Sunday, November 21, 2004

in response to andy's chatter post, i don't post anymore bcuz there's nothing to say. it's always the same, which is pretty much the problem. people at Troy piss me off, and i bury myself into the work, which is comforting while it lasts. I just can't wait till Thanksgiving break, but I doubt it'll make any sense even then. i don't know. i mean, not every freshman @ Troy is THAT bad, and there are some that I get along with, but there's no one that i really feel "connected" to (as cheesy as that sounds) andy's crazy. the juniors are the only cool people at that school. i got to know a couple of them through debate, and all my other clubs. Simon is such an idiot, but he's hilarious.
O yes. Debate. LD is soooo freaking formal. People bury their empty heads beneath formal structure and fancy words. i wish i could go back to parli (parliamentary for you non-debaters) with my two ryan's. i find myself longing for alot of things of jr. high (and more so the past summer in the UK) it's not the stress of Troy; it's really not that bad, except all the time wasted driving to and fro, but it's just the people are so different. there's so many more people, and it's amazing as you walk around the campus, you take the same route every day from class to class, and you see the same people; their faces become familiar, but yet you never really know who they are. their just a face you see, and if you don't see them one day, there might be a small tinge of wonder that you'll soon forget, or you might not realize it at all. these threads cross every day, yet they never really enmesh to create anything. i do wonder what could happen if we stopped and said "hello" to these people we see every day, instead of just passing them hurriedly, each buried in our own issues and stress. you look around the campus and people look like they're New York business people, without the long black coats. their heads are downcast, they walk hurriedly with wrinkle lines on their foreheads, not realizing the journey, only thinking about how to get there.
i need to stop being so nostalgic. i don't know. it's just when i sit here alone do these thoughts come to haunt me. when i'm working they tend to move away a bit, yet not truly so, and then there are things like Tolkien, music, books, soccer, basketball, and of course: gymnastics that take my mind away from all this stuff.
ah!!! i look at these past posts, and their all rather depressing. NOT GOOD


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