Saturday, October 01, 2005

It's been an extremely eventful two days.

Thursday night:
Went over to Kristina's house for sleepover. It was SOOOO AWESOME! Me, Jen, and Kristina were high on something.. Hehehehehhe! We spent half the time poking Jen and making her snort. Heheheh it's more fun than it sounds! Then we took in so much sugar.... I don't know what would happen. I played Kristina's GRAND PIANO that was absolutely AWESOME! It sounded soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good and it felt so light and my ballade sounded so beautiful! I was happy! Then Kristina and I sang "Popular" at Jen, which freaked her out and when she dissed the song, we banished her from the bed off to the island of.. the CHAIR! We sang "WHat Is this Feeling" together too. It was awesome!! ELSA I CAN'T WAIT FOR YOU TO COME!!!

And the highlight of the night:
Art thou not Kristina, and a Heiney?

*breaks out laughing again*

The next morning, Kristina was still asleep, so Jen and I decided to go bang on the grand piano. It included she and I dueting for the Phantom of the Opera, while I played it. O my lord... Jen is a HORRIBLE singer, and I was shrieking cuz it was funny. EHehehhe you'd think it was like 2 banshies or something.

Chased Jen around the house with a camera, while she donned blankets and flew around like a Nazgul. We got some excellent pictures, including embarrassing ones of Elaine in her pajamas. We LOCKED JEN IN THE SHOWER! It was AWESOME! Alright.. so my dad was coming to pick me up, so I'm like, "Guys.. I'm gonna go change into my clothes now. Don't kill each while I'm gone."
So I go into the bathroom, and Jen runs in, and locks the door.
"Jen.. I'm trying to change."
"I don't care."
Kristina's banging on the door, "LET ME IN!!! IT'S MY BATHROOM!"
So I unlock the door and let her in. Jen runs into the shower and slams the glass door thingy; grabs the first thing she sees, which is a towel.
Kristina and I spend the next 5 minutes trying to take a picture of her. Jen then unwittingly tries to force her way out of the shower, which I am guarding with my precious self by exerting my weight on it. So she has the door halfway open, so Kristina pokes her (she's extremely ticklish), and I grab the towel and slam the door. So she has no protection--MUAHAHAH! Then we got stupid pictures of her!! We were also trying to throw skittles into each other's mouths... IT WAS AWESOME!

This morning.. I had my stupid annual Troy girls basketball CAR WASH!

IT WAS SO MUCH FUN DRYING CARS. MY ARMS HURT. My job was to dry the top of the cars. WHY DO YOU PEOPLE BUY FREAKIN SUVS?!?!?!!

I feel like the disenfranchised proletariat! VIVE LENIN!!!!!!


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