Friday, April 22, 2005

Writing a short vignette (not a salad dressing, a short story) right now. Was inspired by Elsa's poem. It's called, "The Mistress Sea". It might be thought of as really random. Really no plot at all; just reflection about the sea. I might post it on here when I finish, but then again, I might not. People are going to think me insane; just randomly spitting out poetic musings (in prose form) about the Sea.

Anyway, was EXTREMELY, i mean EXTREMELY pissed at the bus stop today after school. I haven't been that pissed off in a while. The cause?? I'll give you ONE guess. Really not that hard. What pisses me off more than bad test scores and Liverpool losses combined?! Hmm... I WONDER.
So what did the argument start with again?? O yes, how Asian companies always try to be better than "white" companies, when they're not. Kathleen and I were arguing violently; mostly for Japanese products, such as cars and electronics. Camron was trying to deny the existence of Asian products in his home, which is really not true because he has an Infiniti, and practically every electronic in every American home is designed by the Japanese and made by Chinese factories. And he's like, "You drive a Mercedes. That's a GERMAN car. It's because it's superior." Aided by Japanese engineers thank you. Gah, I thought the whole white supremacy thing died out with Hitler. You know me, I'm not the most Asian, I mean, I'm whitewashed! I'm not one of those people who go around saying, "Asian pride!" I study English history in my spare time for Iluvatar's sake! I want to speak French and Russian: European languages, but I don't like it when some guy comes up to me and tells me that I'm inferior half the day. And the funny thing is, he's not even full "white". Let's look at this logically. His dad is Cuban; his mother is "white". In a patriarchal society, who do you think we're counting by? Father or mother? Unless we're Jewish (and if you are, more power to you), we don't count ethnicity by the mother.
I mean, I get crap like this all the time:
"Those stupid Chinese people.."
"If we're so stupid, why is it that the general Chinese population at Troy gets better grades than you, Camron?"
"If you guys are so smart, why can't you even get your own government to work?" I have an hour long case on that, and I could write a college paper on it. Don't get me started.
There's also:
"Hey Elaine! There was a car accident. I bet you it was an Asian driver."
And when we argue about politics: "If you don't like what we're doing, go back and starve on your rice."
Freakin A, one of your ancestors was an immigrant too, you know. You didn't magically appear in this land. Just because some of us haven't been in this country as long; doesn't deny of the respect I hold. Just because I haven't forgotten my heritage, culture, and where I come from. And it doesn't even matter if you're an immigrant and you're Caucasian. You're British? That's so awesome! Do you have an accent? What's your favorite football club? (If it's Everton, then it DOES matter. You have serious problems... Hehe) From France? WHOA! Can you cook? From Russia? Say something in a Cyrillic language!
But NO! YOUR SKIN IS DARKER THAN MINE! GASP! Go eat your RICE! Get out of here you Communist!

And another thing, just because it's not in my culture/heritage to be Christian, or even have a religion, it doesn't make me any worse than any of you. This is what I get, "So you don't believe in ANYTHING?" Stop making Atheists sound like completely barbaric, pagan animals that don't have the imagination to believe in anything. I believe in more things than you could ever dream. Half of you wouldn't even belong to a certain religion if you weren't raised that way. Nice Christian that doesn't ever go to church; that doesn't know the Bible as well as an Atheist who's been raised by those damn inferior Communists, right? My family belongs to a Communist country. We don't believe in religions, so therefore, religion is not a prevalent aspect in my life. I get along just perfectly. I'm not dissing any religion, monotheistic or polytheistic, I don't care if you worship a tree. I'm merely saying, leave some of us who don't have a religion alone. I'm not any better or any worse than you. Just because I don't believe in a supreme deity doesn't mean I don't have feelings, I don't have beliefs, I don't have opinions (I have more opinions, actually), and I don't have emotions. Just leave me alone. If you want to make yourself feel better, don't use stupid things like race and religion to do it.


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