Saturday, November 13, 2004

reading the most intriguing book!!! I FINALLY received my four books from the library, all by the same author, and I am riveted, and cannot take my eyes off the book long enough to type this. I'm currently reading the longest one, "Queen of this Realm" about Elizabeth Tudor. It's amazing to hear her called ELizabeth Tudor, instead of Queen Elizabeth I.
what was more amazing to me was that when I was reading about all these places, Lord of Chester, the White Tower, Beauchamp Tower, Traitor's Gate, and various places in London, I could picture in my mind exactly what they looked like, and I could say to myself with satisfaction, "I've been there before." I also remembered standing by what used to be Traitor's Gate, which led to the moat and the Thames, closing my eyes and seeing Elizabeth being rowed in, horrified, but unwilling to show her weakness, and hearing the screams of the tortured and imprisoned. They talk about Lady Jane Grey, and Anne Boleyn, and I remember (and have pictures) of the very houses they were imprisoned in 500 years ago. It's amazing!!! I'm so happy. I shall now be in uttermost content for the next week or 2, for I have my amazing books. YAY!!! good historical fiction always puts me in a good mood, and shuts me up as well, as some people have noticed.. hehe.


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