Saturday, December 30, 2006

I'm back!!!!!


okay.. not exactly. They cut out so much. It was so rushed. How do you cut a 2.5 hour show to 1.5 hours.. sigh...

That voice... when he belted the notes it felt like the walls were shaking but it was beautiful. A beautiful earthquake. And then his falsetto.. I can't even begin to describe.. utterly heavenly. And every time he did the ventriloquist-esque type of voice.. it sent goosebumps up my arms.
I was drooling after "Music of the Night".

Raoul was... alright. He wasn't BAD, but I didn't like him. Partially because Patrick Wilson's voice is unrivaled and just... divine, even if I do love Erik more. Hmm.. I'd like to hear Ewan McGregor sing "All I Ask Of You". Then I'll decide. But anyway, he wasnt' that great either. He didn't seem to understand what not-belting is. He was constantly.. loud..

Now Christine.
God she like.. ruined the show.
She was so... ANGRY! Christine is supposed to be this innocent, pure, vulnerable, quiet little ballet girl who grew up in the Opera House.
This Christine was like.. ball of fire, in your face, spastic bitch! I swear she would've been better off playing Carlotta. She had a Lea Salonga type voice, and while I love Lea Salonga, I would never want her playing Christine. This lady.. I mean.. she could hit all the notes, but I didn't even like her singing. It was too.. forceful I guess. Even her singing was angry.
I didn't like "All I Ask Of You". That just shows you. They were both so.. LOUD, and like.. I like the movie interpretation. Christine is thinking about this horror that she has faced and she's trembling and she's scared and Raoul basically comes up and comforts her, "No more talk of darkness. Forget these wide-eyed fears. I'm here. Nothing can harm you." etc. This one.. they just like... attack each other hugging. And they keep like.. violently embracing and it sounds more like, "WE UNITE TO FIGHT THE PHANTOM!" than beautiful love song. The one song I DID like her in was the actual "Phantom of the Opera" song. He was absolutely beautiful and that was the only song that fit her voice.

The sets, of course, were amazing. Holy crap. That chandelier. And the LAKE!!! And the Opera Garnier! And omg they just built EVERYTHING.

But in the end, I loved it...

Las Vegas was fun! I guess. Lots of English people, I have noticed. I swear.. I stood there gawking at them trying to listen to them speaking. It was so embarrassing and pathetic. *sigh* Oh yeah and there was this group of 20 Germans and I sat there listening to THAT too. Even if it is a dreadfully ugly language (yes Shayne... I know.. Black Speech (that made my day!)), I was so pathetic... Wow... I am deprived.

And now! I am here.. again! I had dinner at Subway with Andy cuz both my parents were gone. Walked around Target, in which Andy thoroughly displayed his girliness. STOP BUYING THINGS MAN!!! Freakin KATHLEEN who waited till the LAST SECOND to FINISH HER APPS WHO COULDN'T COME!!! *GLARES AT HER*

Then I came home and stared at Philipp Lahm and was pathetic all over again. I listened to Patrick Wilson sing!! Beautiful... OOO and Josh Groban did "Music of the Night".
I really want a track jacket. Why is it that if you stitch the words "Germany" (when it really should be Deutschland in the first place) and a crest on a jacket it suddenly becomes $61??!? SO DEPRESSING. the England jackets are even worse.. *sigh*
And I just discovered that the Germany jerseys were quite pretty. Especially the #16 one. *sigh* And I still want the Liverpool home shirt with #14 on the back.

Alright I'm done! Back home doing bio I don't understand! Lovely! Oh yes and avoiding IB projects.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sorry... It remains a tad difficult for me to appreciate any love of the German language... I took it for one semester at the JC. and I'm quite glad to forget all of it... It is and always shall be for me the closest living language to the foul tongue of the orcs... (I do hope you do not take this too offensively, it is, after all, only the opinion of a single individual, and not even one necessarily qualified to make such a comparisson...)

12/31/2006 6:18 PM  

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