Uh-oh... Simon's going on another one of his infamous scenarios. This time, instead of Legolas, it's Anakin... Great.. he's going to "own" them both now! O wait, o wait, he's "Creating imagery, not of violence, but of beauty." Now Simon is scaring me! This'll be interesting. Disturbing, but interesting. O now out come the lightsabers. This is really funny.
Anyway, poor Stevie!! He was relatively quiet in the CL game yesterday... guess WHY? a TOOTHACHE! He had to go to the dentists' three hours before the match because it hurt so badly he couldn't go to sleep. Poor baby... *hugs* And no Matthew, this is NOT another Liverpudlian excuse to make up for his inadequacy. Gerrard is the best player ever.
And speaking of Stevie, I'm going to change my desktop from a nighttime Rivendell scene to this, if I can get away w/ it with my dad. It's okay to have the whole freakin team as my desktop, as I did before, but NO, not a single player, because it shows preference, and my dad doesn't believe that i like them purely in a professional way. He's probably right for a few of them... Hehee... The Le Tallec one doesn't look good, or else I'd do that one too.

I love how he looks in the background. He's actually smiling!!! So cute.. Eh, not really. Gerrard's not the best looking of guys, my personal bias aside, but him being a Scouser, and the Liverpool skipper endears him to me. He's not bad, especially when he smiles. Wrinkle issues though, if I do say so myself. Ah well, best player in England. Michael... why did you leave?!?!?
Actually, now that I study the picture intently, he is REALLY cute in that pic... Probably one of the best pics of Stevie; i mean, he's actually smiling. Aww... *sighs dreamily* Yea... I could stare at that for a long time. (Don't worry Matthew... he's unattainable. hehehe jkjk. Even if he were, you know who's better)
ARgh.. Simon is dragging this out. Why won't he just die already??? "with extreme difficulty, I block his two lightsabers, and lose my footing" JUST SHUT UP AND DIE!!! HEheheheeh..
Labeled all my bugs today, while watching Liverpool kick Chelsea butt!! Including Stevie Gerrard!!!!!!!!! with his toothache and sleep depravation. Hah he should go to Troy if he wants to know about that.
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