I need to work out more. (yea yea yea whatever)
77. I like being alone at certain times. (yes)
78. When I get angry, I curse to myself sometimes. (um... not really)
79. I wish I could spend more time with the ones I love. (depends on who we're talking about)
80. I hate shallow people. (o god.. i'm not starting)
81. I'm a type 1 (insulin dependent) diabetic.
82. I ponder life way too much. (never!!! it's never enough!)
83. Sometimes I think everyone hates me. (whatever...)
84. I wish my brother didn't die. (no brother.. on my own, pretending he's beside me)
85. I hate it when girls have their thongs sticking really far out of the back of their pants. (OMFG IN THE LOCKER ROOM TODAY!! *shields eyes from blindingness*
86. I need to be showed I'm loved. (all part of my overwhelming insecurity that i mask extremely well)
87. I wish I was better. (o GOD don't get me started. perfection at all costs! Go us Feanaro!)
88. I hate discrimination. (if i said no to this, what would happen? no don't wry, i'm not part of the KKK or anything; i was just wondering. some of these questions, you couldn't answer in one way)
89. I hate guys who are only out for one thing. (what?? peanuts? no idea where that came from)
90. I have a cute car. (yes.. it's parked outside, next to my faithful steed Beor)
91. I love glitter. (no thank you)
92. I sometimes wish I was more social. (nope)
93. I love my close friends. (of course)
94. I love to have fun. (hehe of course.)

95. I get amused easily. (i pretend to be amused; it's more exciting that way)
96. I'm a lazy ass. (of course not)
97. I'm usually more outgoing when I'm around friends. (i'm CRAZY when i'm with the people i'm comfortable around)
98. I love to be me. (Hell yes, though there are a few times when envy darkens my heart)
99. I like wearing hoodies. (I WANT A CLOAK!!!!!!!!!!!)
100. I want people to want me, more and more everyday. (Um... platonically)

it's been a good 3 days


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