Tuesday, April 19, 2005

I started this post sometime last week, so I'm going to finish.

I told you Elsa went crazy. I'm only taking the questions I like.

What do you fear most in the world: failure, not being remembered, being forsaken, and snakes.
What do you regret the most: i regret too many things. England... fair isle
Sports team: basketball: San Antonio Spurs; football/soccer (depending on where you are) Liverpool Reds, of course. YAY! I CONVERTED ELSA!
Male Athlete: argh. i have so many. Aleksei Nemov above everyone.
Basketball: Tony Parker
Soccer: Michael Owen, Stephen Gerrard, and Jamie Carragher; their all different
positions, so I can like them all as favorites. heheh
Gymnastics: Aleksei Nemov and Aleksei Bondarenko
Female Athlete: Catalina Ponor
Movie: the Lord of the Rings, all three. West Side Story
Actress: erm.. that's an interesting one. I have no idea
Actor: whoa. so many. for acting: Johnny Depp. for looks: too many. Hayden Christensen, Elijah Wood,
T.V. show: Jeopardy, ER, Reba, Smallville
Web site: fanfiction.net; soccernet.com; look at the links on the blog, will ya?
CD: my numerous soundtracks; Celtic music; Enya
State: England
City: anywhere in Cheshire, (Liverpool..)
Lake: argh.. what was that one in Ireland. It was in Killarney, but what was that lake called? anyway, that was one of the best experiences ever.
Ocean: Atlantic. all i have to do is cross it and there fair england is.
Place to be: england
Feeling: not regretting something

*~*~Not so favorite~*~*
Season: autumn: allergies.
Sport: football, as americans like to call it. i like to call it rugby w/ pads. they desecrate the name of football.
Sports team: Lakers, and maybe the Toffees! damn Everton.
Male Athlete: Shaq and Duncan Ferguson
Female Athlete: erm... i don't really have one. hmm.. i shall think.
Movie: erm.. i know i have one for this. what is it. Elsa: what movie do i hate?! probably the 2nd and 3rd Matrix, or any other movie that has nothing but fighting and no plot and no value.
Actress: erm.. i have many of these. hehehe. Keira Knightley bugs me, especially her lips (haha matthew) but she's not bad. OO I KNOW!! HILARY DUFF!! AND LINDSEY LOHAN!! AND MARY-KATE AND ASHLEY OLSEN!!!! ARGH!! THEY ARE SOOOOOOO ANNOYING
Actor: erm.. Tom Cruise. argh there's more.
T.V. show: Blue Collar TV, and all those other reality TV shows
Web site: evertonfc.com; no... they have a few good pics on there (Cahill and Moyes) heheh. probably anime and porn or something; not that i would know of course
Food: erm.. i know there's some for here too. i shall think. i don't like eggs, OO! THOUSAND YEAR EGGS!!! argh; i don't understand why my dad likes those.
Band: heavy metal; dirty rap; basically loud or/and obscene things
Male singer: well Prince scares me. um... who do i not like?? i know there's someone. more girls than guys bug me though; cuz the girls are sluts. I hate it though, especially in rap music, where 98% of the songs are about women, and 97% of the time, they're portrayed as whores that give it all up right away, and wear skimpy clothing. Get a life people, including something not so shallow.
Female singer: omg don't get me started. Ciara, Lindsey Lohan, Hilary Duff, and half the other girls out there
Animal: snakes; scare the crap out of me
Store: there's a song for A&F? I don't like that store either cuz again, shallow, skimpy clothing that are overpriced and undersized
Video rental store: um. there's only two? Blockbuster and Hollywood Video. i like both
President: George W. Bush. I'm not going to explain
Pizza Topping: pineapples. I only like pepperoni anyway
Place to be: Goodison Park (JKJK. I'd actually love to be there, just because its in Liverpool, its a football stadium, and I can watch the Toffees lose to the Reds there!)
Smell: leather! OMG!! NAUSEATING!
Sound: Orcs and nails on a chalkboard
Feeling: regret

*~*~What do you think of when you hear this~*~*
Bill: Clinton! good president; maybe not the greatest in his private life
Britney: she's pregnant
Lamb: Ireland!! pretty...
Bubba: Run Forrest run!!! Bubba-Gump Shrimp
Victoria: I think only Matthew'll get this, but Posh and Becks!
Shadow: Through shadows falling, out of memory and time... Don't say, we have come now to the end, white shores are calling; you and I will meet again, and you'll be here in my arms, just sleeping!!! ::sighs dreamily:: I adore Tolkien... that was one of his favorite words, along with 'darkness', 'light', 'Elves'
Bambi: first movie i ever saw; i wept

*~*~Your friends~*~*
Best friend: Kathleen.. ehhee "I spend too much time with you Elaine!"
Spend most time with: Kathleen and Matthew
Best house: Kathleen... FOOD
Funniest: they can all be hilarious. Elsa makes me laugh; Olivia is hilarious; Matthew makes me weep with laughter; Kathleen's just stupid
Smartest: um... heh. i'd have to think about that one. I'm not sure I can guarantee their IQs. hehehe
Hottest: heh. Anthony Le Tallec. HE IS MY FRIEND! hehehe. i wish. Fine... Feanaro and Maglor, and Kathleen he is NOT imaginary!!!!
Strongest: erm. probably Camron?
Most athletic: Ashley, Camron, and Kathleen
Knows you the best: Kathleen
Most outgoing: ME
Most shy: um... people would say Kathleen was shy, but I could never see that. oooo Vorinwe! Connie!!!
Always negative: its called pessimistic, Elsa. Camron, definitely Camron, though Elsa on her drama queen rolls is scary too.
Most trustworthy: my closest friends are all trustworthy. Probably Connie, followed closely by Kathleen when she's not TEASING me
Most fun to be with: they all are! Elsa! Kathleen! Connie! Matthew!
Biggest flirt: HAH OLIVIA
Best dressed: Hey Matthew! This is Elsa's response, "gondorian with her owen jerseys." THAT'S ME RIGHT THERE! HAH!!! SOMEONE LIKES MY JERSEYS!!! erm.. none of them really care about dress
Best eyes: erm... Isaac has the prettiest eyes; Camron has the deepest eyes, and Matthew's eye color is so pretty
Most depressed: erm.. me? probably my writer friends; some of them
One to gossip with: i dont gossip...i just listen to it. hehe
Sweetest: erm.. erm.... erm... matthew
Most annoying: HAH. ROYSTON
Who follows you: um.. i don't know. I am the center of attention though, worship me!
Who do you follow: depends on the situation. Usually some stupid impulse of mine, or JRR Tolkien
Who do you pretend to like but cant stand: HAH too many people. It's sad that this list outnumbers the friend list.
Do you make friends easily: i suppose
Are you intimidated by any of your friends: define intimidation. Not really by any of them, though if i had to say, I might say Camron, but I wouldn't call that intimidation
If u were stranded on a desert island then who, out of your friends, would u want to be there with u: can i pick more than one? Alright I don't care, I'm picking more than one: Kathleen, Connie, and Matthew
Who do u think would help u the most if u were in trouble: Kathleen
Who do u think would risk their life to save yours: um.. i don't know. Hopefully I'll never find out
Who is the most popular: Ashley
Who is the most unpopular: KATHLEEN! JKJKJK!!!!!!!!!!
Who do u want to go to college with: all of them!!! Elsa, Connie, Kathleen, Matthew, Karisha, etc
Who do u wish could be part of your family: I'm already part of Kathleen's family
Who is the biggest junk food junkie: me
Who would do anything for 1 million bucks: camron
Who do u think has the nicest siblings: not Kathleen! Tristin (Camron's brother) tried to shoot me today w/ his toy gun thing, so not him either. umm... James seems.. interesting, so I'll say Matthew's, since he hasn't bugged me yet. "SPIN!!!" Ooo Connie and Jojo are awesome, so I'll say Connie.
Who do u think has the nicest mom: Matthew's mom is pretty nice, though she makes fun of me... OOO Mrs. Miller. Isaac's
Who do u think has the nicest dad: um.. Isaac's? gah, his parents are too nice. Definitely not Matthew's! Bloody Evertonian..
Who do you have the most inside jokes with: with too many people. Probably Kathleen though: 12 years of jokes. Elsa too, though they usually offend me! Sydney, Olivia, all of the UK trip people, Matthew, Camron, Roshi, Isaac, and of course, Connie.

*~*~This or That~*~*
N'sync or BSB: BSB!!! I LOVE THEM!
98 degrees or O town: erm... i don't like either, but O*Town I guess, though both have a few good songs
Happy or sad: depends. sad if i'm writing
Sexy or Cute: Hah depends on the guy... *giggles* but most of the time, cute
Strong or weak: emotionally, mentally, or physically?? mentally--definitely strong; emotionally--strong, i suppose. physically--whatever.. unless he's a Liverpudlian, cuz then he has to be able to kick Everton @$$!
Walk or run: well, when elaine "walks" to classes, some think its a run..
Sunny or cloudy: cloudy!!!! like ENGLAND!
Mcdonalds or Burger king: McDonalds.
mr pibb or dr pepper: EWWWWWW
white chocolate or normal chocolate: CHOCOLATE?! WHERE?!?!??!!?!?! i like milk, but any are good
Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate!
Writing or typing: depends on the situation. When I draft poetry, I can only write, as the words don't flow on the keyboard, but typing is more efficient
Pen or pencil: pen.
Blonde or brunette: i'm going to say brunette
knotts or disneyland: Knotts!!!
Swimmer's ear or ear infection: they both hurt. I have swimmer's ear right now
Mercedes or BMW: BMW

*~*~Which way would you spell it~*~*
Megan or Meghan: Megan
Lacey or Lacy: both? depending on how i felt
Steven or Stephen: awww.... GERRARD!! WARNOCK!!!!!! FINNAN!!! depending on my mood and the person. Gerrard seems more like a Steven, but always Stevie to me, while Warnock more a Stephen, while Finnan is just Steve.
Kurt or Curt: Kurt
Mark or Marc: mark
Brandi or Brandy: brandy
Eric or Erik: erik
Corrine or Carine: never heard of that name: Corrine?
Kari or Carrie: Carey
Jackie or Jackqui: Jackie
Deseray or Desirae: Desiree
Ashley or Ashleigh: Ashley
Their or there: where its proper
Two, too, or to: where its proper
Here or hear: where its proper

*~*~Love life~*~*
Do you have a crush: heh
Whats his or her name: go away
How old are they: 14 (the others are 24 & 25, respectively)
How long have you liked him or her: go away
If you could kiss anyone in the world, who would it be: HAHAHA this'll be a long list. hehehehe.. i think matthew'll kill me for this... let's say, they both wore red for long periods fo time
If you could date anyone in the world, who would it be: hehehehee. this list is even longer.
What is the biggest turn off: there are many; the biggest is the inability to hold a conversation with me, disrespect for everything i hold dear, ESPECIALLY MY FOOTBALL TEAM (JKJK), and tattoos. they just scare me
What is the biggest turn on: um.. many things
Do you think there is a person for everyone: yes
If yes, do you know who yours is: i'm 15, give me a break
Where is the best place to be kissed: HAH. ANFIELD!!! i wouldn't know though.. *cries*
Where is the most romantic place to take a date: Ithilien!! or some little cafe in London or Paris

Last word you said: nose
Last song you sang: erm.. this is actually kind of hard. "Memory" from Cats?? O NO! THE ROMANIAN SONG!!
Last meal you ate: dumplings
Favorite childhood cartoon: Hey Arnold
Last song stuck in your head: wrongly enough: Lean Back by Fat Joe. It was playing at the pool deck, and wouldn't go away, and Kathleen didn't help
Last time you bled: at lunch today when i somehow cut myself w/o knowing it--again

What's in your CD player: erm.. i think Phantom of the Opera or West Side Story. WOW no! Kate Rusby: Underneath the Stars (british folk)
What color sox are you wearing: hah! Me? Socks? never!
What's under your bed: scary things

Who do you want to marry: Stevie Gerrard! NOO! i wouldn't, don't worry. I don't know... some guy
Are you going to college: of course, hopefully an Ivy League, or Oxford/Cambridge
Where do you want to go: Ivy League, Oxford, or Cambridge
What is your career going to be: probably english, law, political science, something like that, philology (i wish)
Where are you going to live: Liverpool!! hopefully somewhere in England, preferably in Cheshire
How many kids do you want: none. kids scare me, but if i do have kids: 3
Kids names girls: Leah and Iris
Kids names boys: Isaac
Where do you want your honeymoon: Europe

*~*~Have you ever~*~*
Smoked: NEVER!
Been Drunk: NEVER!
Been high: define "high"
Stayed up all night on the internet: Yeah.
Met someone off the internet (in person): Nope.
Cried over a guy/girl: yup.. do that a lot
Been in a fist fight: nope.
Been in a cat fight: define "cat fight"
Wanted to kill someone: "kill" is a harsh word
Fell off a chair: HAH! BIOLOGY
Kissed the same sex: eww no

Do you like your handwriting: most of the time. one of my numerous fonts
If you could be anybody, who would you be and why: i love being myself, except the allergies right now. erm.. not Paris Hilton. um.. rafa benitez--no. too old, but he gets to be around those guys all the time.. hehehe.. probably Eowyn
Are you picky: at Subway
What makes you mad: camron
What makes you cry: poetry; camron
Who do you admire: JRR Tolkien
What is the one place you have to visit before you die: every nation in Europe
What is the farthest your have traveled: hmm.. which is farther? China or UK?
Who is a DIVA: Svetlana Khorkina!
Do you use big words to sound smart: i'm sorry if your measly brain cannot understand my vocabulary
When you get mad, do you swear a lot: no. just "bloody" and "freaking"


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