Friday, June 24, 2005

I love the Lord of the Rings. I really do. I haven't watched any of the three films in about three months, though no one will believe that. I love them. I don't think I'll get over it any time soon as you all hope I will. Tis the longest obsession I've ever had.

I love John Ronald Reuel Tolkien. Iluvatar bless that man. May he rest forever in peace, beyond the breaking of the world. Or is he one of the Eldar, watching and waiting in Mandos? That way the genius might be reborn.

I was at the library today, perusing through the classics section for the 936th time since I was six. Again, I found nothing I wanted to read that I haven't read already.

These are the books I really should read, that I need to. I always pick them up, but can never really finish them.
A Tale of Two Cities
Les Miserables
The Scarlet Letter
To Kill A Mockingbird (I read it at 8. It's long escaped my mind.)

I'm probably going to read:
Tess of the D'Urbevilles (if i can make it past that horrid Yorkshire tongue)
The Picture of Dorian Gray
The Scarlet Letter

As I was perusing, I was aching to find a good romance/historical fiction, basically a historical fiction with romance to read. It seems I've read most of them already. ARGH. And another thing about historical fiction writers, they never have the romance end up right, because usually the heroine, since girls seem to read them predominantly, will decide that she needs to be independent, discover her own "true identity", and reject the poor guy. That's what bugged the oieuwrxv out of me in "Fifth of March" by Ann Rinaldi. Rachel REJECTED Matthew in the end. I couldn't believe it! HE was ENGLISH. And she was so enamoured of him!!! I sigh. Yes yes I understand that she needed "to find her place in the world", not run away to England when all was in an upheavel. She needed to be independent, blah blah blah. But he was so PERFECT. ARGH. Even if he killed a bunch of Yanks...

Any suggestions? I think I need to write my own historical fiction romance. Ahhhh!!! But I don't want to research. Actually I do. Need a time period/country to get into. Someone get me into a time period/country. PLEASE! Do it for my sanity! Or suggest a good book. A good thick one that I'm not going to finish for a long long time. One that I'll read everywhere I go, and try to read in the shower, till I discover that water+book=not a good idea. SHHH!!! I was NINE!


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