Tuesday, January 02, 2007

is going to

GAH. When I woke up this morning, it was like a volcano had erupted in my throat overnight. GAHHHH

I'm better now, mostly because I got into an "altercation" (as Isaac puts it) with my mother and apparently when I'm angry, I have absolutely no problem speaking at loud volumes (aka yelling).

Just got off a 2 hour conversation with Isaac. Yes Isaac from junior high and elementary. He just called me out of the blue saying he was bored and then thought of me. But yeah it was fun. Talked about like everything possible. Wow Ayala has nothing... in classes I mean. Wow. I'm glad I went to Troy, even though I do miss them. They keep telling me, "Elaine, you would've easily been valedictorian here, you know." Yeah, I know. But in the long run I learned A LOT more at Troy than I ever would at any other school where I'd easily be valedictorian. It'll pay off someday. At least I have to tell myself that or else it will all be futile. Haha how Gatsby.
People keep asking me what college I want to go to. I really don't know. I toss out certain names like Cambridge & Oxford, obviously, and then there's Amherst and Northwestern, but I really don't even know what exactly I want. English, journalism, something like that. Maybe law. I just don't want to be an English teacher or an umemployed free-lance writer. Grr..
I find it hilarious that all foreign Premiership players complain about the same thing in England. The food and the weather. I wonder if I could handle it.

Okay people, it is your job to tell me to finish these:
1. IB Oral
2. IB Math project
3. IB Business Essay
4. 4 AP Bio essays


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you'll never finish...it'll all be done in procrastination

1/03/2007 1:49 PM  

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