IT'S ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've been swamped, and I DIED yesterday, so that's why I haven't been posting!!!
IT's ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We took our first AP Euro test, and I got a 96. Eh... I WANT TO KNOW WHAT I MISSED. I WANTED AN 100--DAMN IT
WHEE!!! CONNIE IS MY LOVE!!!!!!!! She's making me a picture!!! The fellowship, with Faramir instead of Boromir, hehehehe, in pencil sketches!!! WHEE! I think I've killed her, being EXTREMELY picky about pictures, and not finding any of the Frodo pictures adequate. None of them are good enough! I'M SORRY. Which leads me to this... absolutely gorgeous and I can't find the correct adjective to describe it... luminescent picture.

I want to make it bigger and use it for the basis of a layout.. It's so... beautiful.
But...It's Frodo...
WHY? Pippin's so much more...Adorable, Scottish, better-looking, interesting...Take your pick. Lmao. Sorry. I'm Scottish bias.
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