Great day in the world of football. :D
So last night, after much confusion, filing, and a bit of... emoness on my part, Kathleen and I FINALLY got together around 8. We rented "She's the Man" because YOGIN MISINFORMED ME and told me I'd like the ENGLISH guy in it (whom I discovered was OLD and was Vinnie Jones, who like... grabbed Gazza's balls, which was a very DISTURBING CHAPTER in football history). However, it was about football and it was pretty damn funny (mostly due to Amanda Bynes' facial expressions), so it was good overall. Oh yeah, and cuz there were 3 hot guys. Well.. Channing Tatum... Robin and Amy Zhu are crazy. He's got a great body.. okay.. but he's so.. STUPID LOOKING. Like, is there any sign of intelligent life upon his features? NO.
Besides, I'd take pasty white English footballer any day. (Or one specific German)
Now that I think of it, Xabi Alonso is whiter than Stevie G...
I did love Paul... why do I always like the one that's supposed to be gay? And Kathleen had a total crush on the guy who played Amanda Bynes' ex-bf.
But before that:
The two of us ate at Denny's, where Kathleen had breakfast because she's a total loser. We then headed to my house and watched McFly videos and half of the movie before Justine ushered us back to her house for the countdown. I swear. That girl started counting down at 11:40. Wouldn't quit jumping on us. Kathleen and I were going to kill her.
TRIED not to breathe the same bloody air as Kathleen, but NO. NOW I HAVE A SORE THROAT, even though she PROMISED me that I wouldn't get sick.
We went to sleep around 2, without knowing that only 3.5-4 hours later, her mom would barge in and drag us all into the car because we apparently were going to the Rose Parade.
I'd never been there before and yes, it was beautiful. Kathleen took a picture of almost every single float, so I'm sure I'll get those someday. Saw George Lucas and told Kathleen that he can't write for shit and destroyed Anakin, his beautiful creation who could have been so much more beautiful. THEY BUILT NABOO. IT WAS SO BEAUTIFUL. I WANTED TO BE PADME SO BADLY! NO not because she gets Anakin.
Um... didn't cheer for USC because I remembered that Yogin hates them.
Had lunch with Johnson's family and Kathleen's family. that was fun. Was attacked by 7 year old Kevin and almost 3 year old Derek. Oh yes and Justine. That was fun. Then went grocery shopping with Kathleen's mom. OH. MY. GOD. I HAVE NEVER MET ANYBODY WHO CAN TAKE THAT LONG GROCERY SHOPPING.
Babysat Derek for a while back at Kathleen's house, cuz Kathleen and Justine collapsed on her bed, their mom collapsed on her bed, and their dad collapsed on the sofa in front of the TV.
Came back to my mom's house to let her in, as she was just getting back from Vegas.
And here are the pictures (Elsa, I dedicate these to you. Paris (the hotel) and Phantom. I wish you could've been there, mellon nin)

The front of the Paris hotel... OPERA GARNIER!
I always thought that Phantom of the Opera should be playing at the PARIS hotel and not at the VENETIAN, since the freakin Paris hotel IS the Opera Garnier..
The fountain:

My mother and I in front of that same fountain:

Just me in front of that fountain. Yes, I liked the fountain, okay?

That's self-explanatory. I actually overheard some French people telling their American guide rather snottily that theirs is a lot taller.
No really.

That would be me and my mom's bf, who seems to like to make funny faces whenever he's in a picture.

I look like I'm holding up the Arc du Triomphe with my head. I like huge.

That would be me with Monsieur Charles Garnier

And that would be his, I mean, Erik's blueprint for the Opera House.

How close is it to the real thing anyway?

DUDE IT'S THE HAAGEN-DAAZ ICE CREAM!!!!! Yes I am wearing a coat.

Do you see that it says "PHANTOM"?! WHEE!!!!

Dale and me after the show.
We walked around the Venetian for quite a bit:

My toes were LITERALLY BLUE after I took them off. I was WADDLING, not from COLD, but from PAIN. I seriously could NOT walk in those things. My mom's like, "I know it hurts. I wear them too. Just suck it up." WHAT THE HECK. GAH. NEVER WEARING BOOTS AGAIN. IN MY LIFE. I STILL can't believe I let her talk me into that.

So pretty.. I took that one.

And to round it off: I was bored... so I turned Amy-esque camera whore:

that last picture is very veryy hott...i mean seriously...and that is very amy...but you look wayyyy better...and u could soo tell amy i said that...and u dont look horrible in boots...how many times did u fall???
...geez, ANONYMOUS. you are so smitten.
lol...nice pics...im tired leave me alone its to early
uh is that a compliment?? if so then thank you...if not then what the hellllll
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